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Annelid Worksheet
Name: __________________________________
Place an “X” for statements that are correct.
_____ 1. The lungs of worms are directly related to the gills of mollusks.
_____ 2. Setae are the bristle-like structures on the outside of an earthworm’s body.
_____ 3. Worms and leeches are in the phylum Annelida.
_____ 4. Five pairs of aortic arches pump blood through an earthworm’s body.
_____ 5. Leeches only feed on the blood of humans.
_____ 6. The gizzard is a muscular structure that grinds soil.
_____ 7. Earthworms have an open circulatory system.
_____ 8. The crop of an earthworm is a sac used for storage.
_____ 9. Mollusks and segmented worms probably share a common ancestor.
_____ 10. The earthworm intestine is called a setae.
_____ 11. Leeches secrete a substance to keep blood from clotting.
Use each of the terms below just once to complete the passage.
Members of the phylum __________________ all have bodies made up of multiple
___________________. Each segment has its own _______________ that function to
lengthen and shorten the worm’s body. When present, bristle-like _____________ act as
anchors while the worm is moving along. In ____________________, each segment has a
pair of ___________________. The most familiar annelids are probably
2. Label the diagram below.
3. What function does the coelom of the earthworm perform?
4. Why are earthworms classified as Oligochaeta?
5. What are setae and parapodia?
6. Describe the functions of the crop, gizzard, and intestine of earthworms.
7. What is the function of aortic arches?
8. What is the advantage of being hermaphroditic to earthworms?