Download The SYSPRO eCommerce System

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the power to change
About Dovetail Internet
 Located in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
 Founded in 1999 to build and develop
“Internet Solutions That Fit.”
 Work with our clients to maximize the
potential and profit of their web site by
augmenting their own capabilities with those
of our product and service offerings.
Our Products
 novo is a web-based application that provides
its users with a powerful, easy-to-use website
content engine.
 CyberStore is a dynamic e-commerce engine
that connects manufacturers and distributor
websites with their customers to sell online.
Our Services
 Web Design
 Web Updates
 Web & Email Hosting
 Web Advisory Services
 Support
Ideal for Companies Who…
 Require frequent updates to their website content
 Use their website to post events
 Have a need to easily update their site from
Want to periodically update the site design
without have to rebuild the content
Need to post information quickly
Require an easy interface to make simple updates
without having a programming degree
Want to maintain multiple brand identities from
one source
Ideal for Websites That…
 Provide detailed marketing information
 Offer valuable resource information
 List product technical information
 Allow certain visitors to gain access to
restricted content
 List company news, events, job postings, etc…
 Need to be updated regularly and quickly
 Need to add to your bottom line
Focuses and simplifies
 Managing content
 Organizing navigation
 Streamlining design
 Displaying literature
 Posting press releases
 Distributing documentation
 Managing knowledge
 Supporting your customers
Ease of Use
 Web application
 Easy to learn and used editor
 Intuitive tree system
 Built in spell check
 Online help
 Trainable and repeatable
The Management Console
Keyword Manager
Job Listings
Literature Rack
File Manager
Managing Users
Restricting Access
the power to change
For more information