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10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
(Indicate which lead if needed)
What is a
10 pts
Left hind right front
together, suspension,
right hind and left
front, suspension
(Indicate which lead if needed)
What is the
20 pts
Left hind, right hind
and left front
together, right front,
suspension period
(Indicate which lead if needed)
What is the
Canter (Lope) in
Right Lead?
30 pts
(Indicated which lead if needed)
What is the
Canter (Lope) in
Right lead?
40 pts
Right hind, left hind
and right front
together, left front,
suspension period
(indicate which lead if needed)
What is the
Canter (Lope) in
the Left lead?
50 pts
Best source of
Vitamin D
What is
10 pts
Alfalfa is high in
this mineral
What is
20 pts
Best indictor of the
energy content on a
feed tag
What is
Crude Fiber?
30 pts
Pounds of forage
per day (min) does
a 1,000 pound
horse need
What is
7.5-10 lbs?
40 pts
The Calcium to
Phosphorus Ration
What is
1.5 to 2:1?
50 pts
The gestation
period for a mare
What is
11 ½ months?
10 pts
The far side of a
horse refers to
What is
Right Side?
20 pts
The normal pulse
(beats per minute)
of an average horse
What is
30 – 40 bpm?
30 pts
Percent of the
digestive tract the
small intestine makes
What is
30 %?
40 pts
The organ that is
the main site of
fiber breakdown
and digestion
What is the
50 pts
The term used to
describe when
removing the sharp
edges of the horse’s
What is
10 pts
The Age when all
permanent incisors
are all in place
What is
5 years old?
20 pts
Shows teeth that have sloped incisors
and a noticeable Galvyne’s groove
The age?
What is
11 to 15 years?
30 pts
Shows teeth that have permanent
corners erupting, and the
nippers worn on the outer edges
The age?
What is
4 to 4 ½ years?
40 pts
A Mature male horse has
how many teeth?
Incisors? Tushes or bridle
teeth? Molars?
What is 40 teeth?
12 incisors?
4 Tushes?
24 Molars?
50 pts
An inflammation
of the upper
respiratory tract
and lymph nodes
What is
10 pts
How many times a
year a horse should
be vaccinated for
Equine Influenza
What is
4 time a year?
20 pts
A parasite that lays
eggs on a horse’s body
and the larvae attach
to the stomach and
intestinal walls
What are
30 pts
The parasite that lays eggs
on the hair of the horse, the
horse digests the eggs and
the larvae mature in the
stomach of the horse
What are
Bot Flys?
40 pts
When a horse keeps
its weight shifted to
the rear feet,
pounding pulse in
feet and heat in feet
What is
50 pts
Make your wager
The limiting amino
acid for growth in
young horses
What is