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Accessible Software Design
Taken from several sources
Users With Disabilities
Language impairment
Seizure disorders
Speech impairments
Why Worry About It?
Americans With Disabilities Act
Rehabilitation Act
Legislation elsewhere
It is part of ANSI and ISO standards for
• Moral High Road
Keys to Accessibility
• Minimize barriers
• Provide compatibility with accessibility
– Screen readers
– Voice input
– Others
Accessibility in the Lifecycle
• Plan early to accommodate
• Include people with disabilities in feedback process
– requirements determination
– usability testing
– Beta testing
• Ensure developers are familiar with accessibility
• Ensure test team can recognize accessibility
• Ensure technical support and customer service have
access to accessible environments
How Computers can Become
• Features in hardware / OS
• Accessibility Aids
• Specialized applications
• Usability features in applications –
– Allow Customization
– Follow standard conventions
– Use standard controls
Accessibility Aids
• Require cooperation from application
• Screen enlargement utilities
• Screen readers
• Voice input utilities
• On screen keyboards
• Keyboard filters
Some Basic Principles
• Flexibility
• Choice of input methods
• Choice of output modalities
• Compatibility with accessibility aids
• Consistency
Keyboard Access is Key
• Blind people cannot maneuver a mouse
• Provide keyboard access to all features
• Fully document keyboard interface
• Model keyboard interface on known interfaces
• Allow users to select text using keyboard
• If possible, provide customizable keyboard shortcuts
• Make sure dialog boxes define the correct tab order
Play Nice for Accessibility Aids
• If, for example, an accessibility aid is going to verbalize
visual info, they need things to be named and labeled
– Ensure that every window, object, and graphic is named
– Define correct text labels for all controls
– Give every window a user-friendly caption
– Expose names or descriptions for all images
• Expose your elements to the accessibility software
• Color is an issue for color blind, and visually
• Use only colors that user can customize – in control
• Use proper foreground / background combinations
• No background images behind text
• Avoid conveying important info via color alone
• Give good contrast of images to background
• Allow MS “High Contrast Option”
• Of importance to visually impaired
• Allow the user to select font and font sizes
for displayed info
• If feasible, provide draft mode, zoom,
and wrap to window features
• Allow the user to adjust size of nondocument elements – such as toolbars
• Make sure application is compatible with
changes to system font
• Good for visually impaired, bad for hearing
• Define Sound Schemes
– Allow substitution of visual for sound
– Allow substitution of sound for visual
• Provide a way to turn off sounds
• Of importance to visually impaired and
cognitively impaired
• Allow user to customize any interface timings
• Allow the user to avoid having messages time
• Flashing can cause seizures – allow slowing
down or disabling any rapid screen updates or
Good Layout is Even More
• Things that help regular users understand what to do
are even more important for visually or cognitively
impaired people
• Text labels immediately to left of or above control
• Not ambiguous which of the above
• Text labels end with : (text not requiring input, no : )
• Icons identified with text below, to right, or in tool tip
• Position related objects near each other
• Provide documentation on all accessible features
• Provide documentation in accessible format such as
ASCII text or HTML (or Braille)
• Include descriptions of any illustrations and tables
• Do not convey important information via color or
graphics alone
• Keep high contrast between text and background
• Do not use text smaller than 10 pt
• If possible, bind printed documentation to lie flat
Verifying Accessibility
• Test against guidelines discussed here
• Test compatibility with extra large appearance schemes
Verify that all features can be used without a mouse
Verify that all keyboard access methods are documented
If MS, test use with accessibility tools/options
Test with commercial accessibility aids
Include people with disabilities and accessibility software
vendors in beta tests
• Distribute free evaluation copies to individuals with disabilities,
disability organizations, and accessibility software vendors
• Include people with disabilities in your usability tests
• Conduct surveys of your users with disabilities
Anything Special About the Web?
• Resources – Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) –
• "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0", G. Vanderheiden,
W. Chisholm, and I. Jacobs, eds., May 1999. W3C
• “User Agent Accessibility Guidelines", J. Gunderson and I.
Jacobs and E. Hansen, eds., October 2000. W3C Working
Web Page Accessibility Design
• Provide a “skip to main content” link at the top of each
• Structure articles with 2 or 3 levels of headings
• For all images, provide associated text
• For all audio content, include at least one of:
– Caption or pop-up text window
– Textual transcript
– Textual description
• For all video content, include (audio AND text) at least
one of:
– transcript
– description
Web Page Accessibility Design
• For image maps, provide equivalent text menus
• Provide alternative ways to access items contained
within tables
• For online forms that cannot be read by screen
utilities, provide alternative methods of
• Provide an option to display animation in a nonanimated presentation mode
• If accessibility is otherwise impossible, provide a textonly page with equivalent info and functionality
• Follow the standards set by the WWWC for
accessibility of Web content
Visual Disabilities Summary
• Utilities
– Ensure compatibility with screen-reader utilities
– Ensure compatibility with screen-enlargement utilities
• Screen components
– Include meaningful screen and window titles
– Provide associated captions or labels for all controls, objects,
icons, and graphics – including graphical menu choices
– Provide a textual summary for each graphic – including
– Allow for screen element scalability
– Support system settings for high contrast
– Avoid displaying or hiding info based on movement of cursor
Visual Disabilities Summary
• Keyboard
– Provide a complete keyboard interface
– Provide a logical order of screen navigation
• Color
– Use color as a supplemental or enhancing design
– Provide a variety of color selections with a range of
contrast levels
• Create color combinations based on system colors for the
• Do not define specific colors
Blindness - WWW Barriers
• images that do not have alt text
• complex images (e.g., graphs or charts) that are not adequately described
• video that is not described in text or audio
• tables that do not make sense when read serially (in a cell-by-cell or
"linearized" mode)
• frames that do not have "NOFRAME" alternatives, or that do not have
meaningful names
• forms that cannot be tabbed through in a logical sequence or that are poorly
• browsers and authoring tools that lack keyboard support for all commands
• browsers and authoring tools that do not use standard applications
programmer interfaces for the operating system they are based in
• non-standard document formats that may be difficult for their screen reader
to interpret
Low Vision – WWW Barriers
• Web pages with absolute font sizes that do not change
(enlarge or reduce) easily
• Web pages that, because of inconsistent layout, are
difficult to navigate when enlarged, due to loss of
surrounding context
• Web pages, or images on Web pages, that have poor
contrast, and whose contrast cannot be easily changed
through user override of author style sheets
• imaged text that cannot be re-wrapped
• also many of the barriers listed for blindness, above,
depending on the type and extent of visual limitation
Color blindness - WWW
• Color blind online shoppers may not pick up
sale prices – the red doesn’t stand out
• Controlling presentation with style sheets
• User override of author style sheets
Color Blindness – WWW Barriers
• color that is used as a unique marker to
emphasize text on a Web site
• text that inadequately contrasts with
background color or patterns
• browsers that do not support user
override of authors' style sheets
Hearing Disabilities Summary
• Provide captions or transcripts of important
audio content
• Provide an option to display a visual cue for all
audio alerts
• Provide an option to adjust the volume
• Use audio as an enhancing design characteristic
• Provide a spell-check or grammar check utility
Deafness – WWW Barriers
• lack of captions or transcripts of audio on the
• lack of content-related images in pages full of
text, which can slow comprehension for
people whose first language may be a sign
language instead of a written/spoken language
• Any requirements for voice input on Web
Physical Movement Disabilities
• include weakness, limitations of muscular
control , limitations of sensation, joint
problems, or missing limbs.
• Provide voice-input systems
• Provide a complete and simple keyboard
• Provide a simple mouse interface
• Provide on-screen keyboards
• Provide keyboard filters
Speech or Language
Disabilities Summary
• Provide a spell-check or grammar-check
• Limit the use of time-based interfaces
– Never briefly display critical feedback or
messages and then automatically remove
– Provide the user an option to adjust the
length of a time out
Resources - Corporate
• Microsoft
– User Oriented -
– Developer Oriented
- links from IBM
Resources - Organizations
• ACM SIGCAPH – Special Interest Group on
Computers and the Physically Handicapped
• - Equal Access to
Software and Information
• –
Designing More Usable Computers and
Resources - WWW
• - Tips and Techniques for
Accessible Web Authoring
• - Web Access
resource list
Resources - Government
Resources - Evaluation
• - www site which
will (partially) evaluate a www page for
End Accessibility