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READING A COURSE DESCRIPTION FOUND IN THE UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG Example of course listing found in the Undergraduate Catalog: ANTH 10400 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Explores the diversity of the world's societies, including "primitive" hunter-gatherer societies, herding pastoralists, peasant agriculturalists, and industrial peoples in rural and urban places. It emphasizes the role of culture in shaping human adaptations and human actions, and promotes understanding of other cultures. This course examines the way anthropologists do fieldwork, and looks at the contributions anthropology can make to an understanding of modernization, social change, urbanization, race relations, and cross-cultural communication. Reflecting the research experiences of individual professors, different sections of this course emphasize different cultures or regions of the world. 3 credits. (F-S,Y) Number of credits Offered: fall and spring, yearly ANTH 22600 East Asia: Gender and Identity Study of race and gender relations in East Asia from a comparative perspective that goes beyond dichotomies of East and West. Examination of the dynamics of gender and race in the contemporary world. Prerequisites: ANTH 10400. 3 credits. (S,O) Prerequisite: A specific course(s) or placement score is required before enrollment is possible. (S,0) –course is offered spring, every other year