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Sushil Kumar Kushwaha
(SEO & PPC Analyst)
 What is Web Crawler ?
 What is a Search Engine?
 Examples of Popular Search Engines
 Search Engines Statistics
 Why Search Engine Marketing Important?
 Introduction to SEO
 SEO Techniques
 What is a SEO Algorithm?
 Steps to Developing a Good SEO Strategy
 Ranking Factors
 Basic Tips for Optimization
 Benefits & Conclusion
 References & Bibliography
What is a Web Crawler?
 A Web Crawler is a computer program that browses the
World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner.
 Web Crawler is a Web service that help users
o Automating the task of link traversal.
o Creating a searchable index of the web.
o Fulfilling searchers’ queries from the index.
What is a Search Engine?
An internet-based tool that searches an index of documents
for a particular term, phrase or text specified by the user.
Spider, Indexer, Database, Algorithm.
 Find matching documents and display them according to
 Frequent updates to documents searched and ranking
 Strive to produce “better”, more relevant results than
Examples Popular Search Engines
How Do Search Engines Work?
 Spider “crawls” the web to find new documents (web pages, other
documents) typically by following hyperlinks from websites
already in their database.
 Search engines Indexes the content (text, code) in these
documents by adding it to their databases and then periodically
updates this content.
 Search engines search their own Databases when a user enters in
a search to find related documents (not searching web pages in
 Search engines rank the resulting documents using an Algorithm
(mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking
Search Engines Statistics
Search Engine Market Survey in Nov 2010 for Searches in
the USA
 Google – 46.3%
 Yahoo – 23.4%
 MSN – 11.4%
 AOL – 6.9%
 Ask Jeeves – 2.3%
Why Search Engine Marketing Important?
 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search
 90% of all users look the only top 10 results on Search
 Search engine traffic is low and websites aren’t indexed
because they are generally poorly optimized.
 Cost-effective Advertising.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
SEO is refers to the process of “optimizing” both
the on-page and off-page ranking factors in order
to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted
search terms.
 SEO is refers to the “Industry” that has been
created regarding using keyword searching a
means of increasing relevant traffic to a website.
Introduction to SEO
Search Engine Optimization involves altering
website code, content, and presence in order to
increase rankings in search engines
At least half a billion searches are made worldwide
on a daily basis.
If you are ranked at the top of a search engine, you
are essentially running a free marketing campaign.
Introduction to SEO
Which Search Engine?
 Main players which you must always consider optimizing
for, namely Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and AskJeeves.
 Although Google makes up for almost half of worldwide
searches, it is not always a good tactic to relate your site
prominence only on Google.
 If half a billion searches are made per day, this means that
over 250,000,000 are made on other Search Engines & rest
of only on Google.
Introduction to SEO
What a Search Engine Sees
Spiders do not see a page like humans do, as it
cannot describe an image, or tell you how pretty a
site looks.
Instead, it looks at the HTML code and structures it
to make sense.
Using a text browser, or disabling images and
CSS are a good way of seeing your site through
a search engines eyes.
Introduction to SEO
What a Search Engine Sees (Cont.) Without CSS and Images
Introduction to SEO
What a Search Engine Sees (Cont.) WITH CSS and Images
SEO Techniques
Keywords are the words on a webpage that best
describe that page.
Keyword selection is the most important step to
effective SEO.
The Keywords you use will be the phrases where you
want to be highly ranked on SEs.
Time and Research should go into selecting the
appropriate keywords before doing any SEO.
SEO Techniques
Keywords (Cont.)
Keywords Tools
Google Suggest(free)
Google AdWords(free)
Free Keyword Tool with its AdWords
WordTracker (paid)
SEO Techniques
Meta Tags
Meta tags are used to provide a description of the page,
and a list of main keywords it uses.
Search engines are getting smarter everyday, so they
may penalise you for cramming.
Some search engines reportedly don’t even look at the
meta tags (e.g. Google).
SEO Techniques
Title Tag
The text in this tag shows up on the top of your
browser window.
Quite Important to include keywords here, as the
title will give a general summary for what your
page is about.
Most search engines see this tag as an important
tag for categorizing what type of site you have.
SEO Techniques
Anchor Tags
Search Engines use anchor tags to rank your site
in many ways:
 Text in anchor tags are given a lot of
 If other sites link to you, this must mean your
site is popular, and so you increase in rankings.
 The most popular sites would, be linked to by
many websites throughout the internet.
SEO Techniques
Anchor Tags (Cont.)
 Example: Why a sitemap is effective.
This is a website with a site map.
This is a website without a site map.
Page 4
Page 1
Page 1 and
2 can only
reach page
3 via page
Page 2
Page 3
Page 1 and 2
can now reach
page 3 in many
SEO Techniques
H1, H2, H3, etc. Tags
It is always a good idea to structure your content so
that it contains these tags at beginning of paragraphs,
tables, sections, etc.
It is quite logical that a search engine gets the
overview of a paragraph from a header tag.
We know what this slide is about by looking at the title
of the slide.
SEO Techniques
Images are not read by search engines, and so you
should avoid using too many images on your site.
Many sites use images for fancy fonts, when they
contain keywords that are never read by a search
Always use an ALT attribute when including an
Steps to Developing a Good SEO Strategy:
Research Desirable Keywords and Search Phrases
(WordTracker, Overture, Google AdWords)
Identify Search Phrases to target (should be relevant
to business/market, obtainable and profitable)
“Clean” and Optimize a Website’s HTML code for
appropriate Keyword Density, Title Tag ,Internal
Linking , Headings and Subheadings, etc.
Steps to Developing a Good SEO Strategy:
Study competitors and search engines.
Implement a quality link building campaign.
Add Quality content.
Constant monitoring of rankings for targeted
search terms.
Ranking Factors
 On-Page Factors (Code & Content)
 Title
tags <title> #3
 Header tags <h1> #5
 ALT image tags #4
 Hyperlink text #6
 Keyword frequency & density #2
 Off-Page Factors
 Link
Popularity – Adds Credibility #2
 Anchor text #1
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
 Research Keywords related to your business.
 Identify competitors.
 Use of title tags for each page.
 Ensure text is HTML-text and not image text.
 Use text links when ever possible.
Benefits of SEO
 SEO is the cost effective way of marketing.
 A better optimized website attracts lot of visitors and
potential customers.
 Increased visibility and accessibility leads to higher
sales for your business.
 SEO leads to the increased brand visibility for your
References & Bibliography
 Search Engine Optimization.
mization. Retrieved on 2009-04-24
 The Basics of Search Engine Optimization.
n13.html. Retrieved on 2009-04-24
 Advantages of SEO.
ntages-of-seo.html. Retrieved on 2009-05-20