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Sustainable Strategy
Policy Priorities in Russia
Tkachenko Maxym (CEFIR)
Russian approaches to the concept
of sustainable development
Presidential Decree “On some measures to increase energy and eco-efficiency of
Russian economy” from 4/06/08 #889 (task: develop the action plan aimed at the
government support of implementation of policy of energy and eco-efficiency in the
• Targets a 40% decrease in energy-intensity of Russian GDP by 2020
compared to 2007
RF Government Order from 18.06.2008 #ИШ-П9-3772 for realization of Presidential
Decree №889 purposes (“ ... prepare federal law aimed on increase energy and ecoefficiency of Russian economy … “)
• draft Federal Law #111741-5 “On introduction of changes in some laws aiming on
increasing eco- and energy-efficiency of the Russian Economy”; draft Federal Law
#111730-5 “On energy savings and increase of the energy efficiency”.
Russian long-run social and economic development concept 2020 (adopted by RF
Government Order from 17.11.2008 #1662-p. Targets levels of specific influence on
• Goals 3-7 times pollutions decrease, depends on industry
RF Government Order from 25.12.2008 №1996-p (sets the 2009 development of “
State Energy Efficiency Program”)
Legislative base for activisation of
energy efficient technologies.
Presidential Decree
№889 from 04.06.2008 г.
Federal Law
«About energy conservation
and energy efficincy
«On some measures to increase
energy and eco-efficiency of
Russian economy»
Federal Law
№ 111741-5
«About changes in some
Legislative Acts of RF,
In order to improve energy
and eco-efficiency»
State Energy Efficiency Program
State Energy Efficiency Program Goals:
reduce the risk of Russia's economy of covering the needs
in energy and power by 2020
reduce the risk of Russia's energy resources export
potential decrease by 2020
decrease household running costs
set limits on investments in fuel-energy complex, that cause
tariffs and inflation increase.
prevent environmental pollution and secure Russia's
commitment to control greenhouse gases emission.
Proposed Policy measures
State Energy Efficiency Program
Special regulation for:
Natural monopolies
- supervision and
accounting of production,
transition and consumption
of energy resourses
- technical regulation
- targeting energy
efficiecy indexes ;
- obligatory energy-audit;
- Energy efficiency
programs realization
Other business units
Market mechanisms
Stimulating mechanisms
- establishment of «white»
(energy efficiency) и «green»
(renewable energy sources
(RES)) sertificate markets;
- froming market terms for
carbon investments (Co2
market) that increase energy
- federal budjet subsidization
- tax benefits assignments;
- stimulation of production
and turnover of equipment with
max. energy efficiency
Renewable Energy Sources(RES)
RES is an important aspect in Russia's
development strategy.
Russian long-run social and economic development concept 2020 (adopted by RF
Government Order from 17.11.2008 №1662-p.) provides for electricity
production expansion on the basis of RES without mid and big hydropower
plants (from 8 bill. kWt*h in 2007 to 80 bill. kWt*h in 2020)
The legislative base for developing RES in Russia is already developing. The basic
document is RF Government Order from 08.01.2009 № 1-p “General
aspects of government policy of energy efficiency increase in power industry
through RES by 2020 ”.
sets goal and principles of using RES.
Targets volumes of production and consumption RES
(2010 - 1,5%, 2015 – 2,5%, 2020 - 4,5%)
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