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Bars & Drinks
by Antoine Trépant
Natalia Lugliani
Bars & Drinks
Nutrition Bars
Nutrition Bars
Calories 230
Calories from
Total Fat 2.5g
Total Carbs 45g
Sugars 20g
Potassium 110mg
Protein 9g
Calories 180
Calories from Fat 40
Total Fat 4.5g
Total Carbs 24g
Sugars 12g
Potassium 105mg
Protein 10g
Nutrition Bars
Calories 188
Calories from Fat 36
Total Fat 4g
Sodium 141mg
Potassium 87mg
Total Carb 22g *of which
2.5g of those carbs are
"Net Impact Carbs"
• Protein 21g
Calories 200
Calories from Fat 60
Total Fat 6g
Sodium 190mg
Potassium 150mg
Total Carbs 22g
Protein 15g
Nutrition Bars
• Fortified with a variety of
minerals and vitamins
• Lightweight, easy to pack,
convenient, portable for
long activities
• Can be used as a
“supplement” to an overall
nutrition plan
• Energy replenishment
• Helps enhance muscle
glycogen repletion after
• Not regulated by the FDA
• Won’t necessarily improve
• Will not magically help you
loose weight
• Tend to be expensive
• Possible added supplements like
caffeine, ephedra or other herbal
• Highly fortified bars can cause
gastrointestinal distress
• Not a meal themselves
Sports Drinks
3 Categories of Sports Drinks:
• Hydration Drinks
• Energy Drinks
• Recovery Drinks
Hydration Drinks
• Purpose is to get fluid in quickly
• Have a low carbohydrate content
• Have a high sodium content and electrolytes to correct dehydration
• Useful for shorter periods of exercise, for pre-race hydrating, or for
maintenance of hydration (but not energy) over a longer time period
• Keep your blood glucose levels constant if sipped at regular
intervals (
Isotonic properties)
• 6 to 8% of glucose is the appropriate content for a hydration drink
• Small quantity of salt
• Can be consumed in lower quantities than water while hydrating
Energy Drinks
• Designed to primarily replenish lost glycogen and to provide
immediate or rapid blood glucose
• Compromises hydration for energy
• Usually contain vitamins, amino acids, large doses of sugar, and about
as much caffeine as a cup of coffee
• Not to be consumed during exercise because the caffeine and high
sugar concentration slow the body’s ability to absorb water
• "They are a stimulant more than they are energy.”
• Good for long efforts such as Iron Man or marathon but one must
still hydrate himself with other hydration fluids
Recovery Drinks
• Designed to rebuild glycogen in the depleted muscles and liver as fast
as possible after exercise
• They contain the proper elements of any proper recovery protocol:
carbohydrates, protein, fluids, sodium and potassium
• Restores electrolytes (sodium & potassium) lost during exercise,
helping to avoid muscle cramps
• Contain rapidly-absorbed carbohydrates that reconstitute your
glycogen and branched-chain amino-acid reserves to help restore
muscle tone and mass
Sports Drinks
• Customized to your
• Have many purposes:
hydration, recovery &
• Exist in MANY
• Negative effects when
diluted (ex: VodkaRed Bull)
• Expensive
• Compromise some
benefits for others (ex:
hydration & energy)