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Chapter 12
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Chapter Objectives
• Explore the ways in which financial crises
develop and spread
• Explain why financial crises may occur in
countries with sound macroeconomic
• Identify mechanisms to prevent and remedy
financial crises
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Introduction: The Challenge to
Financial Integration
• Economic integration has enhanced growth and
development, but also made it easier for crises to
spread across borders
• Financial crises could be prevented through a
reform of the international financial architecture
• Contagion effects of crises do not conform to a
single pattern, and are thus difficult to predict
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Definition of a Financial Crisis
• Financial Crisis: A financial crisis is a
banking crisis, an exchange rate crisis, or
a combination of the two
– Banking crisis: The banking system becomes
unable to perform its role of intermediation
and its normal lending functions
• Disintermediation: Banks becoming unable to serve
as intermediaries between savers and investors
• Exchange rate crisis: A sudden and unexpected
collapse in the value of a nation’s currency
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Definition of a Financial Crisis (cont.)
• Under a fixed exchange rate system, crisis
entails the loss of international reserves and
• Under a flexible exchange rate system,
crisis means an uncontrolled, rapid
depreciation of the currency
• Countries with a pegged exchange rate may
be more vulnerable to a crisis
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Two Sources of
International Financial Crises
Two sources of international financial crises:
1) Crises caused by macroeconomic
imbalances, such as large budget deficits
caused by overly expansionary fiscal
2) Crises caused by volatile flows of
financial capital that move in and out of a
country quickly
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Crises Caused by
Macroeconomic Imbalances
• A number of crises over the last decades
have been triggered by severe
macroeconomic imbalances
• These are often accompanied by an
exchange rate system that intensifies the
country’s vulnerability
- The current crisis which began in 2007
partially fits this description
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Crises Caused by
Macroeconomic Imbalances (cont.)
• Macroeconomic imbalances in government
budgets, trade balances, and currency
values have set off several crises in
developing countries
• These are often the result of overexpansionary fiscal policies
• Once people suspect an overvalued
exchange rate, capital flight out of the
country begins
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Crises Caused by
Volatile Capital Flows
• The fundamental cause of this type of crisis
is that financial capital is highly volatile and
technological advances have reinforced this
• A weak financial sector can also intensify
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Crises Caused by
Volatile Capital Flows (cont.)
• When banks take on short-term international
debt to fund long-term domestic loans,
several unsettling scenarios are possible:
1) There are multiple possible outcomes (multiple
2) A self-fulfilling crisis
3) The crisis affects banks that are fundamentally
sound, but have mismatches between maturities of
assets and debts; illiquid but not insolvent
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Figure 12.1 Pesos Per Dollar: December 12, 1994
to March 22, 1995
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Domestic Issues in Crisis Avoidance:
Moral Hazard and Financial Sector Regulation
• Problems in financial sector regulation include:
– Moral hazard: The incentive to act in a manner that
creates personal benefits at the expense of the common
good, e.g., banks have an incentive to make riskier
investments when they know they will be bailed out
– Moral hazard problems are exacerbated by governments’
providing incentives or threatening banks to make bad
loans for political ends
-In the East Asian crisis, such loans gave rise to the term
crony capitalism
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Domestic Issues in Crisis Avoidance:
Moral Hazard and Financial Sector Regulation
• The problem of moral hazard is inescapable if
policies to protect the financial sector exist
• The way to decrease the problem is to establish
supervision and regulation standards for
internationally active banks
– Basel Capital Accord: Formulated in 1989 by bank
regulators from industrialized countries; adopted by
more than 100 countries
– The New Basel Capital Accord of 2001(Basel II)
updated the previous standards
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Domestic Issues in Crisis Avoidance:
Moral Hazard and Financial Sector Regulation
• The recommended three best practices to reduce
the problem of moral hazard:
– Capital requirements: Require the owners of banks to
invest a certain percentage of their own capital in the bank
– Supervisory review: Oversight mechanism to assist with
risk management and to provide standards for daily
business practices
– Information disclosure: Requires banks to disclose
operational information to lenders, investors, depositors
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Exchange Rate Policy
• The crawling peg increases vulnerability to
financial crises in two ways:
– Requires monetary authorities to exercise discipline in
the issuance of new money; anti-inflationary tendencies
are exacerbated by intentional slow devaluation, and a
severe overvaluation of the real exchange rate may
– Exiting crawling peg is difficult: A government leaving it
may lose the confidence of investors
• Current consensus: “hard peg” or floating rate
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Capital Controls
• Capital controls may be imposed to prevent capital
movements in the financial account
– Inflow restrictions tend to work better than outflow
ones because they reduce the inflow of short-run
capital, which would add to the stock of liquid,
possibly volatile capital
– Outflow restrictions may help reduce the impact of
a crisis, when it occurs
-Malaysia weathered the Asian Crisis through outflow
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Table 12.1 Current Account Balances and
Currency Depreciations
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Table 12.1 (continued) Current Account
Balances and Currency Depreciations
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Table 12.2 Real GDP Growth
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Table 12.2 (continued) Real GDP Growth
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Domestic Policies for
Crisis Management
• Crises caused by macroeconomic policies can
be cured by:
– Cutting the deficit
– Raising interest rates to help defend the currency
– Letting the currency float
-However, these are politically difficult
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Domestic Policies for
Crisis Management (cont.)
• Crises caused by sudden capital flight are
harder to cure
-Collapsing currency can be defended through
interest rate hikes, but these may cause
bankruptcies and other problems
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Reform of the International
Financial Architecture
• Reform of the international financial
architecture: New international policies for
avoiding and managing financial crises
• The great variety of reform proposals focus on two
– The role of an international lender of last resort
– Conditionality: the changes in economic policy that
borrowing nations are required to make in order to
receive loans from the lender of last resort
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Lender of Last Resort
• Lender of last resort: A source of loanable funds
after all commercial sources of lending become
– The central bank in the national economy
– The IMF, with the support of high-income
countries, in the international economy
-A country unable to make a payment on its
international loans or lacking international
reserves asks the IMF to intervene
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Lender of Last Resort (cont.)
• Opponents of international lender of last resort
cite moral hazard problems
– Trusting in a bailout, failing firms have an incentive to
gamble on high-stakes, high-risk ventures
• Proponents of international lender of last resort
state that moral hazard can be decreased by
financial sector regulations, such as the Basel
Capital Accord
– If owners of financial firms risk losses in the event of a
meltdown, they will not engage in excessive risk
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Lender of Last Resort (cont.)
• Debate on the IMF’s role as a lender of last resort
and moral hazard centers on:
– Level of IMF interest rates: should the rates be
– Length of the payback period: should the period be
– Size of loans: countries often exceed the
borrowing limitation of 300% above their quota;
should the borrowing limits be curbed?
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• Conditionality: The changes in economic policy that
borrowing nations are required to make in order to receive
loans from the lender of last resort
– Typically covers monetary and fiscal policies, exchange
rate policies, and structural policies affecting the
financial sector, international trade, and public
– The IMF makes loans in tranches: installments of the
total loan
-Each tranche hinges on the completion of reform
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Conditionality (cont.)
• Critics of conditionality argue that:
– The need to comply with conditionalities may
intensify the recessionary effects of a crisis
– Conditionality may entail high social costs on
the poorest members of the society
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Conditionality (cont.)
• Proponents of conditionality argue that crises
could be avoided by a pre-qualification criteria:
– To receive assistance, countries must meet
requirements of sound financial sector policies
– However, critics claim that (1) pre-qualification will not
deter speculative attacks on the country's currency and
(2) The IMF could not ignore crises cases that failed to
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Conditionality (cont.)
• There is a need for greater transparency to
make a country’s financial standing clearer
to potential lenders
– Basel Capital Accord includes issues of
transparency and data reporting
– Data dissemination standards: The IMF´s
standards for data reporting; currently under
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Conditionality (cont.)
• The need to coordinate private sector
involvement: private sector creditors’ insistence
they be paid first makes it more difficult to resolve
a crisis
• How to resolve the conflict between lenders?
– Standstills: IMF’s recognition that a crisis country
temporarily stop making repayments on its debt
– Collective action clauses: Lenders would have to
agree on collective mediation among themselves and
the debtor in the event of a crisis
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Reform Urgency
• Immediately following the Asian Crisis,
financial reform was at the top of everyone’s
• A decade later, not much reform has
occurred and it is no longer at the top of the
– Attention has been diverted to other areas:
-Security, terrorism, energy, climate change
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Table 12.3 Current Account Deficits, 20002007 (Billions of U.S. $)
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