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Warm-Up / EOC Prep
1. Units ordered smallest to largest include:
A millimeter, kilometer, centimeter
B milligram, gram, kilogram
C liter, milliliter, kiloliter
D kilometer, meter, millimeter
2. The independent variable is the variable that
A is controlled
B is measured
C matters
D is changed
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packet assigned over break.
If not, TOMORROW is the last day to turn it in. It will be marked
down for being late. This is a test grade. Take it seriously!
 If you borrowed a textbook, return
it before Friday!!
 Warm-Up
 Explain “Think Fast”
 Notes- Scientific Method and Safety
 Review worksheets
 Clean-Up
 Cool-Down
EOC Review
Objective 1.02-Scientific method
 Be able to read line and bar graphs
 Materials
 Graduated cylinder, eyedropper, bunsen burner,
watch glass, petri dish, tongs, hot plate, triple beam
balance, beaker
Objective 1.01-Lab Safety
 When heating a solution in a test tube, a student
should point the test tube away from their face and
wear goggles
 Measurementmicrometermillimetercentimetermeter
 10 cm = .1 m = 100 mm
Lab Safety
• Glassware Safety
• Sharp Instrument Safety
• Fire and Heat Safety
• Animal Safety
• Electrical Safety
• Chemical Safety
• Eye and Face Safety
• Proper Dress
 1. How should you pick up a piece of hot glassware?
A. bare hands
B. with heat-resistant gloves
C. with the sleeve of your shirt
D. With a spatula
 2. How should you hold a test tube containing a
A. pointed away from your face
B. pointed at your eye
C. held right up to your nose
D. very close to your partner’s face
 3. You should report a cut in your skin, glass
breakage, or a chemical spill
A. after the problem is handled
B. never
C. immediately
D. after you write down what happened
• 4. When you are done with an experiment, how
should you dispense of any chimicals used?
A. mix them all up in a waste container and dump
them in the trash
B. pour them all down the sink while running the
water to dilute
C. Follow the instructions given to properly dispose
of the particular chemicals
D. Mix the chemicals in a flask and heat the mixture
until it evaporates into the air
• 5. What is the best way to read the volume of a liquid
in a graduated cylinder?
A. read the level of the liquid going up the side of the
B. make sure five people in the lab read it before you
write it down
C. Glance at the cylinder and write down the first
number you see
D. read the level of liquid at the middle of the
meniscus at eye level
Objective 1.01-Scientific Method
 1. Make an observation
 2. Identify the problem/question
 3. Form a hypothesis
 4. Design an experiment
 5. Perform an experiment
 6. Analyze Data
 7. Make conclusions
Objective 1.01 Scientific Method
• 1. Observation: Observe birds in flight
• 2. Question: How do birds fly?
• 3. Hypothesis: The wing designs of birds catch air
• 4. Experiment: Make and fly different designs of paper
airplanes to test the hypothesis
• 5. Analyze Data: take notes on flight patterns of paper
airplanes. Create a data table on how each airplane flies.
• 6. Conclusion: The size and shape of the wing gives lift to
the bird
Scientific Method
• Vocabulary
• 1. Independent variable-variable that is changed
• 2. Dependent variable-variable that is measured or
counted-changes in response to the independent
• 3. Control-things the investigator keeps in control in
order to keep them the same for all samples
• 4. hypothesis-statement that gives the best possible
response to the question and should be based on
already known facts (educated guess)
Scientific Method
 Quantitative Data: numbers Ex: 500, 6, ten
 Qualitative Data: no number Ex: brown, big, tall
 Prediction- forecast (educated guess) of the possible
results of events
 1. A judgment based on data gathered in an
experiment is…
A. a skill
B. a conclusion
C. a hypothesis
D. an observation
 2. A forecast of possible or future events is a/an
 3. The end products of your investigation or
experiment are…
Objective 2.01-pH and water
 Water dissolves most molecules and ions
 pH scale = 1-14
 1-6 = acids-the lower the pH, the stronger the acid
 7 = neutral
 8-14 = bases-the higher the pH, the stronger the base
Objective 2.01-microscopes
 Total magnification = eyepiece x objective
 Eyepiece = 10x
 Objectives = 10x and 40x
 Greatest possible magnification =
40ox (10 x 40)
Under the microscope, letters get put upside down and
Objective 2.01-microscopes
Objective 2.01-microscopes
Warm-Up / EOC Prep
1. Structures that give support and shape to
plant cells are:
A microbodies
C nucleus
B golgi bodies
D cell walls
2. Ribosomes
A are the site of protein synthesis
B are made by other ribosomes
C have their own DNA
D none of the above
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Final Exam Review packet assigned
over break. It is late.
 If you borrowed a textbook, return
it before Friday!!
 Warm-Up
 Notes- Cells and Biomolecules
 Review worksheets
 Clean-Up
 Cool-Down
EOC Review
Objective 2.02-Cell theory
 The cell theory was developed with the help of the
light microscope
 The cell theory states that living organisms are
composed of cells that arise from pre-existing cells
and cells are the basic units of structure and function
Cell theory
 1. All organisms composed of one or more cells.
 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and
function in living things.
 3. New cells are produced from existing cells.
 Two major types of cells:
 Prokaryotic:
 no nucleus, no organelles, smaller, came first
 Ribosomes, cell membrane, cytoplasm
 Eukaryotic:
 Nucleus, organelles, bigger, came second
Types of Cells
 Prokaryotic
 Eukaryotic
• Organelles = little organs that perform specific jobs
in the cell
• Organelles are found in eukaryotic cells but not
prokaryotic cells
• Plant and Animal cells are both examples of
eukaryotic cells with organelles
• Plant and Animal cells contain many of the same
organelles, but there are several differences
Plant vs. Animal Cells
 Plant Cells
 Animal Cells
2. Cell wall
3. Large vacuole
No Chloroplasts
2. No Cell wall
3. Small Vacuole
 1. Structures that give
support and shape to
plant cells are:
A microbodies
B golgi bodies
C nucleus
D cell walls
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Plasma Membrane
Cell Wall
 Looks like: Central area
where DNA is found
 Job: controls the cell
 In a factory: Boss
 Looks like: Small particles of RNA in the cytoplasm
and on the ER
 Job: make proteins (protein synthesis)
 In a factory: workers
 Looks like: a bean
 Job: powerhouse of the
cell-it produces the
energy in the form of
 In a factory: generator
(energy source)
 Looks like: green stacks
of membranes the
contain chlorophyll
 Job: perform
photosynthesis (convert
sunlight into energy)
 In the factory:
 Looks like: sac-like organ. HUGE in plant cells
 Job: stores water, food, and waste
 In a factory: storage room
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
 Looks like: internal membrane system next to the
nucleus (rough ER has ribosomes, smooth ER does
 Job: transports materials
 In a factory: conveyor belt
Golgi Apparatus
 Looks like: stack of membranes
 Job: Packs, sorts, and ships
 In a factory: packaging center
Plasma Membrane
 Looks like: layered membrane (called a lipid
bilayer) surrounding the cell but inside of the cell
 Job: “the regulator”-controls what comes in and
out of the cell, protects, and supports the cell
 In a factory: security guards
Cell Wall
 Looks like: thick layer outside the plasma
 Job: structure and support
 In a factory: Cement wall
 1. Ribosomes
A are the site of protein synthesis
B are made by other ribosomes
C have their own DNA
D none of the above
 2. The mitochondrion of the cell
 A has only one membrane
 B has no membrane
 C is circular
 D is where cellular respiration occurs
 3. The storage of hereditary information in a
eukaryotic cell is in the
A cytoplasm
B nucleus
C centrioles
D lysosomes
Objective 2.01-Organic Molecules
• “Organic” = has carbon
• “Inorganic” = no carbon
• Monomer + Monomer + Monomer = Polymer
• Monomer of proteins = amino acids
• Monomer of lipids = fatty acids
• Monomer of nucleic acids = nucleotides
• Monomer of carbohydrates = sugar
• Example: starch is made up of glucose
Testing for organic molecules
 Benedicts-test for sugar
 Iodine-tests for starch-turns blue
 Brown paper test-tests for lipids-becomes
translucent with lipids
 1. Nucleotides are to nucleic acids as amino acids are
B polypeptides
C proteins
D carbohydrates
Objective 2.04-Enzymes
• Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts
to speed up chemical reactions
• Catalysts speed up reactions by lowering activation
• Enzymes can be affected by the following factors:
1. Temperature
2. pH
• Extreme temperature or changes in pH cause
enzymes to denature (become destroyed)
 1. enzymes are
A catalysts used by living things
B catalysts used in all reactions
C chemicals used to increase activation energy
D fats used by living things to help speed up chemical reactions
 2. Enzymes
A function at any temperature and pH
B function at an optimum temperature and pH
C function at a temperature of 98.6F and a pH of 7
D function at a temperature of 96.8F and a pH of 1-14
 Levels of organization:
 Celltissueorganorgan system
 Muscle cellheart muscleheartcirculatory
 1. A ______________ is a group of different
tissues that work together to perform a certain
A organ system
B organ
C cell
D tissue
 2. Which of the following is part of the cell theory?
A are eukaryotic
B are prokaryotic
C have nuclei
D come from other cells
Objective 2.01-Biomolecules
Building Block
(simple sugar)
Primary (fast)
source of energy starch
Fatty acids
(insoluble in water
protection, long
term energy
Oil, wax
Amino Acids (held
together by peptide
Growth and
repair of tissues
Speed up
Nucleic Acids
 Name one part of the cell
 What is the subunit (building
 of
 Of carbohydrates?
Warm-Up / EOC Prep
1. Nucleotides are to nucleic acids as amino
acids are to…
C proteins
B polysaccharides
D carbohydrates
2. Which of the following is part of the cell
A are eukaryotic
B are prokaryotic
C have nuclei
D come from other cells
 Warm-Up
 Notes: Transport and Bioenergetic
Review Worksheets
Online Review Games
Updating portfolios
Flip Flop
 Post-Assessment
Thursday- 3rd period
Friday- 2nd period
 Final (25% of total grade)
Wednesday- 2nd period
 Exemption Notices will given out on Monday!
EOC Review
Cell membranes and Transport
Cell membrane
 The cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves
the cell and also provides protection and support
 The cell membrane is made up of two layers of lipid,
which is why it is called a lipid bilayer
 This lipid bilayer gives the membrane a flexible
structure, but also makes it a strong barrier
Cell Membrane
 The lipid bilayer contains
phospholipid molecules
with phosphate, a polar
head, and nonpolar tails
 The polar heads are
hydrophilic or “water
loving” and the nonpolar
tails are hydrophobic or
“water hating”
Cell membranes
 Proteins can also be found embedded in the
 These proteins can act as receptor proteins that
receive messages from signal molecules, however,
they can also act as channels and pumps that help
move material across the cell membrane
Cell membranes
Cell Membranes
 The channels can open and close to allow material
to pass in and out of the cell
 The pumps can pump ions or small charged
molecules across the membrane
Cell membranes
 If a substance can diffuse across the membrane, the
membrane is permeable to it
 Most biological membranes are “selectively
permeable” or some substances can pass across the
membrane and some cannot
Cell Membrane
 There are two main types of transport:
Passive-Does NOT require energy
2. Active-Does require energy
Passive Transport
 There are three important examples of passive
1. Diffusion
2. Osmosis
3. Facilitated diffusion
Passive Transport
 Diffusion is the process by which a substance moves
from an area of high concentration to an area of low
 (Concentration = how much stuff is in a given
amount of liquid)
Passive Transport
 Going from high
concentration to low
concentration can also be
called going down their
concentration gradient
 Diffusion does not
require energy, because
it is an example of
passive transport
 Equilibrium-the concentration of the dissolved
substance is the same throughout the system
 The diffusion of water
through a selectively
permeable membrane is
called osmosis
 The particles cannot get
through the membrane
 To reach equilibrium, the
water must move the
Passive Transport
 Facilitated diffusion is the diffusion of substances
across a membrane that requires the help of protein
 Facilitated diffusion, just like regular diffusion, does
not need energy
Passive Transport
Active Transport
 Active transport moves materials against their
concentration gradient, or from low concentration
to high concentration
 Active transport often
uses protein pumps
Types of solutions
 There are 3 types of solutions:
2. Isotonic
3. Hypertonic
1. Hypotonic = “below
 A cell in a hypotonic
solution will swell and
 High concentration of
solute inside the cell
causes the water to move
inside the cell
2. Isotonic = “same
 Solute concentration is
equal inside and outside
of the cell
 Movement of water
inside = movement of
water outside, so cell size
stays the same
3. Hypertonic= “above
 A cell in a hypertonic
solution will shrink
 High concentration of
solute outside the cell
causes the water to move
outside the cell
 1. The movement of water across a semi-permeable
membrane from an area of high water concentration
to an area of low water concentration is called…
Active transport
 2. The movement of substances into and out of a cell
without the use of energy is called…
A. active transport
B. Passive transport
C. Exocytosis
D. endocytosis
 3. A type of membrane which allows only certain
molecules to pass through is called...
A. permeable
B. semi-permeable
C. Active
D. porous
ATP and Photosynthesis
(Bioenergetic Reactions)
 Sunlight is the main energy source for life on Earth
 When food is broken down, energy is released as
heat and energy is stored as ATP
 ATP: the basic energy source
 Adenosine triphosphate = (ATP)
 Energy is stored in ATP. Cells start with ADP
(adenosine diphosphate) and a phosphate is added
to produce ATP.
 ATP is like a fully charged battery.
 ADP + P = ATP
 How is energy stored in ATP released?
It’s a must the bond between the 2nd and 3rd
phosphates causes energy to be released.
 ATP – P = ADP
 What does the energy released from the breaking
of this bond do?
 ATP has enough energy to power a variety of
cellular activities such as:
1. transport across the cell membrane
2. Protein formation
3. Muscle contraction
 Energy flows throughout the living world and is
temporarily stored in organisms as ATP
 ATP can even be called “energy currency” as
energy from ATP powers metabolism
 Many autotrophs
(plants and some
protists) get their
energy for metabolism
through photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the
process by which light
energy is converted to
chemical energy.
 Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts and the
sunlight required for the reaction is absorbed by
the chloroplast pigment chlorophyll.
 Eq: carbon dioxide + water Light energy
 Eq: CO2
+ H2O
carbohydrates (sugars) + oxygen
C6H12O6 (glucose) +
 Photosynthesis releases oxygen gas into the air for
us to breath and takes out carbon dioxide
 Photosynthesis can be dependent on temperature.
Low temperatures may cause photosynthesis to
occur more slowly
 The majority of the
weight in trees comes
from carbon.
Specifically this carbon
comes from taking in
carbon dioxide during
 ATP Cycle
 1. What is released when ATP is broken down into
ADP and one phosphate?
A. oxygen
B. water
C. energy
D. hydrogen
 2. In photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide,
water and light to produce
A. carbon monoxide
B. energy
C. glucose and oxygen
D. chlorophyll
 What form of energy is used by cells?
 A. enzymes
 B. cofactors
 C. ATP
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
 Cellular respiration-the process that releases energy
by breaking down glucose and other food molecules
in the presence of oxygen
Cellular Respiration
 Cellular respiration has 3 stages:
1. Glycolysis
 Occurs in the cytoplasm
2. Kreb’s Cycle
 Occurs in the mitochondria
3. Electron Transport Chain
 Occurs in the mitochondria
Cellular Respiration
 Eq: oxygen + glucosecarbon dioxide + water +
O2 + C6H12O6
+ H2O + ATP
Cellular Respiration
 Photosynthesis produces oxygen, while Cellular
Respiration produces carbon dioxide
 Comparing photosynthesis and cellular respiration:
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
Energy capture
Energy release
CO2 and H2O
Cytoplasm, then
C6H12O6 + O2
C6H12O6 + O2
CO2 and H2O
CO2 and H2O  C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 and
Aerobic - 36
ATP formed
Cellular Respiration
 The presence of oxygen determines what follows
glycolysis. When oxygen is present, the Kreb’s Cycle
and ETC occurs-this is called aerobic respiration.
When oxygen is not present, fermentation occursthis is called anaerobic respiration.
Cellular Respiration
Kreb’s Cycle
No Oxygen
Cellular Respiration
 Oxygen=aerobic respiration=Glycolysis + Kreb’s
cycle + Electron Transport Chain= more ATP
 No Oxygen= anaerobic respiration = Glycolysis +
Fermentation = less ATP
Cellular Respiration
 The word aerobic means “in air”, therefore anaerobic
means “without air”
Cellular Respiration
 Fermentation-the process of breaking down organic
compounds without oxygen.
 The two main types of fermentation are lactic acid
and alcoholic fermentation.
Cellular Respiration
 Cells produce ATP most effectively and efficiently
with oxygen, therefore more ATP is produced in
aerobic respiration than in anaerobic respiration.
Ojbective-2.02 bioenergetic reactions
• Carbon Cycle
• Photosynthesis-Takes in carbon dioxide (removes
carbon dioxide from the air and uses it to make
organic compounds) and releases oxygen for us to
Sun +Carbon dioxide + water  oxygen + glucose
• Cellular Respiration-Takes in oxygen (removes
oxygen from the air) and releases carbon dioxide
Oxygen + glucose Carbon dioxide + water + energy
 1. Cellular respiration takes place inside
 A. an animal cell only
 B. a plant cell only
 C. both plant and animal cells
 D. neither plant or animal cells
 2. _____________ are the main product of the
A. lipids
B. amino acids
C. proteins
D. carbohydrates
 3. Cellular energy is stored in the form of
 A. chemical bonds
 B. enzymes
 C. membrane potential
 D. protein shapes
 4. Complex carbohydrates break down into
 A. enzymes
 B. amino acids
 C. simple sugars
 D. ATP
What happens to a cell in an
isotonic solution (the
concentrations inside and out of
the cell are equal.)
2. What are the reactants and
products for both photosynthesis
and cellular respiration?
Warm-Up / EOC Prep
1. The mitochondrion of the cell
A has only one membrane
B has no membrane
C is when photosynthesis occurs
D is where cellular respiration occurs
2. The storage of hereditary information in a
eukaryotic cell is in the
A cytoplasm
B nucleus
C centrioles
D lysosomes
 Warm-Up
 Notes
 Review Worksheets
 Practice Multiple Choice Questions
 Clean-Up
 Cool-Down
 If you borrowed a textbook, return
it before Friday!!
 Post-Assessment
EOC Review
 The cell cycle is the sequence of stages through
which a cell passes between one cell division to the
 Cell cycle:
 1. G1-first growth
 2. S-DNA replication
 3. G2-second growth, prepares for mitsois
 4. M-mitosis
 5. C-cytokinesis
 1. Chromosomes line up on spindles in the center of a
cell during
A. anaphase
B. telophase
C. prophase
D. metaphase
 2. When preparing for cell division, the chromatin
condenses and becomes a
A. gene
B. chromosome
C. protein
D. codon
 3. Mitosis generates
 A. daughter cells identical to the mother cell
 B. many reproductive cells
 C. diseased cells
 D. gametes
 Most of the cell cycle is spent in interphase = G1, S,
 S phaseDNA replication occurs
 Mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction. Mitosis
includes one division that produces two cells that
identical to one another and to the parent. There is
no crossing over and no variation created because
the cells are identical. Mitosis includes four phases:
 Prophase-chromosomes become visible and the
spindle forms
 Metaphase-chromosomes move to the center of the
cell and line up along the equator
 Anaphase-centromeres divide and the two
chromatids move to opposite poles attached to
spindle fibers
 Telophase-nuclear envelope forms around the
chromosomes at each pole, the chromosomes uncoil,
and the spindle dissolves
 Meiosis is a form of sexual reproduction. Meiosis
includes two divisions that produce four cells that
are different from one another and to the parent.
There is crossing over and variation created because
the cells are different. Meiosis includes eight phases:
 1. What process of reproduction brings with it the
greatest potential for genetic variability?
A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. cell differentiation
D. interkinesis
 Prophase I-crossing over occurs-chromosomes become
visible and the spindle forms
Metaphase I-chromosomes move to the center of the cell
and line up along the equator
Anaphase I-centromeres divide and the two chromatids
move to opposite poles attached to spindle fibers
Telophase I-nuclear envelope forms around the
chromosomes at each pole, the chromosomes uncoil, and
the spindle dissolves
Prophase II 6. Metaphse II 7. Anaphse II 8. Telophase
 Meiosis produces the gametessperm and egg. The
sperm and egg are haploid, which means they
contain half the number of chromosomes. When
sperm are formed all 4 cells form sperm. When eggs
are formed 1 cell becomes an egg and 3 become polar
bodies. Mitosis produces the body cells, which are
diploid, which means they have a full set of
chromosomes. All body cells besides the egg and
sperm are called somatic cells.
 Haploid-half the number of chromosomes
 Diploid-full set of chromosomes
 Before chromosomes form, the DNA is in long
strands known as chromatin
 The spindle fibers are the hairs that pull the
chromosomes apart. These spindle fibers are made
by organelles called centrioles. Chromosomes (DNA
wrapped in proteins) are made up of two identical
sister chromatids. These chromatids are held
together at the center by the centromere.
 Cytokinesis, or the division of cytoplasm, follows
mitosis to split the cells in half. Cytokinesis in
animals occurs by pinching the cytoplasm, while
cytokinesis in plants occurs by forming a cell plate
between the two nuclei. This cells plate will later
become the cell wall.
Asexual or Sexual?
Number of divisions
Number of cells formed
Identical or different
from parent
Crossing over?
Genetic variation?
 1. all body cells, except the sperm and ova are
_______________ cells.
A. germ
B. reproductive
C. somatic
D. spindle
 2. The type of nuclear division that produces gametes
A. meiosis
B. cytokinesis
C. interphase
D. mitosis
 3. When DNA is in long strands prior to calling, it is
in the form of
A. chromosomes
B. centromeres
C. chromatin
D. chromatids
 4. A type of nuclear division that takes place in
somatic cells is
A. meiosis
B. cytokinesis
C. interphase
D. mitosis
 5. During interphase, the cell
 A. splits its homologous pairs
 B. grows, replicates DNA, and prepares for cell division
 C. divides the number of chromosomes in half
 D. becomes separated by a cellular membrane
 6. In fertilization, gametes fuse to form a
 A. embryo
 B. soatic cell
 C. zygote
 D. reproductive cell
 Gregor Mendel-father of genetics Mendel used pea
plants because peas are…
 1. Are easy to grow
 2. Produce a lot of offspring
 3. Mature quickly
 TRAIT-a characteristic
 GENETICS-the study of (heredity) how traits are
passed from one generation to the next
 HEREDITY-the passage of traits from one
generation to the next
 GENE-the factors that control traits (found in the
 Ex: gene for hair color
 ALLELES-different forms of a gene
 Ex: allele for brown hair, allele for black hair
 DOMINANT-allele that is expressed when in the
presence of a recessive allele (TT or Tt = tall)
 RECESSIVE-allele that is expressed only when
homozygous (tt = short)
 Blue (B) is dominant to gold (b).
 BB =blue
bB= blue
 HOMOZYOUS-organism with two identical alleles
for the same trait
Ex: TT or tt
HETEROZYGOUS-organism with two different
alleles for the same trait
Ex: Tt
PHENOTYPE-physical characteristics
Ex: Tall, Brown
GENOTYPE-the genetic makeup
Ex: TT, Tt, Hh (the letters!)
 PUNNETT SQUARES-chart showing the possible
combination of alleles in a cross
 Independent assortment-each trait is inherited
independent of other traits (chance) Ex: hair color is
inherited independent of height
 Segregation-in meiosis two alleles separate so that
each gamete receives only one form of the gene from
each parent
 Ex: Mom is heterozygous for brown hair B = brown,
b = blonde. Each of her eggs either has a B or a b not
 Test Cross-A cross between an unknown and a
homozygous recessive
Incomplete Dominance-When a combination of the
dominant and recessive creates a new phenotype.
Codominance-when two alleles are expressed
Polygenic traits-traits that are the result of the
interaction of multiple genes
Blood types-there are four blood typesA, B, O, and
ABuse I alleles
 1. The combination of alleles inherited is called the
 A. heterozygote
 B. phenotype
 C. genotype
 D. punnett square
 2. The expression of traits is called the
 A. phenotype
 B. genotype
 C. mutation
 D. allele
 3. If an individual inherits one dominant allele and
one recessive allele, the genotype is
A. homozygous
B. recessive
C. heterozygous
D. phenotype
 4. If an individual inherits two of the same allele,
either both dominant or both recessive for a
particular characteristic, the individual’s genotype is
A. heterozygous
B. phenotypic
C. homozygous
D. mutated
EOC Revew
 Humans have 46 chromosomes. Sperm and egg cells
have 23 chromosomes. Sperm + egg = fertilizationwhich forms a zygote.
 A karyotype is a picture of your chromosomes and
they can sometimes show chromosome
abnormalities and the sex of the individual. XY =
male and XX = female
 A pedigree is a diagram the shows the inheritance of
traits in a family. If a pedigree shows mostly males
with a certain trait, that trait is most likely sexlinked. Examples of sex-linked traits include
hemophilia and colorblindness. Individuals that
carry a trait and can pass it on to their offspring, but
do not have any symptoms of the disease (they are
physically normal) are called carriers.
 DNA fingerprinting-match up pictures
 Cloning-creation of genetically identical organisms
 Gene therapy-replacing bad genes with good ones to
help cure diseases
 Genetically modified crops-crops that have been
genetically changed to become better ex: crops that
are resistant to insects
 1. A person with a defect in a gene that codes for a
specific protein could be a candidate for which of the
A. cloning
B. DNA fingerprinting
C. gene therapy
D. protein injections
 2. Strawberries have been created to resist the
harmful effects of frost. This is an application of
A. genetic engineering
B. gene therapy
C. DNA fingerprinting
D. cloning
 Electrophoresis-separates molecules based on size
 Human genome project-wanted to identify all
human genes and determine all of the base pair
sequences in all human chromosomes
 Chromosomes-DNA wrapped in proteins
 Centromere-holds chromatids together to form the
 Homologous chromosomes-matched pairs of
 Genes-pieces of the DNAmolecule that code for
specific proteins
 1. A male has the genotype XY. Which parent is
responsible for giving the son the Y chromosome?
A. mother
B. father
C. both mother and father
D. neither mother nor the mother
 2. What is the difference between co-dominance and
incomplete dominance?
A. Co-dominant traits are blended and incompletely dominant
traits appear together
B. Co-dominant traits are recessive and incompletely
dominant traits appear together
C. Co-dominant traits appear together and incompletely
dominant traits are blended
D. Co-dominant traits are recessive and incompletely
dominant traits are blended
 DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is double stranded,
contains the sugar deoxyribose, and has the bases
Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.
 DNA has a double helix, or twisted ladder shape and
it is made up nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made
up of three things:
1. Phosphate 2. Sugar 3. Nitrogen base
 The phosphate and sugar make up the backbone or
rail of the nucleic acid ladder and the nitrogen bases
provide the steps of the ladder. The nitrogen bases
also provide the code for proteins.
 DNA replication = copying the DNA. DNA
replication is semi-conservative. Each molecule of
DNA contains one new strand and one old strand.
 RNA is ribonucleic acid. RNA is used to translate
the code from the DNA molecule into protein. It is
single stranded, contains the sugar ribose, and has
the bases A, G, C, and U.
 There are 3 types of RNA:
 Messenger RNA-carries information from nucleus to
ribosome-made by RNA polymerase
 Ribosomal RNA-makes up the ribosome
 Transfer RNA-contains anticodon-brings amino
acids to ribosome to assemble the protein
 The flow of information in genetics is as follows:
 DNARNA is transcription and RNAProteins is
translation. Translation occurs as the ribosome
reads three-letter codes called codons. These codons
code for specific amino acids that link up to form a
 When DNA is copied in a process called DNA
replication, a complimentary strand must be made,
and this is done by matching A (adenine) with T
(thymine) and C (cytosine) with G (guanine). These
nitrogen bases are held together by hydrogen bonds.
DNA replication must occur before the cell divides.
So the DNA strand the matches: AGTAC is TCATG
and the strand that matches TTAAGGCC is
 However, if we are transcribing from DNA to RNA,
we must replace T with U. Therefore, the RNA that
matches the DNA strand ATTGCAG is UAACGUC.
 1. Protein synthesis begins with the manufacture of a
molecule of
D nucleotide
 2. Ribosomes are made of
D protein
 3. Proteins are made up of polypeptide chains.
Polypeptide chains are composed of
Amino acids
 4. Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries
 A. the mRNA to the ribosome
 B. the nucleotide bases to the mRNA
 C. an amino acid to the ribosome
 D. an amino acid to the cytoplasm
 5. Which of the following is the first step in protein
A. tRNA bonds to an amino acid in the cytoplasm
B. DNA unravels to expose an mRNA segment
C. DNA unravels to expose a gene segment
D. mRNA bonds to tRNA
 A mutation is a change in a genetic sequence.
Mutation can occur as insertions, deletions, or
inversions. Whole pieces of DNA can be added or
subtracted, and when this happens the protein
sequence changes as well, which leads to a
malfunctioning protein and sometimes disease.
 Deletion AGCTTC AGTC (-CT)
 Inversion  AGCTTC  ATTCGC
 Nondisjunction-when chromosomes fail to separate
 Three copies of chromosome 21 = down
syndromecaused by nondisjunction
 1. Down’s syndrome is caused by
 A. hemophilia
 B. thyroid disease
 C. chromosome mutation-nondisjunction
 D. injury during pregnancy
EOC Review
 Darwin-came up with theory of natural selection-
mechanism of evolution-1859 published On the
Origin of Species
 Jean Baptiste Lamarck, believed that physical
features increased in size because of use or decreased
in size because of disuse. His theories suggested that
the organism’s life determined what traits got passed
onto offspring.
 A heavy influence on Darwin’s theories was the book
Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell, which
explained that the surface of the Earth changed
slowly over many years. Another influence was the
work of Thomas Malthus, who wrote that human
populations can increase faster than the food supply.
 Populations breed rapidlyBut populations don’t
grow uncheckedMost organisms in a population
die without breeding
 EVOLUTION-the process by which modern
organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
 EVOLUTION-the change in the gene pool over time
 FITNESS-the physical traits and behaviors that
enable organisms to survive and reproduce in their
 COMMON DESCENT-all species have common
 ADAPTATION-process that enables organisms to
become better suited to their environments
OF TIME!!! (EX: Darwin’s Finches)Only surviving
(well adapted) organisms pass on their traits.
 1. The capsid coating on a virus serves to
 A. identify the capsid of another virus to breed
 B. identify a receptor site on a prospective host cell
 C. identify necessary food items in the host cell
 D. assist in locomotion of the virus in the host cell
 2. Ideas about evolution
 A. have already been thought
 B. are perfect and need no refinement
 C. may change based on new data
 D. only involve animals
 The process by which new species form is called
speciation. Geographic isolation plays a large role in
speciation. Each environment is different with
different pressures and challenges.
 organisms to adapt and change in response to their
specific environment. If these populations become
different enough they may even form separate
species-which cannot interbreed.
 ARTIFICIAL SELECTION-Humans make sure that
only individuals with more desirable traits produce
 NATURAL SELECTION-The process in nature
where the most fit organisms produce more offspring
 NS: If variation of a trait within a population has a
genetic basis, and some variants have greater
survival and reproduction, then, over time, the
favored trait will predominate in the population.
 Survival of the Fittest-Individuals whose traits are
well suited to the environment survive and
reproduce. Those who aren’t suited, die!!! (or leave
fewer offspring)
 On what does natural selection operate? Phenotypic
 What is the cause of phenotypic variation? GENETIC
 Gene pool-a common group of genes shared by a
 1. If two organisms evolve in response to each other,
which evolutionary pattern is demonstrated?
A. natural selection
B. gradualistic method
C. co-evolution
D. adaptive radiation
 2. Natural selection states that individuals
 A. with adaptive traits are more likely to survive
 B. on the bottom level of a hierarchy have the greatest
reproductive success
 C. demonstrating altruistic behavior are the ones with the most
 D. remain unchanged over a period of time
 What happens if two species share the same niche
for too long? Extinction or Evolution
 Divergent Evolution-(aka Adaptive Radiation)
different species diverge from a common ancestor
 CONVERGENT EVOLUTION-creation of organisms
that are similar in appearance and behavior (bats,
birds, butterflies)
 Relative Dating—lower levels of rock are older than
higher levels (not exact)
 Absolute Dating—the actual age of a sample using
radiometric dating
 According to scientists, the earth is about 4.5 billion
years old.
 Fossil Record- represents the preserved collective
history of the earth’s organisms.
 Present-Day Evidence for Evolution:
 DNA Similarity
 Biogeography
 Homologous Structures
 Vestigial Structures
 Embryos
 Biogeography-The study of patterns of geographical
distribution of plants and animals across Earth, and
the changes in those distributions over time
 Homologous structures-parts in different organisms
that develop from the same ancestral body part
 Ex: wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale
 Vestigial structures- structures that have little or no
purpose in the present, but did in the past
 Examples: Human appendix, Tonsils, Small
vertebrae in humans , Leg bones in snakes
 EMBRYO-organisms in the early stages of
 1. viruses
 A. can eat and metabolize food
 B. can reproduce only when inside a host cell
 C. can reproduce on their own at anytime
 D. eat and metabolize food only when inside a host cell
 2. Certain insects and plants evolving together are
examples of…
A. co-evolution
B. convergent evolution
C. divergent evolution
D. parallel evolution
 3. The human appendix was once useful, but no
longer has a function. The appendix is an example
A. a homologous structure
B. a vestigial structure
C. a vital organ
D. a mutation
 4. evidence of evolution includes
 A. cave drawings, ancient stories, and ceremonial rites
 B. homologous structures, DNA, and embryonic evidence
 C. eukaryotes, symbiosis, and competition
 D. nephrons, antibodies, and homeostasis