Download Academic Technology at NSCC Case Study

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“The Evolution of a Unified
Digital Campus”
Gary Ham (CIO) – Sungard / Collegis
North Shore Community College
Janice Forsstrom (VP of Administration & Finance)
North Shore Community College
Topics of Discussion/Agenda
Public Web Site Strategy
Strategic Direction / Why the portal?
Implementation, Teams, Timeline
Cultural Changes
Measuring Results & Effectiveness
– Tangible & Intangible, Utilization, Net Return
• Intranet
• Future Directions
• Summary
North Shore Background
• Recent Awards
– MIT / Accenture 2004 – 1st for Innovation in
Technology for Higher Education
– Digital Government Association 2003 Best of the
Web, – 2nd place
• One of 15 public Community Colleges in Massachusetts
– 4 campus locations
• 6600 credit students (3800 FTE)
• 2500+ non-credit students
• 100+ programs of study
– Career & Liberal Arts Transfer
– Technical Training
• 130 Full-time faculty
• Approximately 400 adjunct faculty
State of Technology - Yr. 1999
• Getting more strategically focused
• Web site outsourced
– Non dynamic out of date
– Served no real purpose
– No web admin
No Online Services
Only basic Banner functionality
Alumni on small database system
Infancy of Distance Learning
Adjunct faculty and students obtained email accounts via
request – virtually nobody used this service
Current Systems
• SCT Banner 6.x
• SCT Luminis – integrated iplanet email, calendar
& Groups
• SCT Web for faculty and student
• Blackboard 6.x
• Touchnet Payment Gateway
– Within two weeks e-check payment option
• Personal Web Server – internally developed
• Intranet – internally developed
– Many Content Management tools
– Paperless processes
Public Web Site Strategy
• Create a more dynamic site
• Tightly knit public web site to online services
• Utilize information in existing systems to dynamically
update Public web site
Programs of study
Basic Skills Core Requirement
Advanced Course Search
Phone directory
• Content Management tools update specific areas – (Only
after portal was implemented)
– Academic Department pages, Jobs, News, Distance Education,
Library A-Z guide, Areas of Interest, etc.
• Online Services
– Admissions – information populates Banner
– Recruitment – information populates Banner - 100% electronic
Online Demo
Public Web Site
Pyramid Project
Strategic Direction
Core Principle
“How could we achieve
anytime/anywhere services, reduce
back office work and also ensure that
our end users would be able to use
the technology in the easiest fashion
What We Wanted (1999 - Spring 2000)
• Equalize services between campuses
• Integrated Email and Learning Mgmt. System
• Provide better learning resources, faculty and
student services - acceptance of Web as the way
we deliver services
• 24 x 7 access to teaching and learning services
• Cure inefficiencies and streamline processes
Cure the inefficient registration process
Automate processes
Reduce mailing costs
Reduce back-office support
Redefine outdated policies
Advising - remove barriers & highlight the benefits
Portal Model
Web Email
Apps `
Admin Apps
Apps Instruct
Typical IS
Planning for Implementation
• Leadership & Consensus Building
– Presidential Approval
– Teamwork of executive sponsor (CFO) & CIO
toward common goal
– Marketing and communications
– Stakeholder involvement
• E-Learning
• Web based services – (self service model)
• Unify and consolidate communications,
messaging and relationship building
Implementation - Guiding Principles
What goals reflected or supported the core
mission of our college?
• Increase accessibility for all constituents –
reduce barriers
• Increase communication across the campuses
and departments – between faculty and
students, etc.
• Improve customer service
• Increase the use of technology in the classroom
• Increase efficiencies and effectiveness
• Maximize technology investments to properly
meet goals within the strategic plan
Strategic Planning
• Collaboration and Partnerships
• IT strategic plan
• Academic Technology Tactical Plan
The Three C’s
• Collaborative Roundtable: meetings
with academic, IS, and student support
• Consensus: polling participants on
priority tactical objectives and projects
• Confirmation: presenting findings
through the collegiate governance
Initial Goals
• Implement and integrate portal with ERP
• Enable account self activation
– Online forgot your username/password tools
• Integrate and make available basic
student and faculty Web services
• Implement integrated email
• Support with training for the entire
community (280 employees/faculty
Implementation Challenges
• Develop the campus portal to support a student-centered
teaching/learning environment.
• Integrate disparate systems into single-sign on campus
portal including email, online course management system,
computer-based tutorial system, college intranet, content
management system for public Web site, SCT Web for
Student and SCT Web for Faculty and Advisors module.
• Gain support of all stakeholders for the project to ensure
implementation success. Use stakeholder support to
promote use of the portal and assure high usage rates.
• Generate quantifiable cost savings for the College before
the end of the two-year implementation phase.
• Eliminate arena-style registrations and provide better
customer service to our students.
• Improve communication between faculty, staff, and students
by providing a common forum that would be accessible from
all four of our campuses.
Team Structure
Executive support and governance
• Pipeline Advisory Team (PAT)
• Functional Team (Web student and
• Technical team
Note: More recently we need a team to
focus on information placement
within the portal
Support Strategies
Self activation form
Online forgot username/password tools
Robust FAQ supported with dynamic creation tool
Online interactive tutorials
Training of all users for every role so that everyone
was on the same page and working towards the same
Custom Banner Maintenance form:
– Distributed to Student Service departments
Consolidated helpdesk
Various monitoring and alert mechanisms with quick
Ongoing Training
Timeline Summary
Planning & consensus building (Nov. 1999 – Mar 2000)
Roll out portal with Web faculty & student – pilot testing (Fall 2000)
Begin using portal with a purpose (Spring 2001)
Payment Gateway (March 2001)
LMS & Course tutorial Integration (May 2001)
Develop Content Management Tools for Academic Department
pages; Program of Study Sheets and Course Schedules available on
Web (Sept. 2001)
Online degree audit with what-if scenarios; New web site (50%+)
dynamic (August 2002)
NSCC Intranet via Campus Portal (August 2002)
– Portal content management toolset incorporation
– Implement Paperless Federal Work Study System
– Implement Room reservation system
Implementation of generic web space “myWeb” accounts for all
faculty, students, and staff (Dec 2002)
Implement Media Request Form and management toolset; 100%
electronic recruitment process established (August 2003)
Implementation - IS Resources
• CIO – major focus 40% of time year 1
15 - 20% of time currently
• Director of Administrative Technology – 20% of time year
10-15% of time currently
• Programmer Developer / Analyst - 400+ hours year 1
80% of FTE position currently
• Data Base Administrator (70+ hours)
Required for ongoing upgrades
• Web Administrator - 50+ hours year 1
Upgrades and basic maintenance (10% of FTE)
• Trainer (60+ hours)
After basic rollout – use online tutorials / viewlets, FAQ etc.
• Basic hand holding by IS department (Ongoing)
Student / Faculty Core Services
Student Services
Faculty Services
• Single Sign-On
• Web Services:
• Single Sign-On
• Web Services:
• Registration, payment, FA
• Transcripts, grades, schedules,
degree evaluation, etc.
• Access LMS
• Email, Calendar & Groups
• Dynamic Accounts & Selfactivation
• Targeted Announcements
• Personal Web space with toolsets
• Course Resource Areas for Every
Threaded discussion
Class chat
Class links
• Advising information
• Enter grades, schedules, class
• Access LMS
• Email, Calendar & Groups
• Dynamic Accounts & Selfactivation
• Targeted Announcements
• Personal Web space with toolsets
• Course Resource Areas for every
Threaded discussion
Class chat
Editable area for class links
Automatic email distribution lists
Online Demo
Portal Services
Communication Enhancements
• Faculty are utilizing available tools – simplicity assists
with this transformation
• Significant increase in email communications
– FA book vouchers
– General communications, course cancellations, recruitment
efforts, etc
– Currently working on E-bill
Targeted role based announcements
Intranet with many online processes and information
Area devoted for Student Life communications
Course Resource areas for all courses:
– Dynamic email distribution lists
– Class chat, threaded discussion
– Faculty can quickly post links and files for student use
• Groups
• Uportal channel architecture opens up many possibilities
Cultural & Organizational Change
• Initial successes and ease of use enhanced
users belief that change was possible
• Advising
 Pre-requisites
 Degree Audit
 Title III – cyber advising, career, e-portfolio
• Online Student Services
• Increase in technology adoption and reduced
Cultural & Organizational Change
• Higher level of critical thinking
– More function & process oriented
– Student Enrollment Centers
– Combined STFS and FA
• Creative ideas constantly being discussed on
further unifying and enhancing communications
• Ability to transform discrete departmental
projects into remarkable high impact solutions
– Student ID project
– Online Recruit
• Assisted in breaking down silos
• Increased cross functional thinking and
Measuring Results & Effectiveness
• Provides consistent interface to all systems
• Usage
– Online services utilization
– Unique logins
– Online course growth & enrollments
• Satisfaction surveys
• Return on investment – tracked in detail
• Cultural (soft but can be used as measurement)
– Pace survey
• College community wants more and more services
• Communication Enhancements
Utilization Rates
ROI Tangibles
Online Web Admissions – 30+ per day
Web Recruit - 100% electronic – 5000 collected prospects
Online registrations 82%+ 7 semesters in a row – Online payment
Returning students register earlier
Student schedules no longer mailed
FA awards and book vouchers through portal
Non-credit student services integrated into portal
Faculty obtain class rosters, schedules and enter grades online as Standard
Operating Procedure
Significantly reduced postal mail due to communication enhancements through
portal, email, & web services
Advising - Online Degree Audit available to students
Integrated and more efficient LMS support
Dynamic account generations (no manual account maint.) with single sign on
In-house 24 x 7 services and consolidated helpdesk
Access course resource areas - available for all courses
Automated email distribution lists available for all courses
Personal Web Space – used to support curriculum
Intranet with many new paperless processes
Investment & Return
• In house support and
self-service savings (FY02-04)
• Less Campus Portal,
Web Service, and Academic
Support costs (FY02-04)
• Net Return on Investment
• 24 x 7 access
• Utilizes portal roles to allow or deny access
– Only faculty and staff have access
• Departmental Resources
– Forms, Policies, HR, ISN Area
Calendar, Bulletin, Phone directory
Faculty resource area
Many paperless processes
Content Management Tools
Intranet - Newer Services
• Administrative toolsets:
 Internally written Room Reservation System that
communicates with SCT Banner system
 Paperless Federal Work Study program
 Paperless Media Request and production request
 Dynamic FAQ Tool
 Publication (content management) tools that
dynamically update the NSCC public web site
 Personal Web Space with wysiwig web based
tools developed for all faculty, staff and students
• Uportal Channel Development – with Luminis
• Open LDAP authenticates wireless security VPN
Online Demo
Portal Intranet Services
Immediate Future (<12 mos.)
• Further development of web-based toolsets similar
to the Media Request Database and Room
Reservation System.
• Implementation of a digital imaging system
• Implement SCT workflow to automate
communication tasks to users through the portal
environment. Numerous departments and
processes can take advantage of the integrated
workflow between Banner and our campus portal.
Immediate Future (<12 mos.)
• Integrate Banner access via the portal
• Further expand the use of existing Group tools.
• Integrating more Library resources. We currently
have several Library resources integrated
including a seamless login into LexisNexis.
• Increase services within the portal to provide an
online advising system as well as provide a
system for career services that would be
supported by an E-portfolio system.
• Hope scholarship (1098t) tax information
Reasons for Success
• Collected data to support vision
• Executive Management support
– Implemented to make a difference
• Design criteria established
• Team based implementation
• Pilots: Phased in with training & support
• Attractive to all constituents
• Continued the momentum – became part of
overall planning for future
Ease of use that led to High utilization rates and
adoption was a key factor in our successes to date
Project was designed to provide an integrated building
path for enhancing communication (academic and
administrative), instructional support and redesigning
Data collected from surveys, usage rates, requests from
users for additional services and overall satisfaction has
proved its value as a good business model for NSCC
Questions and Answers
Resources for this presentation are available @
• This PowerPoint presentation
• Portal interactive overview
• ROI / VOI spreadsheet
• Overview and documentation of our portal