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Environmental Science
Chapter 9
Notes #1
Why people go hungry…
 Malnutrition : getting enough calories, but
not the proper nutrients
 Proper Nutrients include:
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Vitamins and Minerals
 Famine : widespread food shortage
Why people go hungry…
 provide energy for the body
 Energy yield = 4 Cal/gram
 a form of energy your body can store for later
 Energy yield = 9 Cal/gram
 Builds structures and maintains the body
 Provides us with 8 essential amino acids
 Energy yield = 4 Cal/gram
Why people go hungry…
Fun Math
- For Lunch Gunnar consumed 100 grams of
protein, 20 grams of fat, and 75 grams of
- How many total Calories?
- In this meal, what percentage of his meal
is protein? fats? carbohydrates?
Why people go hungry…
Fun Math
For Lunch Gunnar consumed 100
grams of protein, 20 grams of fat, and
75 grams of carbohydrates
If Gunnar cut his fat in half, how many
fewer calories would he consume?
New Caloric intake?
Why people go hungry…
Food Production (agricultural yields) has
increased over the last 50 years
 Human population is also growing rapidly
 If we evenly split all the food made – NO
ONE would get the proper nutrients to
remain healthy
 Bottom Line – food production isn’t
increasing as quickly as the human
Why people go hungry…
Other causes of food shortages
 Drought
Causes crop damage/failure
Political issues
Wars/disputes = disrupt transportation and
then food can’t get to people that need it
 Political struggles – one side can withhold
food to get the other side to give up other
items in order to get food back
Why people go hungry…
“Green Revolution”
 1950’s to 1970’ in Asia and Latin
 New gains introduced to produce higher
amount of crop produced per
Why people go hungry…
 Grains needed
fertilizer/pesticides/proper irrigation
 Very Expensive
 Subsistence farmers (crop production
is limited to meeting the food need’s
of one family) could not afford to
grow these grains
Why people go hungry…
Current/Common Agricultural
 Chicken,
cows, sheep, etc…
 Meat/Dairy,
leather goods, wool,
manure, etc.
 Corn, wheat, etc
 Wheat = popular choice, used in many
products, because it requires the least
amount of energy to produce
Why People go hungry
 Interesting
 Developed
countries have diets that are
much higher in proteins and fats
compared to developing countries
 The US is in the top ten “Most Obese
Nations” (currently we are #1)
 Michigan is in the top 10 “most obese
states” (currently #10 – as of July 2011)
Read Section 9.1 (before tomorrow)
 Complete the 9.1 worksheet