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Growth hormone wikipedia , lookup

How it works
Health hazard’s
• In 1935, the male hormone testosterone was first
synthesized. During World War II, German soldiers
were reportedly given testosterone to increase their
performance and aggressiveness on the battlefield.
• In the 1940s testosterone began to be widely used in
competitive sports, but the dangers of loading up on
testosterone were not yet clear. In the 1952 Olympics,
the Russian weightlifting and wrestling teams
dominated those sports, at least in part due to
synthetic testosterone.
• During the 1970's demand for anabolic-androgenic steroids grew as
athletes in speed-dependent sports discovered some of the
potential benefits to using anabolic-androgenic steroids. For one
thing, the drugs allow athletes to train harder because muscle
strains and tears repair themselves faster.
• All of this "doping" was against the sports organizations’ rules and
against the law. In 1964, the International Olympic Committee first
published a list of banned drugs and practices for athletes, but the
IOC did not ban steroids until 1975.
• In 1988 the sale of anabolic-androgenic steroids for non-medical
purposes was illegal under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. In
1990, possession of anabolic-androgenic steroids without a
prescription was made illegal in the U.S.
• Anabolic steroids are banned in high-level sporting
competitions. Athletes in such competitions are routinely
screened for natural and synthetic steroids and
• Use of testosterone itself is the most difficult to detect, but
the ratio of the concentrations of testosterone (17-b OH) to
epitestosterone (17-a OH) in the urine is tested. The normal
ratio for the epimers in the urine is 1:1, so it is illegal to
have a ratio of >6:1 b: a OH testosterone in sporting
• Taking testosterone without excercise does not build
muscle mass. Steroids only enhance the extent of increased
muscle mass in those who train rigorously and strenuously,
such as competitive weightlifters.
• Steroids are carried through the bloodstream
bound to a protein to keep them soluble.
Since they are lipophyllic, they can traverse
cell membranes. Once inside a cell they may
bind to a receptor and the complex may then
interact with DNA to modulate transcription,
turning genes off or on. This will effect protein
• How are steroids used?
• Steroids can be taken in the following two
ways: by mouth (pills) or injected with a
needle (People who share needles to inject
steroids are at risk for serious infections
including Hepatitis B and HIV, the AIDS virus.)
Taking different kinds of anabolic steroids,
possibly along with other drugs, is a
particularly dangerous practice.
• Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen
group. It is the principal male sex hormone and an
anabolic steroid. In both males and females, it plays
key roles in health and well-being. Examples include
enhanced libido, energy, immune function, and
protection against osteoporosis. On average, the adult
male body produces about twenty to thirty times the
amount of testosterone that an adult female's body
• The structure of testosterone contains the
notable features of a 17-b-OH (hydroxyl) and a
3-keto group which are necessary for activity.
Oxidation of the 17-b-OH to a 17-keto group,
or conversion to a 17 a-OH, results in steroids
with significantly decreased androgen activity.
Likewise, the 3-OH instead of 3-keto group is
much less active partly due to increased
• In general, androgens promote protein synthesis and
growth of those tissues with androgen receptors.
Testosterone effects can be classified as virilizing and
anabolic effects, although the distinction is somewhat
artificial, as many of the effects can be considered both.
• Anabolic effects include growth of muscle mass and
strength, increased bone density and strength, and
stimulation of linear growth and bone maturation.
• Virilizing effects include maturation of the sex organs,
particularly the penis and the formation of the scrotum in
fetuses, and after birth (usually at puberty) a deepening of
the voice, growth of the beard and auxiliary hair. Many of
these fall into the category of male secondary sex
• Over the years, Testosterone has also been given for
many other conditions and purposes besides
replacement, with variable success but higher rates of
side effects or problems.
• Examples include infertility, lack of libido or erectile
dysfunction, osteoporosis, penile enlargement, height
growth, bone marrow stimulation and reversal of
anemia, and even appetite stimulation. By the late
1940s testosterone was being touted as an anti-aging
wonder drug (e.g., see Paul de Kruif's The Male
Hormone). Decline of testosterone production with age
has led to a demand for Androgen Replacement
Testosterone analogs
• Testosterone analogs are made to achieve increased oral activity,
prolonged action, and selectivity for either anabolic or androgenic
activity, but not both.
• Testosterone analogs are used in the treatment of hypogonadism,
delayed onset of male puberty, and estrogen-dependent breast
cancer in females. Testosterone is necessary for a sense of well
being and sex drive in both men and women. In women, removal of
the ovaries, such as from a total hysterectomy, usually results in a
need for testosterone as well as estrogen replacement. Estragen
replacement therapies now use a separate dosing of testosterone
as needed. Testosterone cream, using testosterone propionate, is a
generic only preparation for topical application. Testosterone from
the cream is absorbed through mucosal skin to achieve desired
effects (used sparingly).
What Are AAS ?
• Anabolic-androgenic steroids are usually called
simply "anabolic steroids." They are synthetic
substances related to the male sex hormones
(androgens.) The anabolic effects of the drugs
promote the growth of skeletal muscle, and the
androgenic effects promote the development of
male sexual characteristics.
• Common street names are as follows:
'roids, juice, hype, or pump.
• Stanozolol, commonly sold under the name Winstrol (oral) and
Winstrol Depot (intra-muscular), was developed by Winthrop
Laboratories in 1962. It is a synthetic anabolic steroid derived from
testosterone, and has been approved by the FDA for human use.
• Unlike most injectable anabolic steroids, Stanozolol is not
esterified and is sold as an aqueous suspension, or in oral tablet
form. The drug has a large oral bioavailability, due to a C17 αalkylation which allows the hormone to survive first pass liver
metabolism when ingested. It is because of this that Stanozolol is
also sold in tablet form.
Non Medical uses for Stanozolol
• Like other anabolic steroids, stanolozol is
classified as a Schedule III controlled substance
under federal regulation.
• Used illegally in bodybuilding, typically "stacked"
with other testosterone-based anabolic steroids,
Stanozolol is liked by many due to the fact it
causes strength increases without excess weightgain, promotes increases in vascularity, and will
not convert to estrogen. It also does not cause
excess water retention, and even sometimes is
thought to have a diuretic effect on the body.
• Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians
on livestock to increase muscle growth and
appetite. To increase its effective half-life,
trenbolone is not used in an unrefined form,
but is rather administered as trenbolone
• No trenbolone compounds have been approved by the FDA for human
use, due to a lack of clinical applications and some potential negative sideeffects. It is classified as a Schedule III drug under the Controlled
Substances Act. However, bodybuilders have been known to use the drug
illicitly in order to increase body mass more effectively than by weight
training alone. A normal bodybuilding dosage can range from 200
mg/week up to 1400 mg/week.
• Trenbolone compounds have a binding affinity for the androgen receptor
three times as high as that of testosterone. Once metabolised, the drugs
have the effect of increasing nitrogen uptake by muscles, leading to an
increase in the rate of protein synthesis.
• The 2006 book Game of Shadows alleges that baseball superstar Barry
Bonds used this drug in 2001, when he set the current single-season home
run record.
Health Hazards
• The major side effects from abusing anabolic steroids can include liver
tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellowish pigmentation of skin, tissues, and
body fluids), fluid retention, high blood pressure, increases in LDL (bad
cholesterol), and decreases in HDL (good cholesterol). Other side effects
include kidney tumors, severe acne, and trembling. In addition, there are
some gender-specific side effects:
• For men: shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility,
baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer.
• For women: growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in or
cessation of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened
• For adolescents: growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal
maturation and accelerated puberty changes. This means that adolescents
risk remaining short for the remainder of their lives if they take anabolic
steroids before the typical adolescent growth spurt.
World largest biceps
Mr. Synthol - "in honor" of the medication, huge doses of which he injects in his arms. , Gregg
Valentino is 169 cm tall, and the volume of his biceps is 58 cm. It took the bodybuilder 23 years
of training and liters of steroids to grow his monstrous muscles. In addition, Gregg lost his hair
and earned liver cancer because of the medication.
Synthol is not a testosterone, and does not contain steroids. It is purely oils that puff up a
muscle to make it look like it had been trained hard.