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NEONATAL RESUSCITATION PRESENTED BY PHATTRAPONG TANSUPOL MD. หลักการที่จะทาให้ การช่ วยฟื้ นชีวติ ประสบความสาเร็จ 1.ความพร้อมของบุคลากร 2.การฝึ กฝน 3.การทางานเป็ นทีม 4.ACTION/EVALUATION/DECISION CYCLE 5.อุปกรณ์ที่เพียงพอ และพร้อมใช้งาน ACTION/EVALUATION/DECISION CYCLE EVALUATION ACTION DECISION ASPHYXIA – THE BASIC 1.Primary Apnea: When asphyxiated, the infant responds with a increased RR. If the episode continues, the infant becomes apnic, followed by a drop in HR and a slight increase in BP.The infant will respond to stimulation and therapy with spontaneous respirations. 2. Secondary apnea: after primary apnea, the infant responds with a period a gasping respirations, falling HR, and falling BP.The infant takes a last breath and then enters the secondary apnea period.The infant will not respond to stimulation and death will occur unless resuscitation begins immediately. * Because after delivery of an infant it is impossible to differentiate between primary apnea and secondary apnea, assume the infant is in secondary apnea and begin resuscitation immediately. ASPHYXIA CHANGE APGAR SCORE 1.Antepartum and intrapartum history Antepartum Factors Maternal substance abuse No prenatal care Previous stillbirth Bleeding - 2nd/3rd trimester Hydramnios Oligohydramnios Multiple gestation Post-term gestation Small-for-dates fetus Fetal malformations CONT. Intrapartum Factors Maternal narcotics (within 4 hrs of delivery) General anaesthesia Meconium-stained fluid Prolapsed cord Placental abruption Placenta previa Uterine tetany Equipment Equipment and medications should be checked as a daily routine and then prior to anticipated need. Used items should be replenished as soon as possible after a resuscitation. The delivery room should be kept relatively warm and the radiant heater should be preheated when possible. Prewarming of towels and blankets can also be helpful in preventing excessive heat loss from the neonate. Equipment SUCTION EQUIPMENT BULB SYRINGE SUCTION CATH NO 5 6 8 10 Fr 8 Fr FEEDING TUBE 20 ml SYRINGE MECONIUM ASPIRATOR BAG-MASK EQUIPMENT FACE MASK ORAL AIRWAY OXYGEN Equipment CONT. INTUBATION EQUIPMENT LARYNGOSCOPY-BLADE NO 0-1 BATTERY FOR LARYNGOSCOPE ETT NO 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 mm STYLET SCISSOR GLOVE MISCELLANEOUS RADIANT WARMER-STETHOSCOPE-TAPESYRINGE-NEEDLE-ALCOHOL-UMBILICAL CATH Initial Steps for Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room ANTICIPATION ASSESSMENT OF ACTION 1.PREVENT HEAT LOSS Place the infant under an overhead radiant heater to minimize radiant and convective heat loss. Dry the body and head to remove amniotic fluid and prevent evaporative heat loss. This will also provide gentle stimulation to initiate or help maintain breathing. Initial Steps for Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room CONT. 2.ABCDE STEP A-AIRWAY POSITION CLEAR AIRWAY-SUCTION MOUTH THEN NOSE Initial Steps for Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room CONT. B-BREATHING ADEQUACY 1.TACTILE STIMULATION slapping or flicking the soles of the feet rubbing the back gently Do not waste time continuing tactile stimulation if there is no response after 10 - 15 seconds. 2.FREE FLOW OXYGEN 3.PPV Initial Steps for Neonatal Resuscitation in Delivery Room C-CARDIOVASCULAR RESUSCITATION D-DRUG -DIAGNOSIS E-ENVIRONMENT -EXTENDED CARE CONT. Resuscitation in the delivery room PPV 1.INDICATION FOR PPV APNEA OR GASPING HR < 100 bpm CENTRAL CYANOSIS 2.BAG-Self inflating vs. flow dependent bag 3. Rate 40-60 bpm 4. Pressure used = a. Initial breath after delivery = 30-40 cm H2O b. Normal delivery = 15-20 cm H2O c. Diseased Lungs =20-40 cm H2O PPV CONT. 5. Technique/Trouble shooting problems of Bag mask ventilation a. Check for a good seal b. Check for a patent airway c. Are you using enough pressure ? 6.Checking for chest movement check mask position head position-hyperflexion or hyperextention secretion obstruction slighly open infant mount checking for pressure Chest compression 1. Indications: If after 15-30 seconds of positive pressure ventilation with 100% FIO2 the heart rate is a. below 60 bpm b.between 60-80 bpm and not increasing 2. Technique: a. 1 fingers breadth below nipple line, using 2 fingers b. 1/2 to 3/4 compression depth c. accompanied by ventilations, ratio is 3:1 METHOD ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE INTUBATION 1.Indications for intubation: a. Prolonged bag and mask ventilation b. Bag and mask is ineffective c. Tracheal suctioning 2.Tube size Tube size Weight Gestational Age (ID mm) (gm) (weeks) 2.5 <1000 <28 3.0 1000-2000 28-34 3.5 2000-3000 34-38 3.5-4.0 >3000 >38 ดูวา่ ท่อหลอดลมอยูใ่ นตาแหน่ งทีเ่ หมาะสมโดย 1.ฟังปอดได้ยน ิ เสียงเท่ากัน 2 ข้าง 2.ฟังทีก ่ ระเพาะอาหารไม่ได้ยน ิ เสียงลม 3.ทรวงอกเคลือ ่ นไหวเท่ากัน 2 ข้าง MEDITATION 1.Indication HR < 80 bpm despite 100% O2 and chest compression 30 sec No heart rate Drug -adrenaline -volume expander -NaHCO3 -Dopamine -Naloxone hydrochloride Drug dosage Drug Epinephrine 1:10,000 Volume Expanders -NS or RL -5% Albumin -O-neg Blood Preparation 1 ml 40 ml Naloxone 0.4 mg/ml 1.0 mg/ml 1 ml 1 ml Dosage Rate/Precautions Give rapidly IV or ET 0.01-0.03 mg/kg Repeat q 3-5 min 0.1-0.3 ml/kg (ET: dilute to 1-2 ml with NS) 10 ml/kg Give IV over 5-10 min 0.1mg/kg Give rapidly IV or ET preferred 0.25ml/kg 0.1 ml/kg Drug dosage cont. Reserved for prolonged resuscitations only Sodium Bicarbonate (0.5 mEq/ml = 4.2% soln) 20 ml 10 mlx2 Dopamine (6 x weight in kg = mg of dopamine diluted to 100 ml) 100 ml 2 mEq/kg Give slowly, over at least (4ml/kg) 2 min, IV ONLY, Infant must be ventilated Continuous infusion by pump ทารกที่ไม่ ตอบสนองควรคิดถึง 1.inadequate ventilation: missplaced ETT,inadequate pressure,air leak syndrome 2.Shoke: asphyxia,hypovolumic,septic 3.Congenital anomalies: pulmonary hypoplasia,severe cardiac disease THE END Thank you