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Fat soluble vitamins Water soluble vitamins
These are organic compounds which can
not be produced by the body and must be
supplied in small amounts in diet for the
normal health, growth and maintenance
of body
LUNIN discovered vitamins in 1881
hopkins & funk in 1912 profounded
‘vitamin theory’ .
General information
They do not provide energy. They are not used as
structural units. Vitamins differ from harmones in not
being produced within the organism. They are usually
required as precursors of co-enzymes. Hence it is
better to call them the accesory food substances. These
are essential to us for the proper functioning of the
different organisms. They are chemically different
from the main nutrients, fat, carbohydrate & proteins
Classification of vitamins
Water soluble vitamins:The vitamins which are
soluble in water are
called water soluble .
for ex:- vitamin bcomplex ,vitamin –c
These vitamins are
stored in much lesser
amounts in the cells
Fat soluble vitamins :These vitamins are
soluble in fat .
For ex:-vit-A,D,E,K .
Liver cells are rich in fat
soluble vitamins . these
are not soluble in body
unless fat digestion &
absoption proceed
normally .
Sources of vitamins
Plants can synthesize almost all vitamins
whereas only a few vitamins are synthesized in
animals . Human body can synthesize vitaminA from carotene and some members of
vitamin-B complex &vitamin-k are
synthesized by micro-organism present in
intestinal tract . All cells in the body can store
vitamin to some extent . Most of vitamins have
been synthesized &are available commercially
. These are taken orally .
Vitamin –A
Chemical name – Retinol
Functions – 1. It helps in proper growth and
normal skeletal development of body .
2. Maintains proper vision &healthy teeth .
3. It helps in maintenance of healthy , glowing
soft skin .
Sources – butter ,liver ,carrots ,spinach ,ghee
,kidney ,yellow pumpkin ,curd ,fish oil
,cheese ,whole milk ,tomatoes .
Deficiency disorders – night blindness
,xerophthalmia ,dermatosis .
Vitamin –D
Chemical name- Calciferol
Functions –
1. It keeps bones & teeth healthy .
2. It helps in the utilization of calcium and
phosphorous .
Sources – cod liver oil ,butter, milk, egg yolk ,
ghee ,cheese ,exposure to sunlight also
provides vitamin -D
Deficiency disease – Deficiency of vitamin –D
causes rickets .
Vitamin –E
Chemical name – Tocopherol
Functions- 1. It plays an important role in the
protection of vitamin-A ,carotene and ascorbic
acid .
2. It is necessary for the normal reproduction
and protection of the liver .
Sources – Vegetable oils ,milk ,tomatoes ,dark
green vegetables ,eggs ,kidney, whole grain
,cereals ,nuts .
Deficiency diseases – It causes loss of sexual
power of reproduction .
Vitamin –K
Chemical name – phylloquinone
Functions – It helps in clotting of blood and
prevents haemorrhage .
Sources – Green leafy vegetables , soyabean ,
cabbage , vegetable oils , spinach ,tomatoes.
Deficiency diseases – deficiency causes
haemorrhage ,lengthens the time of blood clotting
vitamin –C
Chemical name – ascorbic acid
Functions – 1. it is necessary for keeping teeth ,
gums and joints healthy .
2.Helps in normal metabolism of amino acids.
3. It helps in healing of cuts and wounds .
4. It gives resistance to our body against diseases
and infections .
Sources – amla ,tomatoes , orange ,lemon ,
cabbage ,apples ,lime ,green chillies .
Deficiency disease –Scurvey .
Vitamin B-1
Chemical name – Thiamine
Functions – helps in carbohydrate metabolism helps in functioning of heart ,nerves and
muscles .
3.It sharpens our appetite &also called “appetite
vitamin “ .
Sources- milk ,pulses ,wheat bran , sea food, yeast
,whole grain cereals , green vegetables ,soyabean
,dairy products .
Deficiency disease – Beri-Beri
Vitamin –B-2
Chemical name – Riboflavin
Functions- 1.It helps in oxidation & utilization of O2.
2. It helps in carbohydrate & protein metabolism .
3. It is necessary to keep the skin healthy .
4. It helps in the normal functioning of the eye .
Sources:- meat , whole grain, pulses ,milk ,yeast
,liver ,peas ,eggs , green vegetables .
Deficiency disease :- cracking of lips ,skin ,corners
of mouth. Photophobia ,glossitis .
Vitamin - B4
Chemical name - Niacin
Functions – 1.It is needed for the metabolism of
carbohydrate , fats & proteins .
2. It keeps skin healthy & give sound mental health .
3.It has most important positive contribution to good
nutrition .
Sources – Milk, fish, legumes , potatoes ,green
leafy vegetables , meat ,eggs ,fowl ,whole grains .
Deficiency disease – Pellagra
vitamin –B12
Chemical name- Cyanocobalamin .
Functions – 1.It is essential for the metabolism
of nervous tissues .
2. It is necessary for the formation of healthy blood
and proper growth of the body .
Sources – liver , cheese ,milk ,kidney , fish ,meat
Deficiency diseases – perinicious ,anemia ,
inflammation of tongue & mouth .
Vitamin –B10
Chemical name – folic acid ,folacin .
Functions – 1.It is essential for DNA synthesis
,growth &formation of red blood corpuscles .
2. Purine and pyrimidine synthesis .
Sources – green leafy vegetables ,liver , kidney ,
yeast , soyabean .
Deficiency disease – ulceration of mouth ,
inability to absorb especially fats diarrhoea ,
macrocytic anaemia .
By- Dr Sp Jauhar
by- KN Bhatia & MP Tyagi
By-PS Dhami ,G Chopra .
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