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Antiparasitic Drugs
Fen-Fei Gao
一.Antimalarial drugs
二.Anti-amebiasis drugs and Anti-trichomoniasis
三.Anti-schistosomiasis drugs and Anti-filariasis
四.Anthelmintic drugs
• Malaria is caused by plasmodium (疟原虫) whose
sporozoites(子孢子) was inoculated to initiate human
infection by anopheline mosquito(按蚊).
• Four species of plasmodium cause human malaria:
– Plasmodium falciparum (恶性疟) → responsible for nearly all
serious complications(并发症) and deaths.
– P vivax (间日疟)
benign malaria
– P malariae (三日疟)
– P ovale(卵圆形疟) → seldom
Parasite(寄生虫) Life Cycle
Asexual stage in human:
Primary exoerythrocytic(红细胞外) stage: sporozoites(子孢子)
invade liver cells → schizonts(裂殖体)—— incubation period
Asexual erythrocytic stage: merozoites(裂殖子) invade erythrocytes,
trophozoites(滋养体) → schizonts, rupture host erythrocytes →
repeated cycles —— cause clinical illness
Secondary exoerythrocytic stage: In P vivax and P ovale infections, a
dormant(静止的) hepatic stage, hypnozoite(睡眠子孢子) →
Sexual stage in anopheline mosquito:
Sexual stage gametocytes(配子体) also develop in erythrocytes
before being taken up by mosquitoes, where they develop into
infective sporozoites.
Drug Classification
Classified by their selective actions on
different phases of the parasite life cycle:
1. Tissue schizonticides(杀组织裂殖体药): eliminate
developing or dormant(静止) liver forms.
2. Blood schizonticides: act on erythrocytic parasites.
3. Gametocides(杀配子体药): kill sexual stages and
prevent transmission to mosquitoes.
No one available agent can reliably effect a
radical cures.
Control symptoms
• A synthetic 4-aminoquinoline formulated as the
phosphate salt for oral use.
• Pharmacokinetics
– Rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract.
– Very large apparent volume of distribution of 100-1000 L/kg.
– Necessitate the use of a loading dose to rapidly achieve
effective serum concentrations.
– Slowly released from tissues and metabolized.
– Principally excreted in the urine.
Pharmacological Effects
Antimalarial action: ①highly effective blood schizonticide. ②
Moderately effective against gametocytes of P vivax, P ovale, and P
malariae but not against those of P falciparum. ③ not active against liver
stage parasites.
Mechanism: ① plasmodium aggregates chloroquine. ②chloroquine
incorporated into DNA chain of plasmodium → inhibit proliferation. ③
chloroquine prevents the polymerization(聚合作用) of the hemoglobin(血
红蛋白) breakdown product, heme(血红素), into hemozoin(疟原虫色素)
and thus eliciting parasite toxicity due to the buildup of free heme. ④
pH↑→ plasmodium protease activity↓
Resistance: very common among strains of P falciparum and uncommon
but increasing for P vivax. The mechanism of resisitance to chloroquine is
resistant strains excretes drug more rapidly.
Killing Amibic trophozoites : chloroquine reaches high liver
Immunosuppression action:
Clinical Uses
1. Treatment: nonfalciparum and sensitive falciparum
malaria. Primaquine(伯氨喹) must be added for
the radical cure of P vivax and P ovale, because
chloroquine does not eliminate dormant liver
forms of these species.
2. Chemoprophylaxis: for without resistant
falciparum malaria in malarious regions.
3. Amebic liver abscess(阿米巴肝脓肿): not
effective in the treatment of intestinal or other
extrahepatic amebiasis.
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Usually very well tolerated, even with prolonged use.
– Pruritus(瘙痒) is common.
– Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, anorexia(食欲
缺乏), malaise(不适), blurring of vision(视力模糊), and
urticaria(风疹) are uncommon.
– Dosing after meals may reduce some adverse effects.
– Rare reactions include hemolysis in G6PD-deficient persons,
impaired hearing, confusion, psychosis, seizures, hypotension,
ECG changes.
– teratogenesis
Control symptoms
• Quinine and quinidine remain first-line therapies for
falciparum malaria——especially severe disease.
• Quinine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the
cinchona tree(金鸡纳树皮), a traditional remedy for
intermittent fevers(间歇性热) from South America.
• Quinine is the levorotatory stereoisomer of quinidine.
• Rapidly absorbed after oral administration.
• Metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine.
• Pharmacological Effects
– Highly effective blood schizonticide against the four
species of human malaria paresites.
– Gametocidal against P vivax and P ovale but not P
– Not active against liver stage parasites.
– Depressing cardiac contractility and conduction,
lengthening refractory period, exciting uterine
smooth muscle, depressing central nervous system,
little antipyretic-analgesic effect.
• Clinical Uses: mainly for chloroquine-resistant
falciparum malaria, especially for cerebral
– Parenteral(胃肠外的) treatment of severe
falciparum malaria
– Oral treatment of falciparum malaria
– Malarial chemoprophylaxis
– Babesiosis(巴贝西虫病)
Adverse Effects and Cautions
1. Cinchonism: tinnitus(耳鸣), headache, nausea,
dizziness(眩晕), flushing(面红), visual
2. Cardiovascular effects: severe hypotension and
arrhythmia can follow too-rapid intravenous
3. Idiosyncrasy: hemolysis with G6PD deficiency.
4. Others: hypoglycemia through stimulation of
insulin release, stimulate uterine contractions
Control symptoms
• A synthetic 4-quinoline methanol that is chemically
related to quinine.
• Pharmacokinetics
– Only be given orally because severe local irritation occurs
with parenteral use.
– Well absorbed.
– Highly protein-bound, extensively distributed in tissues, and
eliminated slowly. t1/2 is 20 days.
• Pharmacological Effects:
– Strong blood schizonticidal activity against P falciparum and P
vivax, but not active against hepatic stages or gametocytes.
• Clinical Uses
– Chemoprophylaxis:
– Treatment: mainly for chloroquine-resistant
falciparum malaria.
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain——
– Neuropsychiatric toxicities: dizziness, headache,
behavioral disturbances, psychosis, seizures.
Control symptoms
• Developed by China.
• blood schizonticidal activity.
• Treatment for all types malaria, including
chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria.
• Mechanism: destroy parasite compound
membrane and food vacuoles.
Control symptoms
• Extracted from yellow flower mugwort.
• Kill trophozoites of erythrocytes.
• quick and effective. maybe kill earlier period
• Through blood-brain barrie, treatment for cerebral
• recurrence rate is high.
• Resistence.
• Interaction with others antimalarial drugs:
Control symptoms
• Artemether and Artesunate
• Dihydroartemisinin
Control relapse
and transmission
• Synthetic 8-aminoquinoline.
• Pharmacological Effects
– Against hepatic stages of malaria parasites.
– The only available agent active against the dormant
hypnozoite(睡眠子孢子) stages of P vivax and P
– Also gametocidal against the four human malaria
• Clinical Uses
– Therapy (Radical Cure) of Acute Vivax and Ovale Malaria:
chloroquine + primaquine
– Terminal Prophylaxis of Vivax and Ovale Malaria: prevent a
– Chemoprophylaxis of Malaria: protection against falciparum
and vivax malaria. But potential toxicities of long-term use
limited its routinely administration.
– Gametocidal Action: A single dose of primaquine (45 mg
base) can be used as a control measure to render P falciparum
gametocytes noninfective to mosquitoes. This therapy is of
no clinical benefit to the patient but will disrupt transmission
– Pneumocystis carinii(卡氏肺孢子虫) infection: clindamycin(克
林霉素)+primaquine → mild to moderate pneumocystosis
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
• Nausea, epigastric(腹上部的) pain, abdominal
cramps(痛性痉挛), headache.
• Hemolysis or methemoglobinemia(高铁血红蛋
白血症), especially in persons with G6PD
deficiency or other hereditary metabolic defects.
Etiological factor
• Pharmacokinetics
– Slowly but adequately absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
– Slowly eliminated and excreted from urine.
• Pharmacological Effects
– Kill schizonts of primary exoerythrocytic stage.
– Act slowly against premature schizonts of erythrocytic stage.
– No action against gametocytes, but can inhibit development
of plasmodium in mosquito.
– Inhibit plasmodial dihydrofolate reductase → inhibiting
breeding of plasmodium.
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Gastrointestinal symptoms, skin rashes.
– Interfering folic acid metabolism in human →
megalocyte anemia, granulocytopenia.
– Acute intoxication
– Teratogenesis
Etiological factor
Sulfonamides and Sulfone
• Competing dihydropteroatesye synthase with
PABA → inhibiting to form dihydrofolic acid
→ inhibiting production of purines and
synthesis of nucleic acids.
• Only inhibiting plasmodial of exoerythrocytic
• Not used as single agents for the treatment.
Combination with other agents.
Rational Use of Antimalarial Drugs
Choice of Antimalarial Drugs:
Control symptoms: chloroquine
Cerebral malaria: chloroquine phosphate, quinine bimuriate,
artemisinin —— injection
Chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria: quinine, mefloquine,
Dormant hypnozoite stages : pyrimethamine + primaquine
Prophylaxis: pyrimethamine, chloroquine
Combination therapy:
chloroquine + primaquine: symptom stages
pyrimethamine + primaquine: dormant hypnozoite stages
Combination of drugs with different mechanisms: therapeutic effect↑,
Anti-amebiasis Drugs
• Amebiasis is infection with Entamoeba histolytic.
• Amebiasis is transmitted through gastrointestinal
• Ameba has two stages of development: cyst(包
囊) and trophozoite(滋养体).
Cysts → small intestine → little trophozoites (ileocecum)
cysts (colon) —— asymptomatic intestinal infection, source of
big trophozoites (tissues of intestine) —— intestinal
• A nitroimidazole(硝基咪唑类). The nitro group of
metronidazole is chemically reduced in anaerobic(厌氧
的) bacteria and sensitive protozoans. Reactive
reduction products appear to be responsible for
antimicrobial activity.
• Pharmacokinetics
– Oral metronidazole is readily absorbed and permeates all
tissues by simple diffusion.
– Protein binding is low (<20%)
– Through blood brain barrier
– Metabolizing in liver.
– Excreted mainly in the urine.
Pharmacological Effects and Clinical Uses
1. Anti-amebiasis: kills E histolytic trophozoites but
not cysts. Treatment of all tissue infections with E
histolytic. No effection against luminal parasites and
so must be used with a luminal amebicide to
ensure eradication of the infection.
2. Anti-trichomoniasis(滴虫病):
3. Anti-anaerobic bacteria(厌氧细菌):
4. Anti-giardiasis(梨形鞭毛虫病):
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Nausea, headache, dry mouth, a metallic taste in the
– Infrequent: vomiting, diarrhea, rash, insomnia,
neutropenia, ……
– Rare: severe central nervous system toxicity ( ataxia,
encephalopathy(脑病), seizures)——drug
– Has a disulfiram(双硫仑,乙醛脱氢酶抑制药)-like
effect, so that nausea and vomiting can occur if
alcohol is ingested during therapy.
Emetine and Dehydroemetine
• Emetine, an alkaloid derived from ipecac(吐根), and
dehydroemetine, a synthetic analog, are effective against
tissue trophozoites of E histolytic .
• Because of major toxicity concerns they have been
almost completely replaced by metronidazole.
• Administered subcutaneously (preferred) or i.m. (but
never i.v.) because oral preparations are absorbed
• Pharmacological Effects and Clinical Uses
• kills E histolytic trophozoites of histolytic tissues
but no effection against luminal trophozoites. a
luminal amebicide should also be given.
• Rapidly alleviate severe intestinal symptoms,
used to treat amebic dysentery(痢疾) for the
minimum period because of toxicity.
• Occasionally as alternative therapies for amebic
liver abscess.
• Mechanisms
Inhibiting peptidyl-tRNA transposition → inhibiting
elongation of peptide chain → inhibiting protein
synthesis → interfering cleavage and breeding of
Adverse Effects and Cautions
 low selection → also inhibiting protein synthesis of
 Toxicity increase with length of therapy.
1. Cardiac toxicity: arrhythmias, congestive heart failure,
hypotention, ECG changes
2. Neuromuscular blockade: muscle weakness and discomfort
3. Local stimulation: pain and tenderness in the area of
4. Gastrointestinal tract discomfort: nausea, vomiting
 Not be used in patients with cardiac or renal disease, in
young children, or in pregnancy.
• Diloxanide furoate(糠酸盐) is a dichoroacetamide(二
氯乙酰胺) derivative.
• Effective luminal amebicide but is not active against
tissue trophozoites.
• The unabsorbed diloxanide in the gut is the active
antiamebic substance.
• Effective for asymptomatic luminal infections.
• It is used with a tissue amebicide, usually metronidazole.
• Adverse Effects: flatulence(胃肠气胀), nausea,
abdominal cramps(痛性痉挛), rashes, abortion(流产).
• Aminoglycoside(氨基糖苷) antibiotic.
• Not significantly absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract.
• Only as a luminal amebicide and has no effect
against extraintestinal amebic infections.
• inhibiting protein synthesis → kill trophozoites;
• inhibiting symbiosis flora → indirectly inhibiting
ameba protozoa.
Chloroquine reaches high liver concentrations
→ treatment of amebic liver abscess.
Not effective in the treatment of intestinal or
other extrahepatic amebiasis.
Anti-trichomoniasis Drugs
• Metronidazole
• Acetarsol (乙酰胂胺)
Anti-schistosomiasis Drugs
• Schistosoma including:
– Schistosoma japonicum (epidemic in China)
– Schistosoma mansoni
– Schistosoma haematobium
• Antimony potassium tartrate —— inhibition of
phosphofructokinase(磷酸果糖激酶) ——
treatment of schistosomiasis. But greater toxicity,
long treatment course, i.v. limit its uses.
• A synthetic isoquinoline-pyrazine derivative.
• Pharmacological Effects
– Effective in the treatment of schistosome(血吸虫) infections
of all species and most other trematode(吸虫) and
cestode(绦虫) infections, including cysticercosis(囊虫病).
– Against adult worms and immature stages.
• Mechanisms
– Increases cell membrane permeability to calcium →
vacuolization, marked contraction, spastic paralysis,
dislodgement(赶出), death.
• Clinical Uses
– Schistosomiasis(血吸虫病)
– Clonorchiasis(支睾吸虫病) and Opisthorchiasis(后睾吸虫
– Paragonimiasis(肺吸虫病)
– Taeniasis(绦虫病) and Diphyllobothriasis(裂头绦虫病)
– Neurocysticercosis(神经囊虫病)
– Hydatid(棘球蚴) disease
– Other parasites: fasciolopsiasis(姜片虫病),
metagonimiasis(后殖吸虫病), heterophyiasis(异形吸虫病)
• Adverse Reactions
– Mild and trainsient.
– Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, lassitude(疲倦)
– low-grade fever, pruritus(瘙痒), and skin rashes
(macular(斑疹的) and urticarial(荨麻疹))—due to
the release of foreign protein from dying worms.
Anti-filariasis Drugs
• Epidemic in China:
– Wuchereria bancrofti(班氏丝虫, 吴策线虫)
– Brugia malayi(布鲁丝虫, 马来丝虫)
• Parasitize in lymphatic system.
• A synthetic piperazine derivative. Rapidly
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
excreted rapidly in the presence of acidic urine.
• Pharmacologic Effects and Mechanisms
– Immobilizes microfilariae(微丝蚴) (which results in
their displacement in tissues) and alters their surface
structure, making them more susceptible to
destruction by host defense mechanisms.
– Adult parasites are killed more slowly. Against adult
worms is unknown.
Clinical Uses
The drug should be taken after meals.
Wuchereria bancrofti(班氏丝虫), Brugia malayi(马来丝虫),
Brugia timori, and Loa loa(罗阿丝虫)
Tropical Eosinophilia(嗜酸性细胞增多)
Adverse Reactions
Drug-induced Reactions: mild and transient, headache,
malaise(不适), anorexia(食欲缺乏), nausea, ……
Reactions induced by Dying Parasites: release of foreign
proteins. Eosinophilia and leukocytosis. Papular(丘疹的)
rash, muscle or joint pains.
Anthelmintic Drugs
Classification of Helminth
① Roundworms (nematodes) —— epidemic in China
② Tapeworms
③ Flukes (trematodes)
• A synthetic benzimidazole(苯并咪唑) that has a wide
spectrum of anthelmintic activity and a low incidence
of adverse effects.
• Pharmacokinetics
Oral absorption <10%
First pass elimination is high.
Protein-binding >90%
Excreted mostly in the urine, a portion of absored drug and
its derivatives are excreted in the bile.
– Absorption is increased if the drug is ingested with a fatty
• Pharmacologic Effects
– Inhibits microtubule(微管) synthesis in nematodes(线虫),
thus irreversibly impairing glucose uptake. Intestinal parasites
are immobilized or die slowly.
– Kills hookworm, ascaris(蛔虫), and trichuris(鞭虫) eggs.
• Clinical Uses
– Pinworm(蛲虫) infection
– Ascaris lumbricoides(蛔虫), Trichuris trichiura (鞭虫), Hookworm,
and Trichostrongylus(毛圆线虫)
– Other infections: intestinal capillariasis(毛细线虫病),
trichinosis(旋毛虫病), taeniasis(绦虫病), strongyloidiasis(类
圆线虫病), dracontiasis(麦地那丝虫病), et al.
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Low-dose: nearly free adverse effects.
– Diarrhea, abdominal pain is infrequent.
– High-dose: pruritus(瘙痒), rash, eosinophilia(嗜酸
性细胞增多), reversible neutropenia(嗜中性白血
球减少症), musculoskeletal pain(肌肉骨胳痛),
fever, transient liver function abnormalities,
alopecia(脱发), glomerulonephritis(肾小球肾炎),
• A benzimidazole carbamate(氨基甲酸酯)
• A broad-spectrum oral anthelmintic for
treatment of hydatid(包虫囊) disease and
cysticercosis(囊虫病), pinworm infection,
ascariasis(蛔虫病), trichuriasis(鞭虫病),
strongyloidiasis(类圆线虫病), and infections
with both hookworm(钩虫) species.
• Effect better than Mebendazole.
• Clinical Uses
– Administered on an empty stomach when used
against intraluminal parasites but with a fatty meal
when used against tissue parasites.
1. Ascariasis(蛔虫病), Trichuriasis(鞭虫病), and
Hookworm and Pinworm(蛲虫) infections.
2. Strongyloidiasis(类圆线虫病)
3. Hydatid(棘球蚴) Disease
4. Neurocysticercosis(神经猪囊尾蚴病)
5. Other infections: cutaneous larva migrans(幼虫迁
徙), gnathostomiasis(颚口线虫病)……
• Treatment of ascariasis(蛔虫病).
• No longer recommended for treatment of pinworm(蛲
虫) infection, because a 7-day couse of treatment is
• Not useful in hookworm infection, trichuriasis(鞭虫病),
or strongyloidiasis(类圆线虫病).
• Causes flaccid(弛缓性) paralysis of ascaris by blocking
acetylcholine at the myoneural(肌神经的) junction.
• Neurotoxic adverse effects.
• A synthetic imidazothiazole(咪唑噻唑)
derivative and the L isomer of D,Ltetramisole(四咪唑).
• Highly effective in eradicating ascaris and
trichostrongylus(毛圆线虫属) and moderately
effective against both species of hookworm.
• Inhibiting succinic dehydrogenase(琥珀酸脱氢
酶) → energy↓ → flaccid paralysis
• Immunomodulating effect.
• A tetrahydropyrimidine(四氢嘧啶) derivative.
• A broad-spectrum anthelmintic
• Highly effective for the treatment of pinworm(蛲虫), ascaris,
and Trichostrongylus orientalis(东方毛圆线虫属) infections.
• Moderately effective against both species of hookworm but less
so against N americanus.
• Not effective in trichuriasis(鞭虫病) or strongyloidiasis(类圆线
• Oxantel, an analog of pyrantel, is effective against in trichuriasis;
the two drugs have been combined for their broad-spectrum
anthelmintic activity.
• Effective against mature and immature forms of
helminths within the intestinal tract but not against
migratory stages in the tissues or against ova(卵).
• Inhibition of cholinesterase —— a depolarizing
neuromuscular blocking agent → spastic paralysis
• Used with caution in patients with liver dysfunction.
• No combination with piperazine because of
antagonistic action.
Pyrvinium Embonate
A dye.
Not absorb orally.
treatment of pinworm(蛲虫)
Selectively interfering energy metabolism
enzymatic system
• Inhibiting glucose-transporting enzymatic
• Red feces(粪便)
• A salicylamide derivative
• Treatment of most tapeworm(绦虫) infection.
• Pharmacologic Effects
– Scoleces(头节) and segments of cestodes(绦虫) —
but not ova — are rapidly killed on contact with
nicolsamide due to the drug’s inhibition of oxidative
phosphorylation or to its ATPase-stimulating
– With the death of the parasite, digestion of scoleces
and segments begins.
• Clinical Uses
– Given in the morning on an empty stomach.
– The tablets must be chewed thoroughly and are then swallowed
with water.
 Niclosamide can be used as an alternative drug for the
treatment of intestinal fluke infections.
• Adverse Effects and Cautions
– Infrequent, mild and transitory.
– Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort.
• Effective in the treatment of schistosome(血吸
虫) infections of all species and most other
trematode(吸虫) and cestode(绦虫) infections,
including cysticercosis(囊虫病).
• A first choice in the treatment cestodiasis.