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Ab Initio
Flight Attendant Training
a Viable Option?
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Typically the correlation is not made
between training expenses vs.
mitigation / eradication of costs due
to accidents or incidents.
Training costs are necessary, an
expense that reduces the profit margin.
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Define Ab Initio
Define how Ab initio applies to FA training
Sample structure
Options for utilization
Define potential cost savings
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Exactly what does
Ab Initio mean?
ab means from
initiō is an ablative of initium which
means beginning
West’s Encyclopedia of Law
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Recruiting Expanses
Drug Tests
Alcohol Tests
Background Checks
Administrative Costs
– Processing
Airlines make
the initial
Invitation Letters
Employee Paperwork
Pre-Training Study Materials
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
What purpose might
Ab Initio Training Serve?
Provides an opportunity to evaluate a
potential new-hire flight attendants’
aptitude and level of skill proficiency as it
relates to the responsibilities required of
this multi-disciplined duty position.
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Ab Initio Course Structure
25 hrs of eLearning
21 hrs of practicum
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Ab Initio Course
 Time Conversion
 Aviation Terminology
 Anti-Drug Policies
 Aircraft/Aviation Orientation
 Weather Conditions
 Cabin & Cockpit Emergency
 Principles Ditching & Equipment
 Basic Principles of Evacuation
 Decompression
 Aircraft Fires
 First Aid / CPR / AED
 Previous Aircraft
 HAZMAT WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Ab Inition Course
Theoretical comprehension, correlation,
application & decision-making
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Ab Initio Course
 Validation Exam
 GS & Emergency Drills:
Protective Breathing Equipment
Hand Fire Extinguisher
Oxygen Systems (Excluding aircraft system)
Flotation Device Drill
Ditching Drill
AED Drill
CPR Drill
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Evaluation of intangibles…
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
What are the benefits?
Distance Learning
Basic knowledge &
understanding aviation
Propensity to successfully
complete training
Reduction of pre-training
Selection Pool of Serious
Do I want to
pursue this
Can I complete
the training?
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Still have failures
May not affect attrition rates
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Okay, who’s going to pay for this?
Candidate pays for their ab initio training
Prospective employer sponsors the
candidate through the practicum
Candidate is sponsored through complete
Ab Initio course
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
Will it really affect my bottom line?
Recruiting Expanses $ ???
Administrative Costs $ ???
– Processing
Invitation Letters
Employee Paperwork
Pre-Training Study Materials
Drug Tests - $35pp
Alcohol Tests - $25pp
Background Checks - $75pp
Other – travel, hotel, per diem, etc
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream
The Latin term ab initio means from the
beginning and in aviation, it refers to the
very first stage of training.
Why not explore a method that has been
reasonably effective for pilot training?
It could mean substantial savings to our
training budget!
WATS - Cabin Crew Stream