Download Section 13.2 – Segmented Worms Characteristics Annelids Setae

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Section 13.2 – Segmented Worms
- Setae – Bristle-like structures that worms use to hold on to
the soil and to move
- Bilateral symmetry
- Body cavity with organs
- A mouth and an anus
- Examples – earthworms, marine worms and leeches
- Most well known Annelid
- Anterior – front end
- Posterior – back or hind end
- More than 100 segments
- Body segments have 4 pairs setae except for the first and the
last segment
- Crop – Stores food and soil
- Gizzard – Grinds food and organic matter
Trace Food Through the Earthworm
1) Mouth
2) Esophagus
3) Crop
4) Gizzard
5) Intestine
6) Anus
Earthworm waste piles are called Castings
Closed circulatory system
5 Aortic Arches that pump blood
O2 and CO2 are exchanged through moist skin
Front segment – brain
Main nerve cord connects to brain
Respond to light, temperature and moisture
Marine Worms
- More than 8,000 species
- Have segments with setae that occur in bundles
- Some are sessile
- Free swimming have a head with eyes, tail and parapodia –
fleshy outgrowths that aid in feeding and locomotion
- Do not have setae
- Feed on blood of animals
- A sucker at each end of body attaches to animal
- Produces an anesthetic that numbs the wound
- Can such 2-10 times its weight in blood
- Sometimes leeches are used after surgery
Value of Segmented Worms
- Aerate soil
- Speed up return of nitrogen to soil
- Being used to develop drugs
- Food
- Evolved in the sea
- 620 million years old
- Mollusks and segmented worms have a common ancestor