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The Molecules of Life:
Structure and Function
To understand the structure and function of biomacromolecules and to be able to identify them
based on their characteristics.
Essential Question: What are the molecules of life, what
are their general structures, and functions?
Molecules of Life
Nucleic Acids
These make up cells and can be used by
cells for energy
Polymers vs. Monomers
Poly = many; Mer = part
In biology, a polymer is a
large molecule consisting of
many smaller sub-units
(often repeated) bonded
Mono = one
A monomer is a sub-unit
(single unit) of a polymer.
Making a Polymer
Dehydration Synthesis reactions
Monomers bond to one another through the
removal of water.
Stores energy
Conserves space
Breaking a Polymer
Hydrolysis Reactions
hydro = water
lysis = to break or lyse
Polymers are broken down into monomers with
the use of water.
Access energy
To build new polymers
Molecular formula (C H2 O)n
Store energy in chemical structure
most common monosaccharide
produced by photosynthetic autotrophs
Each “carbon” is surrounded by a “hydrate”
Carbohydrates are classified according to the size
of their carbon chains, varies from 3 to 7 carbons
Triose = 3 carbons
Pentose = 5 carbons
Hexose = 6 carbons
In aqueous solutions, many monosaccharides
form rings:
“Double sugar” consisting of 2 monosaccharides joined
by a glycosidic linkage.
What reaction forms the glycosidic linkage?
Example Disaccharides
Lactose = glucose + galactose
Sucrose = glucose + fructose
Polymers of a few hundred or a few thousand
Function as energy storage molecules or for structural
Example Carbohydrates
Starch = a plant storage from of energy, easily hydrolyzed
to glucose units. Polysaccharide.
Cellulose = a fiber-like structural material; tough and
insoluble. Used in plant cell walls. Polysaccharide.
Glycogen = a highly branched chain in animals to store
energy in muscles and the liver. Polysaccharide.
Chitin = used as a structural material in arthropod
exoskeleton and fungal cell walls. Polysaccharide.
Lactose = found in milk and dairy products. Disaccharide.
Glucose = simplest sugar; used by mitochondria in all
cells for energy. Feeds brain. Monosaccharide.
Large molecules
Diverse in structure
Nonpolar, so insoluble in
Store energy in chemical
Groups: Fats, oils,
phospholipids, sterols,
Structure of Fatty Acids
Long chains of mostly carbon and hydrogen atoms
with an acid (-COOH) group at one end
Resemble long flexible tails
Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fats
Unsaturated fats :
liquid at room temp
one or more -C=C- (double bonds) between carbons
causing “kinks” in the tails
most plant fats
Saturated fats:
solid at room temp
only single C-C bonds in fatty acid tails
Carbons fully surrounded (“saturated”) with H’s
most animal fats
Structure of Triglycerides
1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids
Fatty acids and glycerol bound together by ester bonds.
Found in food (oils and fats); long term energy storage
Structure of Phospholipids
1 glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphate group.
Connected by “phosphodiester” bond
Main structural component of cell membranes, where they
arrange in bilayers.
Lipids that serve as coatings for plant parts and as animal
coverings. Prevents dessication due to insolubility in water.
Four carbon rings with no fatty acid tails
Component of animal cell membranes (cholesterol)
Modified to form sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone)
Functions of Lipids
Energy storage
Membrane structure
Protecting against desiccation (drying out)
Insulating against cold
Absorbing shock
Regulating cell activities by hormone actions
3-dimensional “globular” shape
Consist of many peptide bonds between 20 possible
amino acid monomers, made by dehydration synthesis
Polypeptide = “many” “peptide bond”s; A chain of
amino acids
Structure of Amino Acids
Amino acids = monomers
Consist of an asymmetric
carbon bonded to:
Amine group
Carboxyl (acid) group
Variable R group specific to
each amino acid
Properties of Amino Acids
Grouped by polarity
Variable R groups (“side chains”) confer different
properties to each amino acid
Example Proteins
Accelerate specific chemical reactions
keratin - found in hair and nails
collagen - found in connective tissue
Muscle Contraction
actin and myosin fibers that interact in muscle
Example Proteins
Immune System Function
Antibodies recognize and flag foreign substances.
Membrane transport proteins move substances
across cell membranes
Blood proteins (hemoglobin) carry oxygen
throughout the body
Signaling and Communication
Hormones such as insulin (regulate blood sugar
levels) and adrenaline (increase heart rate to adjust
to needs) used to help body respond
Recap: Discuss with
your group…
Carbohydrate Functions:
Lipid Functions:
Examples include:
Examples include:
Protein Functions:
Examples include:
How to make a Protein
in 4 easy steps!
Primary Structure
Secondary Structure
Tertiary Structure
Quaternary Structure
Primary Structure
Sequence of amino acids in a protein, bonded by peptide bonds
This creates the “polypeptide”
Let’s Model the Primary Structure:
Salivary Amylase
Observe the properties
of the 20 Amino Acids.
What do the different colors
How do you think they
would interact?
Make this Primary Sequence:
Place amino acids about 1 inch apart (2 finger widths)
and fold pieces
White = polar/hydrophilic
Yellow = nonpolar/hydrophobic
Blue = basic (+ charged)
Red = acidic (- charged)
Green = “sulfur R-group” (bonds only Cysteines)
Secondary Structure
Repeated folding of backbone of polypeptide
How? H bonds form between atoms in backbone
2 types: a-helix, b-pleated sheets
Let’s model Secondary Structure
Look at your string of amino acids.
What do the different colors represent?
Note the order of colors.
Take the “backbone” and create some a-helices
and some b-pleated sheets.
Tertiary Structure
Behavior of R groups
determines folding of
How? Interactions between R
Let’s model Tertiary Structure
Note the colors on your polypeptide.
White = polar/hydrophilic
Yellow = nonpolar/hydrophobic
Blue = basic (+ charged)
Red = acidic (- charged)
Green = “sulfur R-group” (bonds only Cysteines)
Quaternary Structure
2 or more polypeptides
bonded together
How? Attraction
between backbones and
R groups of neighboring
Let’s model Quaternary
Find a neighbor, and attach R groups that
might be attracted to each other. What types
Factors That May Impact Protein Folding
Depends on physical conditions of environment
 pH, temperature, salinity, etc.
Change in environment may lead to denaturation of protein
Denatured protein is biologically inactive
Can renature if primary structure is not lost
What happens when protein folding goes wrong?
Your Tasks
Protein Activity Wrap Up
Stamps for journal activity (models)
Draw your last diagram!
Homework due Thursday
The Structure and Function of Macromolecules
Reading (linked to website) and WS