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Name: __________________________
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
1. Label the Nile River, the Nile’s delta, Upper and Lower Egypt, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean
Sea. Draw an arrow to show which way the Nile river moves.
Mediterranean Sea
delta- the triangular or fan-shaped piece of land
Nile River
Define silt-
made by deposits of mud and sand at the
of a river
Silt-A mixture of fertile soil and tiny rocks
that can make land ideal for farming
brought from the rivers when they flooded
2. Describe how Upper and Lower Egypt were unified.
King Narmer aka King Menses(Upper Egypt) conquered Lower Egypt and married one of Lower Egypt’s
princesses, which united the kingdoms.
3. How many times a year did the Nile flood? Annually (once during the summer)
4. What was the result of the Nile flooding? Silt was left behind creating fertile soil for growing crops
5. What form of writing did ancient Egyptians use? What did the Egyptians write on?
They wrote on papyrus.
6. How did the Egyptians writing differ from the Mesopotamians cuneiform?
Cuneiform was written on clay tablets using a stylus, hieroglyphics was written on papyrus
7. What type of religion did Egyptians practice?
Name: __________________________
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
8. Be able to describe the social hierarchy of ancient Egypt.
Priests and nobles
Merchants, artisans, scribes
and traders
Farmers and herders
Slaves and unskilled
9. Explain the contributions/discoveries ancient Egyptians made in:
Astronomy-studied the skies, which helped develop the 365-day calendar with 12 months
Mathematics- developed a system of written numbers based on 10, created fractions, they were able to
add subtract and divide
used mathematics in the building of pyramids (geometric shapes)
Medicine- learned about human body from embalming, wrote world’s first medical books, did surgery,
repaired broken bones, used herbs as medicine
Writing- hieroglyphics, symbols represented sounds and whole words/phrases, created papyrus to write
10. What was the Book of the Dead?
A book containing spells and prayers that prepared people for the afterlife
11. What discovery made it possible for hieroglyphics to be deciphered?
The Rosetta Stone
Name: __________________________
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
12. What two developments led to a surplus of food?
The domestication of plants and animals
Irrigation techniques
13. True or False. The surplus of food led to the development of permanent villages.
14. Describe the importance of Osiris, Isis, Re and Horus in Egyptian religion.
Osiris was the god of the underworld that judged the souls of the dead
Isis was Osiris’ wife and goddess of magic, fertility
Re was the sun god
Horus was the god of the pharaohs
15. What was the purpose of the pyramid in Egypt? A burial place for pharaohs
16. Egypt is called this since the Nile River gives life to the desert. “Gift of the Nile”
17. What made the Nile River hard to navigate? The cataracts
18. What were the rulers of Ancient Egypt called? Pharaohs
19. True or False. During the Old Kingdom, Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was god-like. True
20. What is a dynasty? A series of rulers from the same family
21. What brought a lot of wealth to Egypt? trade
22. Define mummification. Who was usually mummified? embalming a dead body and wrapping it in
long strips of linen Pharaohs and the wealthy were usually mummified
23. What did Egyptians build to honor the gods? temples
Name: __________________________
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
24. Be familiar with the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom.
25. What events lead to the conquering of Egypt by the Kushites?
Middle Kingdom weakened, Kingdom of Kush became wealthy due to trade, King Kashta invaded
Egypt and his son Piye completed the conquest
26. Did Egyptians believe in an afterlife? Yes
27. Who had the Great Pyramids built? Khufu
28. Know who Hatshepsut is and what she did for Egypt. First female pharaoh, she promoted trade in
Egypt instead of starting wars