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Name the groups of muscles of the abdomen:
+the anterior, lateral and posterior groups
-the medial and lateral groups
-the anterior, posterior and superior groups
-the superior, inferior and anterior groups
Name the anterior group of muscles of the abdomen:
+the rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles
-the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis muscles
-the external and internal oblique muscles
-the rectus abdominis and quodrate muscle of the loins
Name the posterior group of muscles of the abdomen:
+the quodrate muscle of the abdomen
-the transversus abdominis muscle
-the pyramidalis muscle
-the external and internal oblique muscles
Name the lateral group of muscles of the abdomen:
+the external oblique, internal oblique and transversus
abdominis muscles
-the external oblique, internal oblique and rectus
abdominis muscles
-the transversus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles
-the transversus abdominis and quodrate muscle of the loin
How is the free inferior border of the aponeurosis of the
external oblique muscle named?
+the inguinal ligament (Poupart's ligament)
-the linea alba
-the interfoveolar ligament
-the transversus ligament
Which movements does the external oblique muscle carry
out, acting singly (unilaterally)?
+rotates the trunk to the contralateral side
-rotates the trunk to the same side
-elevates the lower ribs
-flexes the trunk
Which movements do the external oblique muscles carry
out, acting together (bilaterally)?
+flex the spine, pull the ribs downward
-extend the spine, elevate the ribs
-rotate the trunk to the right and left
-pull the ribs downward, extend the spine
The anterior bundles of the internal oblique muscle are
continuous with:
+with the aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle
-with the cremaster muscle
-with the inguinal ligament
-with the umbilical ring
Which movements does the internal oblique muscle carry
out, acting singly (unilaterally)?
+rotates the trunk to the same side, draws the ribs downward
-rotates the trunk to the contralateral side, elevates the
-rotates the trunk to the same side, elevates the ribs
-flexes the vertebral column
Which movements do the internal oblique muscles carry
out, acting together (bilaterally)?
+flex the vertebral column
-extend the vertebral column
-rotate the trunk to the same side
-rotate the trunk to the contralateral side
Which of muscles of the lateral group of muscles of the
abdomen is the deepest?
+the transversus abdominis muscle
-the internal oblique muscle
-the external oblique muscle
-the rectus abdominis muscle
What is the action of the transversus abdominis muscle?
+narrows the abdominal cavity, forming the abdominal press;
draws the ribs forward and medially
-narrows the abdominal cavity, forming the abdominal press;
elevates the ribs
-rotares the trunk to the same side
-rotates the trunk to the contralateral side
What structure passes between two rectus abdominis
+the linea alba
-the arcuate line
-the semilunar line
-the inguinal ligament
What is the action of the rectus abdominis muscle?
+flexes the vertebral column, draws the ribs downward
-extends the vertebral column, elevates the ribs
-extends the vertebral column, rotates the vertebral column
to the same side
-rotates the vertebral column to the right and left
Which of muscles of the abdomen has tendinous
+the rectus abdominis muscle
-the transversus abdominis muscle
-the external oblique muscle
-the pyramidalis muscle
Where is the pyramidalis muscle located?
+in front of the inferior part of the rectus abdominis
muscle, under the anterior wall of the sheath of the
rectus abdominis
-in front of the superior part of the rectus abdominis
muscle, attaches to the 1st tendinous intersection
-behind the inferior part of the rectus abdominis muscle,
attaches to the inguinal ligament
-behind the superior part of the rectus abdominis muscle,
under the posterior wall of the sheath of rhe rectus
What is the action of the quadratus lumborum muscle,
acting together?
+pull the 12th rib inferiorly (exhalation), help extend the
lumbar portion of the spine
-pull the 12th rib superiorly (inhalation), flex the lumbar
portion of the spine
-rotate the vertebral column to the same side
-rotate the vertebral column to the contralateral side
What does the endoabdominal fascia line?
+the whole inner surface of the abdominal wall
-the rectus abdominis muscle
-the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen
-all anterolateral muscles of the abdomen
The muscles of the abdomen are covered with fascia:
+the proper fascia of the abdomen
-the inguinal fascia
-the deep fascia
-the psoatic fascia
The trasversal fascia is a part of :
+the endoabdominal fascia, it is located under the
transversus abdominis muscles
-the proper fascia, it is located above the trasversus
abdominis muscle
-the superficial fascia of the abdomen, it is located
between the transversus abdominis and internal oblique
-the endoabdominal fascia, it is located between the
internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen
The aponeuroses of the broad muscles of the abdomen fuse
on the midline and form:
+the linea alba
-the arcuate line
-the semilunar line
-the inguinal canal
Where is the linea alba extended?
+between the xiphoid process of the sternum and the pubic
-between the right and left anterior superior iliac spines
-between the pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac
spines (right and left)
-between the umbilical ring and anterior superior iliac
spines (right and left)
What structure is almost in the middle of the linea alba?
+the umbilical ring
-the deep inguinal ring
-the superficial inguinal ring
-the adminiculum lineae albae
Which walls has the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle?
+the anterior and posterior walls
-the superior and inferior walls
-the medial and lateral walls
-the superficial and deep walls
What structure passes through the inguinal canal in the
+the spermatic cord
-the umbilical vein
-the umbilical artery
-the round ligament
What structure passes through the inguinal canal in the
+the round ligament
-the spermatic cord
-the umbilical vein
-the umbilical artery
Which inguinal ring is in the posterior wall of the
inguinal canal at the level of the lateral inguinal fossa?
+the deep inguinal ring
-the superficial inguinal ring
-the inferior inguinal ring
-the superior inguinal ring
Which are the vertical folds of the peritoneum on tne
posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall?
+the lateral and medial umbilical folds and median umbilical
-the superior and inferior umbilical folds
-the lateral and medial umbilical folds
-the median, deep and superficial umbilical folds