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In: IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Active Databases, 15(4):15{18, Dec. 1992
The Starburst Rule System:
Language Design, Implementation, and Applications
Jennifer Widom
IBM Almaden Research Center Abstract
This short paper provides an overview of the Starburst Rule System, a production rules facility integrated into the Starburst extensible database system. The rule language is based on arbitrary database
state transitions rather than tuple- or statement-level changes, yielding a clear and exible execution
semantics. The rule system was implemented rapidly using the extensibility features of Starburst; it is
integrated into all aspects of query and transaction processing, including concurrency control, authorization, recovery, etc. Using the Starburst Rule System, we have developed a number of methods for
automatically generating database rule applications, including integrity constraints, materialized views,
deductive rules, and semantic heterogeneity.
1 Introduction
The Starburst Rule System is a facility for creating and executing database production rules; it is fully
integrated into the Starburst extensible relational database system at the IBM Almaden Research Center.
Production rules in database systems (also known as active database systems) allow specication of database
operations that are executed automatically whenever certain events occur or conditions are met. In most
active database systems, including Starburst, production rules are a persistent part of the database and
are created using a rule denition language. As users and applications interact with data in the database,
rules are triggered, evaluated, and executed automatically by a database rule processor. In developing the
Starburst Rule System we had two major goals:
Design of a rule denition language with a clearly dened and exible execution semantics
Rapid implementation of a fully integrated rule processor using the extensibility features of Starburst
As we developed and experimented with our language and system, we discovered that the inherently unstructured nature of rule processing makes production rules quite dicult to program. Consequently, we
added as a third goal:
Development of methods for specifying common classes of database rule applications in high-level
languages and compiling these specications into Starburst rules
The remaining three sections of this short paper outline the approaches we have taken to meeting each of these
three goals. Further details on language design appear in [WF90, Wid92], further details on implementation
appear in [WCL91], and further details on applications appear in [CW90, CW91, CW92a, CW92b, Wid91].
2 Language Design
There are two important aspects in the design of a database production rule language: the syntax for
creating (as well as modifying, deleting, and grouping) rules, and the semantics of rule processing at run
time. Most database production rule languages have a similar syntax, relying on and extending the syntax
of the database query language. However, the semantics of rule processing varies considerably.
In Starburst, the syntax for creating a rule is:
create rule name on table
when triggering operations
[ if condition ]
then action
[ precedes rule-list ] [ follows rule-list ]
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The triggering operations are one or more of inserted, deleted, and updated( 1 n), where 1 n are
columns of the rule's table. The optional condition is an arbitrary SQL predicate over the database. The
action is an arbitrary sequence of database operations, including SQL data manipulation commands, data
denition commands, and rollback. The optional precedes and follows clauses are used to partially order
the set of rules: if a rule 1 species a rule 2 in its precedes list, or if 2 species 1 in its follows list, then
1 has higher priority than 2. Commands also are provided to alter, drop, deactivate, and activate rules.
Rule sets may be created; each set contains zero or more rules, and each rule belongs to zero or more sets.
Rules are processed at rule processing points. There is an automatic rule processing point at the end
of each transaction, and there may be additional user-specied processing points within transactions. We
rst describe end-of-transaction rule processing. The semantics is based on transitions|arbitrary database
state changes resulting from execution of a sequence of SQL data manipulation operations. The state change
created by the user transaction is the rst relevant transition, and some rules are triggered by this transition.
As triggered rule actions are executed, additional transitions are created which may trigger additional rules
or trigger the same rules additional times. Rule processing is an iterative algorithm in which:
1. A triggered rule is selected for consideration such that no other triggered rule has priority over
(for further details on Starburst's rule ordering strategy see [ACL91])
2. 's condition is evaluated
3. If 's condition is true, 's action is executed
For step 1, a rule is triggered if one or more of its triggering operations occurred in the composite transition
since the last time the rule was considered, or since the start of the transaction if the rule has not yet been
considered. The eect of this semantics is that each rule sees each modication exactly once. Rule processing
terminates when a rollback action is executed (in which case the entire transaction aborts), or when there
are no more triggered rules.
Within a transaction, rule processing can be initiated by commands process rules, process ruleset ,
or process rule . Command process rules invokes rule processing with all rules eligible to be considered
and executed; command process ruleset invokes rule processing with only rules in set eligible to be
considered and executed; command process rule invokes rule processing with only rule eligible to be
considered and executed. The semantics of rule processing in response to each of these commands is identical
to end-of-transaction rule processing.
Rule conditions and actions may refer to the current state of the database through top-level or nested
SQL select operations. In addition, rule conditions and actions may refer to transition tables, which are
logical tables reecting the changes that have occurred during a rule's triggering transition. Transition table
inserted in a rule refers to those tuples of the rule's table that were inserted by the triggering transition;
transition tables deleted, new-updated, and old-updated are similar.
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3 Implementation
The Starburst rule language as described in Section 2 is fully implemented, with all aspects of rule denition
and execution integrated into normal database processing. The implementation took about one woman-year
to complete; it consists of about 28,000 lines of C and C++ code including comments and blank lines (about
10,000 semicolons). The implementation relies heavily on several extensibility features of the Starburst
database system [H+ 90].
We briey outline the rule system's general design; many details necessarily are omitted. Rule and rule
set information is stored in rule catalogs, portions of which are cached in global main memory structures
(i.e. structures shared by all processes). During query processing, the system monitors data modications
that may trigger rules. Monitoring takes place using Starburst's attachment extensibility feature: based on
the current set of rules, attachment procedures are registered by the rule system to be called on relevant
tuple-level insert, delete, and update operations. These procedures enter the modications in a local main
memory structure (i.e. one structure per process) called a transition log. Automatic end-of-transaction rule
processing is invoked by Starburst's event queue extensibility feature: if a transaction may trigger rules, a
rule processing procedure is placed on an event queue to be invoked at the commit point of the transaction.
(Hence, there is no overhead at all if a transaction does not trigger rules.) Rule processing also may be
invoked by user commands, as described in Section 2. During rule processing, triggered rules are determined
using the transition log, and they are stored in a local main memory sort structure reecting their ordering.
The Starburst query processor is called to evaluate rule conditions and execute rule actions. Transition
tables are implemented using Starburst's table function extensibility feature: table functions are referenced
as tables in SQL but their contents are generated at run time by registered procedures. The rule system
registers four procedures (inserted, deleted, new-updated, and old-updated) that produce the transition tables
from the transition log as needed during condition evaluation and action execution. Finally, note that since
the transition log is central to rule processing, it is highly structured for eciency in its various operations.
A few special features were needed to fully integrate the rule system into Starburst. Since the query
processor is called to execute rule conditions and actions, concurrency control for these operations is handled
automatically. However, concurrency control for rule creation, modication, and deletion must be handled
separately. The rule system includes concurrency control mechanisms that ensure consistency with respect to
rules and data (i.e. the set of rules triggered by a given transaction's modications cannot change during the
course of the transaction) and with respect to rule ordering (i.e. the ordering between triggered rules cannot
change during the course of rule processing). The rule system also includes an authorization component for
rules and rule sets, and rollback recovery mechanisms for rule system data structures.
4 Applications
The Starburst Rule System provides a powerful mechanism that can be used for traditional database functions
such as integrity constraints and derived data, for non-traditional database functions such as situation
monitoring and alerting, and as a platform for large knowledge-base and expert systems. Unfortunately,
developing a set of rules to correctly realize such applications can be a dicult task: rule processing is
inherently dynamic and unstructured, it interacts with arbitrary database changes, and its behavior can be
unpredictable and dicult to specify.
We have taken two approaches to the problem of developing rule applications. In the rst approach,
support is provided to the rule programmer in the form of analysis tools. These tools perform static analysis
on a set of Starburst rules to predict (conservatively) whether the rules are guaranteed to terminate, whether
they are guaranteed to produce a unique nal database state independent of the ordering between nonprioritized rules, and whether they are guaranteed to produce a unique stream of \observable" actions
independent of the ordering between non-prioritized rules; this work is reported in [AWH92]. Our second
approach is based on the observation that, unlike rules themselves, many common rule applications are static,
structured, and easy to specify. Hence, we have developed a suite of methods whereby the user can specify
rule applications using a high-level declarative language, and these specications are translated (fully- or
semi-automatically) into rules that implement them. We briey describe four such classes of applications.
Integrity constraints { Integrity constraints are static predicates over the database that must be true
at certain consistency points (usually the end of each transaction). Starburst rules can be used to monitor
and enforce integrity constraints: for each constraint, a rule is triggered by any database modications that
may violate the constraint, the rule's condition checks whether the constraint actually is violated and, if the
condition is true, the rule's action restores the constraint or rolls back the transaction. We have developed
a method whereby the user species constraints as SQL predicates over the database. From an arbitrary
set of constraints, the system semi-automatically derives a set of rules that are guaranteed to maintain the
constraints [CW90].
Materialized views { Views are logical tables specied as queries over base (stored) tables. When a view
is materialized, the view table is stored in the database and must be kept consistent with the base tables.
Starburst rules can be used to maintain materialized views: whenever base table modications may aect
the value of a view, rules are triggered whose actions modify the view accordingly. We have developed a
method whereby the user species views using SQL, then the system automatically derives a set of Starburst
rules that are guaranteed to maintain materializations of the views in an incremental fashion [CW91].
Deductive rules { Similar to views, deductive rules specify logical tables derived from base tables. However,
deductive rules use a recursive logic programming formalism, which is more powerful than SQL views.
Similar to materialized views, Starburst rules can be used to maintain materialized derived tables specied
by deductive rules: whenever base table modications may aect the value of a derived table, rules are
triggered whose actions modify the derived table accordingly. If derived tables are non-materialized (i.e.
produced on demand rather than stored in the database), then Starburst rules can be used to perform the
iterative semi-naive evaluation mechanism often used for deductive rules. We have developed methods for
automatically deriving Starburst rules from deductive rules for both of these approaches [CW92a, Wid91].
Semantic heterogeneity { Semantic heterogeneity occurs when multiple databases model the same realworld entities in dierent ways. Whenever possible, it is desirable to maintain consistency across such
databases, despite the heterogeneity. While Starburst rules alone are not sucient for this, they can be used
together with a persistent queue mechanism. At each database, rules are triggered by any modications
that may violate consistency with other databases. Semantic heterogeneity is encoded in rule conditions and
actions so they can perform remote read operations to determine whether consistency actually is violated and,
if so, perform local or remote update operations to restore consistency. Since multidatabase environments
usually do not support transactions across sites, persistent queues are used for reliable and correct execution
of remote operations. We have developed a method whereby the user species consistency requirements
across semantically heterogeneous databases in a high-level language, then the system automatically derives
Starburst rules that are guaranteed to monitor and enforce consistency [CW92b].
I am ever grateful to Stefano Ceri, Bobbie Cochrane, Shel Finkelstein, and Bruce Lindsay, all of whom made
important contributions to one aspect or another of the Starburst Rule System.
[ACL91] R. Agrawal, R.J. Cochrane, and B. Lindsay. On maintaining priorities in a production rule system.
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 479{
487, Barcelona, Spain, September 1991.
[AWH92] A. Aiken, J. Widom, and J.M. Hellerstein. Behavior of database production rules: Termination, conuence, and observable determinism. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International
Conference on Management of Data, pages 59{68, San Diego, California, June 1992.
[CW90] S. Ceri and J. Widom. Deriving production rules for constraint maintenance. In Proceedings of the
Sixteenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 566{577, Brisbane, Australia,
August 1990.
[CW91] S. Ceri and J. Widom. Deriving production rules for incremental view maintenance. In Proceedings
of the Seventeenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 577{589, Barcelona,
Spain, September 1991.
[CW92a] S. Ceri and J. Widom. Deriving incremental production rules for deductive data. IBM Research
Report, IBM Almaden Research Center, November 1992.
[CW92b] S. Ceri and J. Widom. Managing semantic heterogeneity with production rules and persistent
queues. IBM Research Report, IBM Almaden Research Center, October 1992.
[H+ 90] L. Haas et al. Starburst mid-ight: As the dust clears. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering, 2(1):143{160, March 1990.
[WCL91] J. Widom, R.J. Cochrane, and B.G. Lindsay. Implementing set-oriented production rules as an
extension to Starburst. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Very Large
Data Bases, pages 275{285, Barcelona, Spain, September 1991.
[WF90] J. Widom and S.J. Finkelstein. Set-oriented production rules in relational database systems.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages
259{270, Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 1990.
[Wid91] J. Widom. Deduction in the Starburst production rule system. IBM Research Report RJ 8135,
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, May 1991.
[Wid92] J. Widom. A denotational semantics for the Starburst production rule language. SIGMOD Record,
21(3):4{9, September 1992.