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Classification System
Mrs. Engbrecht
7th Red Team
Classification System
 Kingdom
 Phylum
 Class
 Order
 Family
 Genus – family name
 Species – your name
Classification System
Domain (Do)
 Kingdom (kids)
 Phylum (play)
 Class (chess)
 Order (on)
 Family (fat)
 Genus (green)
 Species (stools?)
Five Kingdoms
Monerans (monkeys)
 Protists (pretty)
 Fungi (funky)
 Plants (party)
 Animals (animals)
Simplest of all organisms
 No nuclei
 One celled
 Live in soil or water
 Some are parasites
 In you, on you, air, water, soil
 Cell wall and cell membrane
 No chlorophyll
 Live off other organisms
 Like moist and dark
 Round – rod – spiral (shape)
Blue green algae
 Water or soil
 Microscopic
 No chloroplast, but chlorophyll
 Can not move, but float and glide
Monerans and People
Produce oxygen
 Spoil food, cause disease
 Help to break down matter
 Help plants to grow
 Help make buttermilk and cheese
Animal like
 Protozoans
 Capture and eat food
 Water, soil, other organisms
 Whip tails to move
 Paramecia – cilia – eat algae, bacteria and
other protists
 Amoeba – shapeless pseudopods “false feet”
- bottoms of ponds, leaves of plants
Plant like
 Algae
 Diatoms – one celled – fresh or salt water –
respond to light, heat or chemicals
 Valvox – one celled – live in colonies – tail
propels it – fresh water
 Sea lettuce – many celled algae – bottom of
ocean – resembles a garden of lettuce
 Euglena – plant like and animal like – fresh
water ponds – tail whips – eat bacteria
Plantlike organism – do not contain
 Cannot make their own food
 Parasites (eat off living and dead)
 One celled or many celled
 Grow in dark, warm moist places
Kinds of Fungi
One celled
 Yeast
 Mildews
 Many celled
 Molds
 Mushrooms
How Fungi Reproduce
Spores – spread easily
 Tiny
 So many
 Budding – yeast grows within one hour,
breaks off and is a new cell
Fungi and People
 Poisonous
 Destroy crops - Dutch elm disease
 Athletes foot
 Breaks down dead matter in nature – helps soil
 Yeast – breads
 Cheese
 Penicillin