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Prototyping the sensor web
Presentation to WGISS
Hanoi May 2007
(Slides courtesy of Comsine)
Wyn Cudlip
[email protected]
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
BNSC, as part of its International Co-operation
Programme, funds a number of small
“Exploitation Projects” aimed at allowing UK
companies to exploit and contribute to
international activities.
OSCAR is one such project.
Duration: Jan to Aug 2007.
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OSCAR – OGC Compliant Sensor
Control & Access Resource
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Project Objectives
Work with user partners to understand requirements and
determine focus of the project
Build a UK software resource that supports the major aspects of
the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) specifications
Look at the role Satellite Communication can play in a Sensor
Web architecture
Investigate the integration of in-situ sensor measurements with
Earth Observation (EO) data resources
Provide a live demonstration of the OSCAR framework based on
use case scenarios
Use feedback from the user partners to understand the future
direction of OSCAR
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Critical Software
already operate an extensive network of in-situ sensors
Portuguese technical consulting company
Sensor Web Interests: monitoring coastal waters
UK Environment Agency
Portuguese software development company
Sensor Web interests: operational service for fire hazards
Small UK software development company
UK Satellite Communications Company
Suppliers of terminals operating under the Inmarsat D+ service
Sensor Web Interests: Oil Pipeline Monitoring
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
2 Sensor Nodes (one in UK, one in Australia)
Each node will host a weather station sensor and a webcam for
taking stills imagery
Australia Node will use Satellite Communications over the
Inmarsat D+ service
UK Node will be directly connected to the Internet via Ethernet
Use subset of the O&M and SensorML XML encodings
Code major elements of the SOS, SPS, SAS and WNS web services
Describe both sensors and their observations
Obtain sensor descriptions and sensor observations
Issue a tasking request for a sensor (will be partially simulated)
Register to receive alerts for “alarming conditions” from a sensor
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OGC SWE Components
Observations & Measurements (O&M)
Sensor Modelling Language (SensorML)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Implementation Specification 05-086r2
Subset of encoding to describe the following sensors
– Weather Station (WS-2300)
– WebCam (e.g. Logitech QuickCam Messenger)
Transducer Markup Language (TML)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Best Practices Document 05-087r4
Subset of encoding to handle the following observations
– Temperature, Rainfall, Wind Speed/Direction, Humidity, Air Pressure
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Implementation Specification 06-010r2
TML will not be implemented for this phase of OSCAR (will be simulated)
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OGC SWE Components
Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Implementation Specification 06009r1
A web service for describing Sensors and obtaining their Observations
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OGC SWE Components
Sensor Planning Service (SPS)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Implementation Specification 05-089r3
A web service for tasking a sensor
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OGC SWE Components
Sensor Alert Service (SAS)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Discussion Paper 06-028
A web service that allows a sensor to be monitored for an
“alarming condition”, e.g. temperature exceeds a given value
A user may subscribe to receive alerts
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OGC SWE Components
Web Notification Service (WNS)
XML Encoding compliant with OGC Best Practices Document 06-095
Web Service for mediating asynchronously between web services, e.g.
– Confirmation of a tasking request from an SPS
– Issuing an alert from an SAS when an “alarming condition” occurs
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
OSCAR Client
Web based client application for demonstrating the use
case scenarios
Background mapping for viewing Sensor Node locations and details
Getting sensor descriptions and observations from an SOS
Obtain task-able parameters and submit a tasking request to an SPS
Subscribe to receive alerts from an SAS
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Sensor Node
Laptop PC with Weather Station and WebCam sensors
attached via RS-232 or USB
A Data Logger will record observations
Sensor Node will send observations via some
communications protocol
Communications via SATCOM and Internet will be
OSCAR Server
The OSCAR Server will periodically scan the Data
Repository for new observations
The Data Loader will load new observations into Data
Data Storage will store observations using SWE O&M
Data Storage will also store description of the sensor using
SWE SensorML
OSCAR SWE and Client
A set of OGC SWE compliant web services accessible over
the internet
Sensor Observation Service
Issue planning requests
Sensor Alert Service
Obtain O&M and SensorML
Sensor Planning Service
Monitor sensors for “alarming conditions”
Web Notification Service
System Context
Alert user of “alarming condition”
Mediate with user for planning requests
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Australian Demo Site
UK Demo Site
Satamatics SAT-201 terminal via Inmarsat D+
Sensor Node will load SAT-201 with latest
Observations are sent via satellite to the LES
The MHS (gateway) will retrieve messages
from the LES
Message Client on the OSCAR Server will use
ASPI-XML to look for new observations
New Observations are written to the Data
Sensor Node connected to the internet via a
wired Ethernet connection
New observations will be sent directly over
the internet to the Data Repository (e.g. FTP)
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Web Services Architecture
O&M and SensorML are stored in a
PostGres/PostGIS relational database
Data exposed to upper layers using
Java Data Objects (Object Persistence)
Web Service is implemented as Java
OGC SWE XML requests and
responses are marshalled and unmarshalled into objects using Apache
XML Beans (Data Binding)
Client passes XML requests and
responses using SOAP over HTTP
Non XML messages handled via Java
Servlet, e.g. GetCapabilities
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007
Demonstrator implementation
Due to begin early-July
Demonstration of use cases to partners
Extreme Weather Warnings
Hazardous Waste Monitoring
The majority of the components will be demonstrated
through a real software implementation
Where an implementation is not available (e.g. tasking
requests), the demonstration will be partially simulated
Real and Simulated aspects of the demonstration are
identified in the User Requirements Document (CSLOSCAR-URD-001)
Feedback will be provided from all the user partners
CEOS WGISS, Hanoi May 2007