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Cecie Starr
Christine Evers
Lisa Starr
Chapter 19
Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaeans
(Sections 19.6 - 19.8)
Albia Dugger • Miami Dade College
19.6 Bacterial Reproduction
and Gene Exchange
• Bacteria reproduce by binary fission: replication of a single,
circular chromosome and division of a parent cell into two
genetically equivalent descendants
• binary fission
• Method of asexual reproduction that divides one bacterial
or archaean cell into two identical descendant cells
4 Steps in Binary Fission
1. Circular chromosome
attaches to inside of
plasma membrane
2. Cell duplicates
chromosome, attaches
copy beside the original,
and adds membrane
and wall material
between them
4 Steps in Binary Fission
3. When cell has almost
doubled in size, new
membrane and wall are
4. Two genetically
identical cells result
4 Steps in Binary Fission
A bacterium has one circular
chromosome that attaches to the
inside of the plasma membrane.
The cell duplicates its
chromo-some, attaches the
copy beside the original, and
adds membrane and wall
material between them.
When the cell has almost
doubled in size, new membrane
and wall are deposited across its
Two genetically identical
cells result.
Fig. 19.7, p. 303
4 Steps in Binary Fission
A bacterium has one circular
chromosome that attaches to the
inside of the plasma membrane.
The cell duplicates its
chromo-some, attaches the
copy beside the original, and
adds membrane and wall
material between them.
When the cell has almost
doubled in size, new membrane
and wall are deposited across its
Two genetically identical
cells result.
Stepped Art
Fig. 19.7, p. 303
Animation: Prokaryotic Fission
Horizontal Gene Transfers
• Horizontal gene transfers move genes between existing
individuals (cells)
• In conjugation, one cell gives a plasmid to the other
• One cell extends a sex pilus out to another cell
• The cell that made the sex pilus passes a copy of its
plasmid to its partner
Key Terms
• horizontal gene transfer
• Transfer of genetic material
• conjugation
• Mechanism of gene exchange in which one bacterial or
archaean cell passes a plasmid to another
• plasmid
• Of many bacteria and archaeans, a small ring of
nonchromosomal DNA replicated independently of the
Prokaryotic Conjugation
• One cell extends a sex pilus to another, draws it close, and
gives it a copy of a plasmid
Horizontal Gene Transfers (cont.)
• Two other processes can also introduce new genes:
1. A cell can take up DNA from its environment,
2. Viruses that infect bacteria sometimes move genes
between their hosts
• Gene transfers help genes spread through a population,
accelerating response to selective pressure
Key Concepts
• Replication and Gene Exchange
• Bacteria have a single chromosome and some also have
one or more plasmids
• They reproduce by fission, a type of asexual reproduction
• Cells can exchange genes by swapping plasmids, and by
other processes
ANIMATION: Prokaryotic Conjugation
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19.7 Bacterial Diversity
• Bacteria are widespread, abundant, and diverse
• Most bacteria are either harmless or beneficial
• Many bacteria have essential ecological roles :
• Decomposers
• Cycle nutrients
• Form partnerships with other species
Heat-Loving Bacteria
• Modern heat-loving bacteria may resemble early cells
• One species, Thermus aquaticus, was discovered in a
volcanic spring in Yellowstone National Park
• A heat-stable enzyme from T. aquaticus (DNA polymerase)
was used in the first PCR reactions
Oxygen-Producing Cyanobacteria
• Cyanobacteria produce oxygen during photosynthesis
• Some carry out nitrogen fixation, producing ammonia
that algae and plants need as a nutrient
• Some partner with fungi and form lichens
• Spirulina is grown commercially
• cyanobacteria
• Photosynthetic, oxygen-producing bacteria
Key Terms
• nitrogen fixation
• Incorporation of gaseous nitrogen (N=N) into ammonia
• Plants and algae need nitrogen but cannot use nitrogen
gas because they cannot break its triple bond – they can
take up ammonia produced by nitrogen fixers
Important Cyanobacteria
• Chain of cyanobacteria,
with many
photosynthetic, oxygenproducing cells and one
nitrogen-fixing cell
Important Cyanobacteria
Fig. 19.9a, p. 304
Highly Diverse Proteobacteria
• Proteobacteria are the largest bacterial lineage:
• Some are nitrogen-fixers (Rhizobium)
• Myxobacteria show remarkable cooperative behavior
(multicelled fruiting bodies with spores)
• Escherichia coli are part of our normal flora
• Some important pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobacter,
Helicobactor pylori, Vibrio cholerae)
• Rickettsias (intracellular parasites) are the closest
relatives of mitochondria
Key Terms
• proteobacteria
• Largest bacterial lineage
• normal flora
• Normally harmless or beneficial microorganisms that
typically live in or on a body
Important Proteobacteria
• Thiomargarita
namibiensis, the largest
known bacterium
• It has an enormous
vacuole that holds sulfur
and nitrate
The Thick-Walled Gram Positives
• Gram-positive bacteria have thick walls
• Some Gram-positive soil bacteria (Clostridium, Bacillus)
produce endospores that allow them to survive boiling,
freezing, radiation, and disinfectants
• endospore
• Resistant resting stage of some soil bacteria
The Thick-Walled Gram Positives
• Gram-positive bacteria have thick walls
• Some Gram-positive soil bacteria (Clostridium , Bacillus)
produce endospores that allow them to survive boiling,
freezing, radiation, and disinfectants
• endospore
• Resistant resting stage of some soil bacteria
• Gram staining is a method used to prepare bacteria for
examination under a microscope
• Gram staining
• Process used to prepare bacterial cells for microscopy,
and to distinguish groups based on cell wall structure
• Thick walled Gram-positive bacteria are tinted purple
• Thinner-walled Gram-negative bacteria such as
cyanobacteria and proteobacteria are stained pink
Important Gram Positive
• Lactate-fermenting
bacteria (Lactobacillus)
in yogurt
• Related cells are
decomposers or part of
the human normal flora
Some Dangerous Gram-Positives
• Some endospore-forming bacteria make deadly toxins:
• Bacillus anthracis: anthrax
• Clostridium tetani: tetanus
• C. botulinum: botulism
• Dangerous infections:
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis: tuberculosis
• Streptococcus: strep throat, “flesh-eating bacteria”
• Staphylococcus: Antibiotic-resistant staph infections
Dangerous Gram-Positives
• Staphylococci, common
skin bacteria
• Abscess caused by an
antibiotic-resistant staph
Spring-Shaped Spirochetes
• Spirochetes are spiral-shaped bacteria
• Include aquatic decomposers, nitrogen fixers, and bacteria
that live in cattle gut and break down cellulose
• Some are pathogens:
• Cause of sexually-transmitted disease syphilis
• Cause of Lyme disease, transmitted by ticks
• spirochetes
• Bacteria that resemble a stretched-out spring
Spirochete That Causes Lyme Disease
• Bull’s eye rash around a tick bite is a sign of infection
Parasitic Chlamydias
• Chlamydias are tiny cocci that live inside vertebrate cells
• Chlamydia infection is the most common sexually transmitted
bacterial disease in the United States
• chlamydias
• Tiny round bacteria that are intracellular parasites of
eukaryotic cells
Key Concepts
• Bacterial Diversity
• Bacteria are well studied and highly diverse
• They put oxygen into the air, supply nutrients to plants,
and break down wastes and remains
• Some live in or on our bodies and have beneficial effects
• Others are pathogens that cause human disease
ANIMATION: Gram Staining
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19.8 The Archaeans
• Archaeans superficially resemble bacteria, but comparisons
of structure, function, and genetic sequences position them in
a separate domain, closer to eukaryotes and bacteria
Discovery of the Third Domain
• Biologists historically divided all life into two groups,
prokaryotes and eukaryotes
• New evidence revealed differences in structure, organization,
and gene sequences between bacteria and archaeans
• The three domain model is now considered correct
The Third Domain
The Third Domain
Fig. 19.12, p. 306
Archaean Diversity
• Archaeans are more diverse and widely distributed than
previously thought
• In their physiology, many archaeans are methanogens
(methane makers), extreme halophiles (salt lovers), and
extreme thermophiles (heat lovers)
• Archaeans coexist with bacteria in many habitats and can
exchange genes with them
• methanogen
• Organism that produces
methane gas (CH4) as a
metabolic by-product
• Adapted to anaerobic
conditions (deep-sea
hydrothermal vents,
soils, cow guts)
Extreme Halophiles
• extreme halophile
• Organism adapted to life
in a highly salty
Extreme Thermophiles
• extreme thermophile
• Organism adapted to life
in a very hightemperature
environment; such as a
hot spring
Key Concepts
• Archaean Diversity
• Archaeans were discovered relatively recently
• Many are adapted to life in very hot or very salty places
• Others live in low-oxygen environments and make
• Still others live beside bacteria in soils and seas
• None cause human disease
Evolution of a Disease (revisited)
• Pathogens coevolve with their hosts
• Example: HIV seems to be adapting to human immune
defenses; escape mutations help HIV evade detection by
recognition proteins of white blood cells
• Selection also favors hosts that can fight off a pathogen
• Example: About 10 percent of people of European
ancestry have a mutation that lessens the likelihood of
infection by most HIV strains