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Dr/Wael H. Mansy, M.D.
Assistant Professor
King Saud University
Objectives of this
Familiarize the audience with major types of
Osteomyelitis, relationship to the age of the
host, mechanism of infection, bacteriology of
the disease.
Clues that help in the diagnosis
Overview of the management of
Osteomyelitis: Definition
Infection of the bone and bone marrow (osteo,
Mostly bacterial, can be fungal
Pre-antibiotic era had 25% mortality
Significant morbidity/disability worldwide due to
lack of access to care
Leading cause for amputations in the US
Significant cause of pediatric disability
Children 1: 5000
Sickle cell patients 3.6: 1000
Post puncture wound to foot 16%
Neonates 1: 1000
Post puncture wound to foot in
diabetics 30 – 40%
Higher in developing countries
Jose R. Jimenez MD, UTHCT
Usually subdivided clinically into:
Hematogenous vs. Direct spread
Special cases of Intravenous Drug
Abusers (IVDA) and Sickle cell
Pediatric Osteomyelitis
Hematogenous spread affecting
the long bones.
Usual sites are the long bones:
tibia, humerus, femur.
Some to Spine: direct contact (TB)
Why the long bones?
Non-anastomosing capillary ends of nutrient
arteries form sharp loops under the growth
plates and enter large venous sinusoids
where the blood flow is slow and turbulent,
trapping the organisms.
Usual causative
organisms: Pedi. Osteo.
Staphylococcal aureus
Streptococcus suppurefaticus.
Hemophilus. influenza.
Sickle cell disease: Long bone
osteomyelitis often due to
Adult Osteomyelitis
Most Cases: Direct extension of infection to the
bone from a skin ulceration, leading cause of
inoculation to the bone from an
open/contaminated fracture.
Hematogenous from IVDA
Adult Osteomyelitis
IVDA: Hematogenous site more likely to be
spine or pelvis only occasionally to the long
Adult Osteomyelitis
Most common: Foot ulcer extending into the bony
Neuropathic foot ulcer
Mixed infection is common with s.aureus, Gram
negatives, some strep.
Open fractures
Infected prostheses
Foot injuries
Jose R. Jimenez MD, UTHCT
Management: Admit
OrthoSurg consultation
Closed needle biopsy/drainage
C/S obtained
Started on I.V. vancomycin
Switched to oxacillin after C/S
grew meth. Sensitive staph. A.
Hosp. Course
Over 6 to 8 days on I.V. antibiotic
therapy, patient became afebrile,
leg tenderness subsided, less pain
w/ ambulation.
On 9th day patient switched to oral
penicillin, sent home to complete 6
weeks of therapy.
Full recovery when seen for follow
up visit in clinic.
Follow up: can consider repeat
ESR have it return to normal level.
Follow up films, radiologic recovery
slower than clinical recovery