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January 2013
This is the material from our first test:
Chapter 1: Section 1.1 and 1.3
Definition of Chemistry
Five types of Chemistry
Scientific Method
Chapter 2: Section 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
What is matter?
States of matter
Elements and Compounds
Chapter 3: All Sections
Accuracy, precision, uncertainty, and significant figures
SI system of units
Dimensional Analysis
You should be able to:
Honors Chemistry Mid-Term Review
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This is the material from our second test:
Chapter 4: Section 4.1-4.3
Five atomic theories
Subatomic particles of the atom
Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes
Atomic Mass (what it is; how to calculate)
Chapter 25: Section 25.1-25.4
Seven types of Radioactive Decay
-Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Positron Emission, Electron Capture, Fission, Fusion
Nuclear Stability and Decay
Understand fission and fusion
You should be able to:
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This is the material from our third test:
Chapter 5: Section 5.1 – 5.3
Bohr Model
Quantum Mechanical Model
Energy levels, subshells, and atomic orbitals
Quantum numbers
Electron Configurations (using only periodic table)
o Configurations
o Electron Dot Diagrams
o Orbital box diagrams
**Remember Exceptions
This is the material from the periodic table quiz:
Chapter 6: Sections 6.1 – 6.3
Periodic Table
Periodic Law
Classifying elements (alkali, alkaline earth metals, etc)
Periodic Trends
o Atomic Radius
o Ionizations Energy
o Electronegativity
You should be able to:
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This is the material from the ionic and metallic bonding quiz:
Chapter 7: Ionic Bonds
Some topics include…
EN values associated with ionic compounds
Properties of Ionic compounds (melting points, solubility, etc.)
Formula writing including assigning charges to ions.
This is the material from the most recent test:
Chapter 8: Covalent Bonds
Some topics include…
Octet rule and electron dot diagrams (make sure you understand and know how to
them!); also, coordinate covalent bonds.
Polar and Non-polar covalent: EN Values
Intermolecular forces: what are they? Be able to explain the three types.
Resonance structures
VSEPR and hybridization theories: You will be responsible for the naming and
drawing of the structures (i.e. - bent, square pyramidal, etc.)
Know how to predict the hybridization of the central atom along with the number of
sigma and pi bonds associated with the compound.
You should be able to:
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Chapter 9 – Nomenclature
Write formulas for ionic and covalent compounds
Name ionic and covalent compounds
Name Acids and bases
I have put together a collection of multiple choice questions for you to use as a study tool. No organic
chemistry will be on this mid-term!! Study and good luck!!
Mid-Term Review
Multiple Choice: Ch. 3
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which of the following measurements is expressed to three significant figures?
a. 0.007 m
c. 7.30 10-3 km
b. 7077 mg
d. 0.070 mm
2. In the measurement 0.503 L, which digit is the estimated digit?
a. 5
b. the 0 immediately to the left of the 3
c. 3
d. the 0 to the left of the decimal point
3. How many significant figures are in the measurement 811.40 grams?
a. two
c. four
b. three
d. five
4. What is the volume of a salt crystal measuring 2.44 10-2 m by 1.4 10-3 m by 8.4
a. 2.9 10-7 m3
c. 2.9 10-5 m3
b. 2.9 10 m
d. 2.9 10-4 m3
10-3 m?
5. What quantity is represented by the metric system prefix deci-?
a. 1000
c. 0.1
b. 100
d. 0.01
6. Which temperature scale has no negative temperatures?
a. Celsius
c. Joule
b. Fahrenheit
d. Kelvin
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mega (M)
Commonly Used Metric Prefixes
1 million times larger than the unit it precedes
kilo (k)
1000 times larger than the unit it precedes
deci (d)
10 times smaller than the unit it precedes
centi (c)
100 times smaller than the unit it precedes
milli (m)
1000 times smaller than the unit it precedes
micro ( )
1 million times smaller than the unit it precedes
nano (n)
1000 million times smaller than the unit it precedes
pico (p)
1 trillion times smaller than the unit it precedes
7. What is the quantity 0.0075 meters expressed in centimeters? Use the table above to help you.
a. 0.075 cm
c. 7.5 cm
b. 0.75 cm
d. 70.5 cm
8. Which of the following equalities is NOT correct? Use the table above to help you.
a. 100 cg = 1 g
c. 1 cm3 = 1 mL
b. 1000 mm = 1 m
d. 10 kg = 1 g
9. Density is found by dividing
a. mass by volume
c. mass by area
b. volume by mass
d. area by mass
10. If a liter of water is heated from 20 C to 50 C, what happens to its volume?
a. The volume decreases.
b. The volume increases.
c. The volume first increases, then decreases.
d. The volume first decreases, then increases.
Multiple Choice: Ch. 2
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because it
a. takes up more space
c. contains different kinds of matter
b. contains more matter
d. has a definite composition
2. All of the following are physical properties of matter EXCEPT
a. mass
c. melting point
b. color
d. ability to rust
3. Which of the following is NOT a physical property of water?
a. It has a boiling point of 100 C.
b. It is a colorless liquid.
c. It is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
d. Sugar dissolves in it.
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4. Which of the following are considered physical properties of a substance?
a. color and odor
c. malleability and hardness
b. melting and boiling points
d. all of the above
5. Which of the following materials is a substance?
a. air
b. gasoline
stainless steel
6. Which of the following is used for chemical symbols today?
a. drawings
c. letters
b. icons
d. numbers
7. The chemical formula of a compound does NOT indicate the
a. identity of the elements in the compound
b. how elements are joined in the compound
c. the composition of the compound
d. relative proportions of the elements in the compound
8. In the chemical reaction in which sucrose is heated and decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water,
which of the following is a reactant?
a. sucrose
c. water
b. carbon dioxide
d. heat
9. Which of the following indicates that a chemical change has happened during cooking?
a. The food darkens.
b. Bubbles form in boiling water.
c. Butter melts.
d. Energy is transferred from the stove to a pan.
10. Which action changes the identity of the substance referenced?
a. melting gold
b. running an electric current through copper
c. corroding iron
d. breaking an ice cube
Multiple Choice: Ch. 4
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Why did J. J. Thomson reason that electrons must be a part of the atoms of all elements?
a. Cathode rays are negatively-charged particles.
b. Cathode rays can be deflected by magnets.
c. An electron is 2000 times lighter than a hydrogen atom.
d. Charge-to-mass ratio of electrons was the same, regardless of the gas used.
2. Which of the following is true about subatomic particles?
a. Electrons are negatively charged and are the heaviest subatomic particle.
b. Protons are positively charged and the lightest subatomic particle.
c. Neutrons have no charge and are the lightest subatomic particle.
d. The mass of a neutron nearly equals the mass of a proton.
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3. Which of the following is correct concerning subatomic particles?
a. The electron was discovered by Goldstein in 1886.
b. The neutron was discovered by Chadwick in 1932.
c. The proton was discovered by Thomson in 1880.
d. Cathode rays were found to be made of protons.
4. As a consequence of the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford, which model of the atom is thought to be
a. Protons, electrons, and neutrons are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the atom.
b. The nucleus is made of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
c. Electrons are distributed around the nucleus and occupy almost all the volume of the atom.
d. The nucleus is made of electrons and protons.
5. What does the number 84 in the name krypton-84 represent?
a. the atomic number
c. the sum of the protons and electrons
b. the mass number
d. twice the number of protons
6. Isotopes of the same element have different
a. numbers of neutrons
b. numbers of protons
numbers of electrons
atomic numbers
7. In which of the following is the number of neutrons correctly represented?
F has 0 neutrons.
Mg has 24 neutrons.
As has 108 neutrons.
U has 146 neutrons.
8. Which of the following isotopes has the same number of neutrons as phosphorus-31?
9. The atomic mass of an element depends upon the
a. mass of each electron in that element
b. mass of each isotope of that element
c. relative abundance of protons in that element
d. mass and relative abundance of each isotope of that element
Multiple Choice: Ch. 25
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A beta particle is a(n)
c. helium nucleus
a. photon
b. electron
d. hydrogen nucleus
2. What is the change in the atomic number when an atom emits an alpha particle?
a. decreases by 2
c. increases by 1
b. decreases by 1
d. increases by
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3. What is the change in atomic number caused by the emission of gamma radiation?
a. decreases by 2
c. remains the same
b. decreases by 1
d. increases by 1
4. Which symbol is used for an alpha particle?
5. What particle decomposes to produce the electron of beta radiation?
a. proton
c. electron
b. neutron
d. positron
6. What symbol is used for beta radiation?
7. If an isotope decays by the process of beta emission,
a. the mass number changes
b. the atomic number changes
c. protons are given off
d. the number of neutrons remains the same
Multiple Choice: Ch. 5 and Ch. 6
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. How many energy sublevels are in the second principal energy level?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
2. When an electron moves from a lower to a higher energy level, the electron
a. always doubles its energy
b. absorbs a continuously variable amount of energy
c. absorbs a quantum of energy
d. moves closer to the nucleus
3. What is the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of an oxygen atom?
a. 2
c. 6
b. 4
d. 8
4. Which electron configuration of the 4f energy sublevel is the most stable?
a. 4f
b. 4f
d. 4f
5. Which of the following electron configurations of outer sublevels is the most stable?
a. 4d 5s
c. 4d 5s
b. 4d 5s
d. 4d 5s
6. Which variable is directly proportional to frequency?
a. wavelength
b. velocity
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7. How do the energy differences between the higher energy levels of an atom compare with the energy
differences between the lower energy levels of the atom?
a. They are greater in magnitude than those between lower energy levels.
b. They are smaller in magnitude than those between lower energy levels.
c. There is no significant difference in the magnitudes of these differences.
d. No answer can be determined from the information given.
8. Bohr's model could only explain the spectra of which type of atoms?
a. single atoms with one electron
b. bonded atoms with one electron
c. single atoms with more than one electron
d. bonded atoms with more than one electron
9. The wavelike properties of electrons are useful in
a. defining photons
b. writing electron configurations
c. magnifying objects
d. determining the velocity and position of a particle
10. Which of the following categories includes the majority of the elements?
a. metalloids
c. metals
b. liquids
d. nonmetals
11. Which of the following groupings contains only representative elements?
a. Cu, Co, Cd
c. Al, Mg, Li
b. Ni, Fe, Zn
d. Hg, Cr, Ag
12. Which of the following is true about the electron configurations of the representative elements?
a. The highest occupied s and p sublevels are completely filled.
b. The highest occupied s and p sublevels are partially filled.
c. The electrons with the highest energy are in a d sublevel.
d. The electrons with the highest energy are in an f sublevel.
13. What causes the shielding effect to remain constant across a period?
a. Electrons are added to the same principal energy level.
b. Electrons are added to different principal energy levels.
c. The charge on the nucleus is constant.
d. The atomic radius increases.
14. Atomic size generally
a. increases as you move from left to right across a period
b. decreases as you move from top to bottom within a group
c. remains constant within a period
d. decreases as you move from left to right across a period
15. Which of the following factors contributes to the increase in atomic size within a group in the periodic table
as the atomic number increases?
a. more shielding of the electrons by the highest occupied energy level
b. an increase in size of the nucleus
c. an increase in number of protons
d. fewer electrons in the highest occupied energy level
16. In which of the following sets are the charges given correctly for all the ions?
a. Na , Mg , Al
c. Rb , Ba , P
b. K , Sr , O
d. N , O , F
17. In which of the following groups of ions are the charges all shown correctly?
a. Li , O , S
c. K , F , Mg
d. Na , I , Rb
Ca , Al , Br
18. For Group 2A metals, which electron is the most difficult to remove?
a. the first
b. the second
c. the third
d. All the electrons are equally difficult to remove.
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19. Of the following elements, which one has the smallest first ionization energy?
a. boron
c. aluminum
b. carbon
d. silicon
Multiple Choice: Ch. 7 & 8
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. How does calcium obey the octet rule when reacting to form compounds?
a. It gains electrons.
b. It gives up electrons.
c. It does not change its number of electrons.
d. Calcium does not obey the octet rule.
2. What is the electron configuration of the oxide ion (O-2)?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p2
c. 1s2 2s2
b. 1s2 2s2 2p6
d. 1s2 2s2 2p4
3. What is the electron configuration of the iodide ion?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d104p65s2 4d10 5p6
b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d104p65s2 4d10
c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d104p65s2 4d10 5p1
d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d104p65s2
4. What is the net charge of the ionic compound calcium fluoride?
a. 2–
c. 0
b. 1–
d. 1
5. What is the formula unit of aluminum oxide?
a. AlO
c. AlO
b. Al O
d. Al O
6. What is the name of the ionic compound formed from lithium and bromine?
a. lithium bromine
c. lithium bromium
b. lithium bromide
d. lithium bromate
7. What is the formula for sodium sulfate?
a. NaSO
c. Na(SO )
b. Na SO
Na (SO )
8. What does the term coordination number in ionic crystals refer to?
a. the total number of valence electrons in an atom
b. the number of oppositely charged ions surrounding a particular ion
c. the number of atoms in a particular formula unit
d. the number of like-charged ions surrounding a particular ion
9. Under what conditions can potassium bromide conduct electricity?
a. only when melted
b. only when dissolved
c. only when it is in crystal form
d. only when melted or dissolved in water
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10. Which of the following elements can form diatomic molecules held together by triple covalent bonds?
a. carbon
c. fluorine
b. oxygen
d. nitrogen
11. Which elements can form diatomic molecules joined by a single covalent bond?
a. hydrogen only
b. halogens only
c. halogens and members of the oxygen group only
d. hydrogen and the halogens only
12. Which of the following electron configurations gives the correct arrangement of the four valence electrons
of the carbon atom in the molecule methane (CH )?
a. 2s2 2p2
c. 2s1 2p2 3s2
b. 2s 2p 3s
d. 2s1 2p3
13. Which of the following diatomic molecules is joined by a double covalent bond?
14. According to VSEPR theory, molecules adjust their shapes to keep which of the following as far apart as
a. pairs of valence electrons
c. mobile electrons
b. inner shell electrons
d. the electrons closest to the nuclei
15. What causes water molecules to have a bent shape, according to VSEPR theory?
a. repulsive forces between unshared pairs of electrons
b. interaction between the fixed orbitals of the unshared pairs of oxygen
c. ionic attraction and repulsion
d. the unusual location of the free electrons
16. What type of hybrid orbital exists in the methane molecule?
a. sp
c. sp
d. sp d
b. sp
17. How many pi bonds are formed when sp hybridization occurs in ethene,
a. 0
c. 2
b. 1
d. 3
C H ?
18. Which of the following atoms acquires the most negative charge in a covalent bond with hydrogen?
a. C
c. O
b. Na
d. S
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