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Hirudo orientalis Hirudo troctina
Hirudo verbana
Hirudinaria manillensis
Macrobdella decora
Leeches - Pricing and Shipping
Roughly 600 leech species have been
identified to date, but only about 15
are used in medicine. Leeches
classified as “medicinal leeches”,
Hirudo Medicinalis, in the narrower
sense have been used to treat patients
for centuries.
The first documented accounts of the use of Hirudo
medicinalis for medicinal purposes date back to the time of
Hippocrates. According to Sanskrit writings, Dhavantari, the
father of Indian medicine, held nectar in one hand and a
leech in the other. Leech therapy is also used in traditional
Chinese medicine. Paintings of medicinal leeches have been
found in pharaohs tombs. The Solomon Parables also
describe leech treatment use in ancient medicine. Leech
therapy in Greek medicine can be found in the poem
Alexipharmacia by Nicandros. Roman physician Galen
classified leech terapy as a method for achieving healthy
balance. Avicenna also used leeches for healing aids. In the
past leeches have proved to be the most effective treatment
in many cases. Leeches were especially useful in battle
wound treatment. European countries in the 18th and 19th
centuries imported over 100 million leeches every year to
satisfy high demand.
Today, doctors use leeches for
treating abscesses, painful joints,
glaucoma, myasthenia, and to
heal venous diseases and
thrombosis. Medical leeches are
used in plastic surgery, for
improving brain circulation and
for curing infertility.
Inflammatory Reactions
Heart Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Tendovaginitis and Tendinitis
Venous Disease and Varicose Veins
Muscle Tension
Antidyscratic therapy ( blood purification and
regeneration) of toxicoses and mental illnesses
Thrombosis and embolism
Passive congestions and spastic conditions
Vertebrogenic Pain Syndromes
Transudates and exudates
A simple principle lies at the heart of
all hirudo-miracles. During the process
of feeding, leeches secrete a complex
mixture of different biologically and
pharmacologically active substances
into the wound. Hirudin is the best
known component of leech saliva.
Hirudin is sometimes used to describe
all active substance in leech saliva. In
reality, Hirudin refers only to one
specific active substance in leech
salive. Components of medicinal leech
Medical leeches - used since ancient times, they are
used Galen (in Rome) and Avicenna (in Arab
countries). Especially popular they were in the late
18th century. in the first half of the 19th century. in
Western European countries.
Attitude leeching (leeching) was negative in the
second half of the 19th century., When it was
believed that these worms can swing the infection.
It was believed that krovovytyah n 'appearances
have only local effects, so it was easier to use
bleeding from veins.
Return to use n 'appearances made
possible by the development of new
theoretical knowledge that explain the
mechanism of action n "appearances,
clarify indications and
contraindications for their practical
application. In 1990 he established the
World Society hirudolohiv. First
Congress on the use of p
"appearances in medicine took place
There are about 400 species n
"appearances. In Ukraine propagated
only two kinds of blood-jaw n
'appearances - Medical and
horsepower. In medical practice, only
a medical p "turnout.
Leech drug that gives therapeutic
effect (Hirudo medicinalis), brownish-olive color with six (6) red
and yellow stripes on the back,
covered with black dots along the
Pharmacy leech (Hirudo officinalis) - unlike the drug has a
dark green color, 6 strips on the back, but no points;
abdomen yellowish without p "yaten, rings smooth. It is also
called Hungarian (where it originated).
Unsuitable for medical use are p "appear monochromatic, no
strips on the back, hairy, cylindrical with blunt heads.
Length adults n 'appearances from 7.5 to 18 mm, on average,
about 12 mm. Weight n 'turnout on average 2.5 g
In vivo p "turnout reaches required to treat values ​not earlier
than 5 years and three elderly suitable for medical use. In
vitro p "turnout can grow to a weight suitable for use within
12-15 months - up to 3 years. They live an average of 3-4
years, rarely up to 8 years.
prevent blood clots, lowers blood cholesterol, reduce
inflammation, increase the body's defenses. Among
Collagenase - promotes resorption of colloid scars.
Holesterynesteraza-normalizes fat metabolism in the
body. Hyaluronidase - facilitates access to the cells of
various drugs and bar increases the permeability of
tissues, including capillary walls.
Fibrinolytic enzymes - help resorption formed clots.
Protein hirudin - prevents the occurrence of blood clots.
Hirudin that p "appear isolated from the
mucus on the spot suction, is an
anticoagulant that is a polypeptide of 65-66
amino acids. Hirudin is the strongest direct
specific inhibitor of thrombin. Quickly
reacting with thrombin, forming an inactive
complex. Thus, hirudin called "linking all the
active sites of thrombin, can completely
inhibit its proteolytic activity, inhibits the
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin and
activates factors hemocoagulation. Clinical
studies have established the effectiveness of
hirudin as an antithrombotic agent. It has
two advantages over drugs of heparin:
1. More stable anticoagulant effect;
2. Inhibition of thrombin contained in blood "Ian clot (called" associated
with thrombin).
In addition, the effect of hirudin does not require the presence of antithrombin III or other endogenous cofactors.
Leeches have action against coagulation, resolving blood clots, prevent
their formation, stop hemoptysis. They have antiatherosclerotic and
anesthetic action, help cleanse the body of toxins and poisonous
Progress genetic engineering has opened new aspects of production of
recombinant proteins. Recombinant hirudin produced by bacteria
(Escherichia circle) or cells (Saccharotuces cervicial) and is identical in
structure and amino acid composition to native hirudin except for the
absence of tyrosine sulfate - 63.
Enzymes leeches positively affect the nervous system: the cause growth
of nerve cells and the appearance of these additional processes. This
means that enzymes n 'appearances are stimulants, under which the
nerve cells are able to recover and even grow.
Currently, doctors use leeches in the
treatment of children with cerebral palsy.
Thinks that in time these natural "doctors"
will deal with such serious illnesses as
multiple sclerosis, effects of stroke,
Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
The conditions p "appearances
To keep leeches important to artificially
create the conditions of their lives as
possible answered more natural. Hold n
'appearances is potted - in small containers
and artificial containers for biological
factories where they deliver for breeding,
According to the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated
16.03.1993 № 44 "On the organization of storage in retail
establishments of different groups of drugs and medical
devices," storage of medical n 'appearances should be light,
odorless drug. Not allowed various temperature fluctuations,
as it causes the death of leeches. Pharmacies leeches to keep
shyrokohorlyh glass vessels, the rate of 3 liters of water at
50-100 individuals. Young and energetic leeches should be
kept in a jar, and there are moving in "yalo and slowly turning
into a ball, you must keep apart.
Leeches are placed in large quantities in a pot, in the early
days many isolated excrement, water staining in green,
indicating their healthy condition.
Water for content leeches should be
clean, free from chlorine, peroxide
compounds, salts of heavy metals,
mechanical impurities, be at room
temperature. The water in the vessel
should be changed daily, zahotovlyayuchy
its advance, two days before use.
Changing the water inside the bowl is
washed and then the neck vessels
covered with gauze and poured water
over it. The vessel is filled with clean
water to 1/3 cans. Irrational use of
leeches for boiled water, spring or
well, because the latter contains lime
particles that bad for the p
"appearance. Winter water change
after 7 days in summer 2 times a
week, in great heat - daily and must
change if the water appears green and
mucus with brown spots.