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Anti-cancer Therapy:
Antimitotic Agents
By: Kristin Gillis
Discussion Points
What is cancer?
Mitosis and mitotic
How deregulation of
the above contributes
to cancer formation
Antimitotic agents as
a treatment
Vinca alkaloids
Problems with
antimitotics overall
What's new with
What is Cancer?
Cancer is the deregulation of normal cellular
processes. Cells that have been transformed
tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled and
deregulated way and, in some cases, to
metastasize (spread).
Cancer is not one disease, but a group of more
than 100 different and distinctive diseases.
Cancer can involve any tissue of the body and
take on many different forms in each area.
Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the
U.S., surpassed only by heart disease.
What Happens in Cancer Cells?
Cancer cells become deregulated in many
different ways.
– One way: Mutations in one or more mitotic
checkpoints allow the cell to move from one phase of
mitosis to another unchecked.
– Another way: Mutations in cellular machinery itself so
that mitotic errors are not properly detected/repaired,
and the cell is allowed to move through mitosis
But what is ‘mitosis?’
What is Mitosis?
“It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten…”
Here’s a video to remind everybody exactly what
mitosis, also known as the ‘Cell Cycle,’ entails:
Short video first
More detail
Stages of Mitosis
Interphase: Technically not part
of mitosis, but rather
encompasses stages G1, S,
and G2 of the cell cycle which
prepare the cell for mitosis.
Metaphase: Spindle fibers
align the chromosomes along
the middle of the cell nucleus.
This line is referred to as the
‘metaphase plate.’
Prophase: Chromatin in
nucleus condense; nucleolus
disappears. Centrioles begin
moving to opposite ends of the
cell and fibers extend from the
Anaphase: The paired
chromosomes separate at the
kinetochores and move to
opposite sides of the cell.
Motion results from the
physical interaction of polar
Stages of Mitosis (cont.)
Telophase: Chromatids arrive
at opposite poles of cell, and
new membranes form around
the daughter nuclei. The
chromosomes disperse.
Cytokinesis: Results when a
fiber ring composed of a
protein called actin around the
center of the cell contracts,
pinching the cell into two
daughter cells, each with one
Mitosis Summary
Mitosis is the process by which a cell duplicates the
chromosomes in its cell nucleus in order to generate two,
identical, daughter nuclei.
It is followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides
the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into
two daughter cells containing roughly equal shares of
these cellular components.
Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M)
phase of the cell cycle.
Mitosis is a normal cellular process necessary to sustain
life, but its deregulation in one form or another is found in
all cancer cells.
Mitosis can often become abnormal by the change in, or
absence of, the normal mitotic checkpoints.
Mitotic Checkpoints
Mitotic checkpoints are points in the cell cycle which act
to ensure correct transmission of genetic information
during cell division. These checkpoints look for
abnormalities within the cycle, specifically chromosomal
Checkpoints take place towards the end of each phase
of mitosis and must be passed before the cell can get
clearance to enter into the next stage of mitosis.
If errors are found during checkpoints, the cell acts
quickly to correct them, arresting cell growth and not
proceeding with mitosis until the error has been fixed.
If these errors cannot be fixed, the cell normally
undergoes apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
How ‘Cancer’ Arises
The cell is allowed to move through the cell cycle and
grow unchecked, and more mutations are accumulated
over time that extend past the cell cycle to the cellular
machinery itself.
These mutations, in combination with the genetic
mutations accrued through abnormal mitotic progression,
eventually cause the cell to be completely deregulated in
its growth and proliferation.
It becomes unstoppable and even immortal.
You get CANCER!
Antimitotic Agents: One Possible
Antimitotic agents: Anti-tumor
agents that inhibit the function
of microtubules through the
binding of their subunits or
through direct cessation of
their growth.
What are microtubules (MTs)?
Protein polymers formed by aTubulin and B-tubulin
heterodimers that play an
important role in critical cell
functions such as movement,
phagocytosis and axonal
transport. They also play a
key role in the formation of the
mitotic spindle apparatus and
cytokinesis at the end of
In normal cells, microtubules
are formed when a cell starts
dividing during mitosis. Once
the cell stops dividing,
microtubules are broken down
or destroyed.
The crucial involvement of MTs
in mitosis makes them a prime
target for anti-cancer agents.
Antimitotic Agents
Three distinct classes of antimitotic agents have
been identified thus far.
1.) Taxanes; include: paclitaxel and docetaxel.
2.) Vinca alkaloids; include: vincristine,
vinblastine, vindesine, and vinorelbine.
3.) Colchicine.
All must be administrated via intravenous
Taxanes (First Antimitotic Group)
Prevent the growth of cancer cells by affecting
Overall, they encourage microtubule formation,
then they stop the microtubules from being
broken down so that the cells become so
clogged with microtubules that they cannot
continue to grow and divide. This results in the
cell’s arrest in mitosis.
Eventually, cell DEATH by apoptosis.
Taxanes: History
Isolated from the bark of the Western
yew tree in 1971, this compound
became useful in the treatment of
cancer when it was discovered that it
possessed the unique ability to
promote the formation of microtubules
by binding to their B-tubulin subunit
and antagonizing their disassembly.
However, the amount of paclitaxel in
yew bark was small, and extracting it
was a complicated and expensive
process. In addition, bark collection
was restricted because the Western
yew is a limited resource located in
forests that are home to the
endangered spotted owl.
As demand for paclitaxel grew,
government agencies and the
pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers
Squibb, worked to increase availability
and find other sources of paclitaxel
besides the bark of the Western yew
This work led to the production of a
semi-synthetic form of paclitaxel
(docetaxel) derived from the needles
and twigs of the Himalayan yew tree
Taxus bacatta, which is a renewable
resource. The FDA approved
docetaxel in the spring of 1995.
Taxanes: Paclitaxel
Paclitaxel [Taxol] was the first
compound of the series to be
discovered and used in cancer
Used in the treatment of:
ovarian cancer, breast cancer,
AIDS-related Kaposi's
sarcoma and lung cancer.
Side effects include: bone
marrow loss, hypersensitivity,
muscle aches, peripheral
neuropathy, bradycardia and
Taxanes: Docetaxel
Docetaxel [Taxotere] is
partially-synthetic derivative of
Taxol and results from the
modification of paclitaxel’s side
While it is paclitaxel’s structural
analog, it is much more potent
in terms of potential patient
It acts to kill cancer cells in the
same way as paclitaxel.
Taxanes: Docetaxel (cont.)
Useful in the treatment of: mainly prostate
cancer, but also breast, ovarian and lung cancer.
Must be co-administered with dexamethasone to
prevent progressive, often disabling, fluid
retention in the peripheries, lungs and abdomen.
Side effects are more severe but more shortlived than Taxol and include: leukopenia,
peripheral edema, neutropenia.
Taxanes: Complicating Factors
Resistance to taxanes is a complicating factor to
successful treatment and is often associated with
increased expression of the mdr-1 gene and its product,
the P-glycoprotein.
Other resistant cells have B-tubulin mutations which
inhibit the binding of taxanes to the correct place on the
microtubules; this renders the drug ineffective. In
addition, some resistant cells also display increased
aurora kinase, an enzyme that promotes completion of
mitosis. Some cells display a heightened amount of
survivin, an anti-apoptotic factor.
Side effects can be debilitating.
These drugs are very expensive and must be
administered in large amounts at once due to the fact
that much of the drug is excreted in the urine or allocated
to the plasma. This large administration volume cannot
be tolerated in many patients.
Vinca Alkaloids (Second Antimitotic
The Vincas work through their ability to bind to the B-tubulin subunit
of microtubules, blocking their ability to polymerize with the a-tubulin
subunit to form complete microtubules. This causes the cell cycle to
arrest in metaphase because, in absence of an intact mitotic spindle,
duplicated chromosomes cannot align along the division plate. The
ultimate fate of such cells is to undergo apoptosis.
The Vinca alkaloids are all derived from the Madagascan periwinkle
plant, Vinca rosea. The plant was reputed to be useful in the
treatment of diabetes. Attempts to verify the antidiabetic properties
of the plant’s extracts in the 1950’s led instead to the discovery and
isolation of vinblastine.
Scientists first observed its anticancer properties in a lab in 1962
with the observation of regression of lymphocytic leukemia in rats.
Several years later, the successful purification of the plant’s
alkaloids yielded three other active dimers: vincristine, vinorelbine,
Vinca Alkaloids: Vinblastine
Vinblastine [Velban] was
the first of the Vincas to
be used in the treatment
of cancer.
Useful in the treatment of:
bladder and testicular
cancers, Kaposi’s
sarcoma, neuroblastoma
and Hodgkin’s disease.
Side effects include:
leukopenia, GI
disturbances, cellulitis,
Vinca Alkaloids: Vincristine
Vincristine [Oncovin]
Useful in the treatment of:
pediatric leukemias and
lymphomas, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, neuroblastoma and
Better tolerated by children than
Side effects: myelosuppression,
hyponatremia, numbness/tingling
of extremities, loss of deep tendon
reflexes, and loss of motor
Intrathecal administration results
in fatal central neurotoxicity.
Vinca Alkaloids: Vinorelbine
Vinorelbine [Navelbine]
Used in the treatment of:
lung carcinoma, breast
Side effects include:
myelosuppression, and
less neurotoxicity than all
of the other Vincas.
Vinca Alkaloids:
Vindesine [Eldisine]
Useful in the
treatment of: breast
and lung cancer,
Side effects:
anemia, myalgia,
fatigue, mouth ulcers,
GI upset.
Vinca Alkaloids: Complicating
Resistance to the Vinca alkaloids comes in the form of
cross-resistance due to the structural similarity of the
four compounds, and their antitumor effects are blocked
by multidrug resistance in which tumor cells become
cross-resistant to a wide variety of agents after exposure
to a single drug. Resistant cells can also display
chromosomal abnormalities consistent with gene
amplification, and these cells contain increased levels of
the P-glycoprotein. Other forms of resistance stem from
mutations in B-tubulin that prevent the binding of the
inhibitors to their target.
Also, because of the heavy concentration of
microtubules in the brain and the drug’s disruption of
this, patients treated with Vinca alkaloids can experience
severe neurotoxicity.
Colchicine (Third Antimitotic Group)
Colchicine was originally extracted
from plants of the genus
Colchicum and used to treat
rheumatic complaints, specifically
The colchicine alkaloid was
initially isolated in 1820 and was
found to bind tubulin, the protein
subunit of MTs.
It is a relatively small molecule
and inhibits its target in a
mechanism similar to the taxanes:
by binding to the colchicine
binding site of microtubules and
promoting their polymerization,
thus causing cell clogging and
eventually apoptosis.
Colchicine (cont.)
While it has been shown to kill cancer cells, the
drug’s usefulness in the treatment of cancer is
hindered by its cytotoxicity; in addition, it is a
known emetic and teratogen.
Colchicine has proven to have a fairly narrow
range of effectiveness as a chemotherapy agent,
so it is only FDA-approved to treat gout.
Currently, investigation of colchicine as an
antimitotic agent is underway.
Drug Resistance is a REAL
Problem for Cancer Patients
Multidrug resistance is a major drawback of cancer
chemotherapy and can result in patients becoming
immune to the effects of many different drugs at once.
A major mechanism of multidrug resistance occurs via
an over-expression of ATP transmembrane efflux pumps
which pump the drug outside of the cell after its
Resistance can often result in patient death as a result of
lack of effective treatment available.
This remains a problem with all anti-cancer therapies.
More Problems With Antimitotic
Side effects with antimitotic agents, as with
many chemotherapies, can be debilitating and
even fatal. Chemotherapy targets rapidlydividing cells, which includes cancer cells but
also hair and gut cells. This results in hair loss
and nausea in patients. Much research remains
to be done in this area of cancer treatment to
minimize toxicity.
There are many drug interactions with antimitotic
agents, so patients can often only take these
drugs alone.
What’s New - Antimitotic Agents
New taxanes and Vinca
alkaloids with oral
bioavailability are currently
undergoing clinical testing.
Inhibitors of mitotic kinesin
motors, such as KSP-1A and
monastrol, are currently being
tested and could soon become
the newest members of the
antimitotic drug family.
A less toxic form of colchicine
is currently being investigated.
Drugs specifically targeting the
Aurora kinase are in various
stages of clinical
development. One is MK-0457
in Phase II clinical trials at
Drugs formulated specifically
to target CNEP-E, a mitotic
kinase that is responsible for
the segregation of
chromosomes during mitosis,
are currently in the making;
one is GSK-923296 at