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Introduction to Medicinal
Chapter 1
What is medicinal chemistry?
The science that deals with the discovery
or design of new therapeutic chemicals
and the development of these chemicals
into useful medicine
What is “medicine”?
Drugs, pharmaceutics
Media distinction between drugs that are used
in medicine and drugs that are abused
A compound that interacts with a biological
system, and produces a biological response
(ideally desired and positive)
“Good” vs. “Bad” Drugs
No medicine has only benefits or drawbacks
A “good” medicine would have to satisfy the
following criteria.: it would have to do what it is
meant to do and have no toxic or unwanted
side effects and be easy to take.
In low dose it is an Excellent analgesic, but have
serious side effects such as:
Addiction, tolerance (the effect of the drug
diminishes after repeated doses and so we need
to increase the size of the dose to achieve the
same results.)
Respiratory depression and it may kill if taken in
( series of synthetic compounds with
sedative properties)
Depressants, sedatives, anesthetics
General anesthetics in Surgery
They are known to cross blood brain barrier
because they are fat soluble
Overdoses fatal (Pearl Harbor, wounded
persons were given these drugs before surgery
but many of them died)
One of the best painkillers (“hero”=heroic drug)
1898: on market, but
1903: withdrawn from market due to discovery of its
addictive properties.
2006: still used under strict control as the drug of
choice for treating patients dying of cancer. It
reduces pain as well as it produces a euphoric effect
to treat depression in patients close to death
Everyday drugs
Still produce a biological response
Caffeine (stimulant), in coffee, tea cocoa(when you take a cup of
coffee you are a drug user but when you crave a cup of coffee then
you are a drug addict)
Sugar reacts with the taste buds of the tongue to produce a sense
of sweetness taste
Nicotine (sedation or calming effect), in cigarettes
Alcohol is an unsatisfactory drug because it is difficult to judge the
correct dose required to gain the happiness effect without drifting
into the higher dose levels that produce un wanted side effects
such as staggering effect. Also, either happiness or depression
may result)
Food additives may cause allergies
Junk food and fizzy drinks cause hyperactivity in children (contain
chemicals that are converted in the body into neurotransmitters
leading to excess messages are transmitted in the brain leading to
disruptive (unsettling, troublesome) behavior.
Basil: 50 potential carcinogens
Cultural aspects
“Good” vs. “Bad” Drugs
Safety of a drug depends on its :
Dosage level
Almost anything in excess will be toxic but in
proper dose it is a good medicine
Chronic exposure
Measure of safety of drug = therapeutic
Therapeutic index
Measure of a drug’s beneficial effects at low
dose vs. harmful effects at high dose
Comparison of dose levels which lead to toxic
effects to dose levels which lead to maximum
therapeutic effects
High therapeutic index = large margin of safety
Marijuana = 1000
Alcohol = 10
Does not take chronic use into account
Medicinal Chemistry
Under what conditions are drugs “good,” and what to they do to the body?
Curare (Tubocurarine structure)
It was used as a deadly poison which was used by the native people of
South America to tip their arrows such that a minor arrow wound
would be fatal.
Drugs based on the tubocurarine
structure are used in surgical
operations to relax muscles.
Classification of drugs
Four main groups (overlap)
1. By biological/pharmacological effect
Analgesics, anti-asthmatics, antipsychotics,
antihypertensives, antihistaminic, antibiotics ,etc.
Large and varied assortment of drugs
Many mechanisms of action
Some drugs may have more than just one use.
By chemical structure
Penicillins, opiates, barbiturates
Common skeleton
Pharmacological effects may be similar or different uses
in medicine
Classification of drugs
3. By target system
Examples: Antihistamines
Affect a certain target system in the body
Variety of structures due to large number of stages
in system (synthesis, release, receptor interaction
and removal of histamine for example)
Not all antihistamines are similar compounds
By target site of action (more specific)
Anticholinesterases (inhibit acetylcholinesterase
enzyme in CNS)
Target enzyme or receptor with which they
Usually common mechanism
History of Medicinal Chemistry
Studied/practiced for thousands of years
Medicine men/witch doctors
Roots, plants, trees, berries, herbs (medical folklore)
Often placebos (useless drugs but they worked because the patients
had a will of them to work )
Last 150 years: isolation and purification of active principles of the
remedies so Mechanism of reaction/response
1909: first chemotherapy means chemicals that directly interfere
with the proliferation of the microorganisms at concentrations
tolerated by the host-selective toxicity. by Ehrlich)
Salvarsan (compound “606” arsenic containing compound) for syphilis
Later replaced with penicillin (toxic fungal metabolite,1940s)
2005: Structure determination
400 BC: Hippocrates
Chew bark of willow tree for pain (child birth and eye
Active component of willow bark = salicin
Aspirin itself has an antiinflammatory action
It is a prodrug to mask the side effect (gastric bleeding) due
to free phenolic group in salicylic acid, where the ester
group is later hydrolyzed in the body into free active drug.
1. Hydrolysis
2. Oxidation
(1883: Bayer)
Salisylic acid
- more effective
- no bitter taste
- gastric bleeding
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
- less irritating
- ester hydrolyzes to active drug
Cocaine (I)
Active principle in South American coca bush
Plant used as a stimulant, it is absorbed
sublingually by chewing coca leaves
mystical/religious reasons
Isolated 1880’s
It is the lead compound for Local Anesthetic in
Addiction (absorbed by mucous membrane of
the nose when its powder snorted or sniffed or
smoked) : Freud
Used for depression; in other drug addiction
Drug development based on structure (by
simplification of structure)
Procaine II (Novocain)