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Infant Nutrition up to 1 Year
Introducing New Foods
4-6 months: solid foods
Baby should sit upright
Start with rice cereal
Mix with formula or breast milk
Adds extra nutrition
Feed with spoon, never put in bottle
Choking hazard
Usually spit out food
Feeding reflex
Vegetables, then Fruits
Likeability Factor
 Vegetables first
Fruits after vegetables
Bland in taste
Sweet taste
1 food at a time
At least 3 days
Allergy Concerns
Introduce single ingredient foods
Helps identify reactions
Possible food allergies
Increase in gas
Fussiness after eating
Safety with Baby Food
Wash lids before opening jars
Spoon out small portion from the jar to
another bowl to feed from
bacteria from saliva contaminates the leftover
Only exception: baby eats whole jar
Introduce sippy cup around 6 months
If giving, juice, start cup
100% fruit juice
Dilute with water
Should be completely weaned from bottle
by 1 year
Decrease dependence
Decrease baby bottle tooth decay
Signs for Weaning
Playing or looking around while drinking from
Pushing bottle away
Preferring to eat from spoon
Self Feeding
8-10 months start to eat with fingers and
reach for spoon
Provide finger foods
Can introduce utensils
Self Feeding Safety
Cut food in small pieces
Give few pieces at a time
Easy to break up with little to no chewing
Dry toast, cereal, bananas, small pieces of
Choking hazards:
Nuts, peanut butter, grapes, candy, chips,
pretzels, popcorn, cut up raw vegetables
Nutritional Concerns
Bottle-fed babies are more likely overfed
than breastfed babies
Urge to finish bottle
Breastfeeding, the baby stops when full
Enough calories needed for rapid growth
Foods need protein, iron, vitamins B, C, D
Easy to digest
Adequate amounts of liquid