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Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture for
Treatment of Drug and Alcohol
Dr David Cowan, Reader, Faculty of Health & Social Care
• Stimulating the ear to treat illness is recommended in
ancient Chinese medical texts dating back over 2,000
• More recently, auricular (ear) acupuncture began to be
effectively used in China to treat opium withdrawal
• Ear acupuncture was subsequently used as an effective
treatment for alcoholism3
• Ear acupuncture is now used throughout the world as a
cost-effective method to treat problems arising from drug
and alcohol use4
• Indeed, ear acupuncture is used extensively in drug and
alcohol treatment facilities, hospitals and prisons in
Europe and the USA4,5
Ear Acupuncture Intended Effects
• Qi meridians (energy pathways), as
described in Chinese medicine,
congregate in, or have connections to
the ear
• Ear acupuncture stimulates the
movement of vital Qi energy through
meridians and facilitates the state of
balance and harmony that the human
form naturally desires
Ear Acupuncture Intended Effects
• Interruption and re-routing of neural
• Stimulation of endorphin release
• Facilitation of detoxification from drugs
and alcohol
• Alleviation of withdrawal symptoms
• Reduction of cravings
Ear Acupuncture Intended Effects
Restoration of equilibrium
Restoration of energy and vitality
Relief of restlessness
Reduction of hypersensitivity
Reduction of anxiety
Relief of pain
Promotion of sleep
Promotion of physical and psychological
Ear Acupuncture Intended Effects
• While ear acupuncture is widely used as
a cost-effective treatment for drug and
alcohol problems, it has wider
applications, for example, it has been
demonstrated to reduce anxiety prior to
dental surgery6
Some Common Treatment Points
• Sympathetic - corrects imbalances in the nervous
system, provides analgesia and reduces intestinal
• Shen Men - induces a calming effect, alleviates
insomnia, restlessness and general hypersensitivity
• Kidney - aids digestion and metabolism
• Liver – regulates blood circulation, improves
metabolism, digestion and stomach function and
provides analgesia
• Lung - regulates breathing, temperature and
circulation, treats bowel disorders such as diarrhoea.
Alleviates night sweats
Treatment Points on the Ear
Shen Men
Future Implications
• There is a stated need for more long-term research, such
as randomised, controlled trials using large sample sizes4
• However, as with many aspects of health care, it is not
always possible to reduce findings and outcomes to data
for statistical testing and this is the case with some
aspects of ear acupuncture
• Furthermore, in line with recent UK Government policy,
the effectiveness and value of health care treatment
should be measured not only by clinical outcomes but also
by service-user reported outcomes
• Therefore, research to assess the satisfaction of recipients
of ear acupuncture and research of a qualitative nature
into their broader experiences now also needs to be
Chen, P (2004) Modern Chinese Ear Acupuncture. Paradigm
Publications. USA
Wen, H & Cheung, S (1973) How acupuncture can help addicts.
Drugs and Society (2): 18–20.
Bullock, ML, Culliton PD, Olander RT (1989) Controlled trial of
acupuncture for severe recidivist alcoholism. The Lancet
Wager, K & Cox, S (2009) Auricular Acupuncture and Addiction.
Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.
Mitchell, ER. (1995) Fighting drug abuse with acupuncture-the
treatment that works. Pacific View Press, California, USA.
Karst M, Winterhalter M, Munte S, Francki B, Hondronikos A,
Eckardt A, Hoy L, Buhck H, Bernateck M, Fink M (2007) Auricular
acupuncture for dental anxiety: a randomized controlled trial.
Anesthesia and Analgesia.104 (2): 295-300.