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Breast Cancer
Teen Health 8
The most common type of breast cancer begins in
the lining of the ducts, and it’s called ductal
carcinoma. Another type is called lobular
carcinoma, aries in the lobular. For most breast
cancers the cause is unknown.
2 genes BRC1 and BRC2 have been found in a
familiar type of breast cancer
 A number of other factors have been identified
including, obesity, early menstruation beginning,
and delayed or absent child.
 * It may occur in men as well as women, (more
common in women)
 1 in 8 or 9 American women will develop it, at
some point of their lives
Definition (con.)
no connection of breast cancer, for women who have
small or large breasts
the errata of breast cancer is lower in undeveloped
higher in more rich countries
whites have a higher incidence of getting it the nonwhites ( especially those of northern European descent)
the incidence of non-whites specifically blacks is
increasing in women under 60yrs.
lumps or mass in the armpits
change of color or feel of skin on the breast, nipple or
– dimpled, puckered or scaly
– retraction (orange peal)
– redness
– enlarged vein on the breast suface
– itching
For most breast cancers the cause is unknown
 studies show that alcohol is a slightly higher risk
among women
 The risk goes up with more alcohol
 so women who drink should to so in moderation
mammographs may help identify the breast mass
 ultrasonograph can show whether the lump is solid
or filled with fluids
 Thermograph can also help identify the mass
People who have breast cancer have a live
threatening disease
 It may kill them
 the lives of those who have breast cancer as well
as their families
 breast cancer may be hereditary
Cases/ year
Around 5,000 people in America are diagnosed
with breast cancer each year
 25% are over 60yrs.
 5% are men
 42% are women over 30yrs.
 10% are women who are over weight
 and the other 20% have found out to late and it
has already become cancerous
Appears more in women who’s diet is very high in
 older women who are over weight also seem to
have an increased risk
 Family histories of breast cancer (mother, sibling)
 the possible link between diet and breast cancer is
still under more study