Download Mt. Olive-Hartburg for Weber-Wells Flowgate Restudy Update

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Update on Flowgate Stability Limit Study
Entergy Transmission
AFC Stakeholder Meeting
Houston, TX
September 19, 2006
Problem Definition
The stability limit on the Mt. Olive – Hartburg line
defines the maximum MW flow level that can be
accommodated on the Mt. Olive – Hartburg line upon
the contingency of the Webre – Wells line
Study Purpose
To review the existing flowgate limit on the Mt. Olive –
Hartburg 500 kV line
 Perform sensitivity studies to determine if the MW rating of the line
could be increased
 Evaluate solutions/options to improve the flow gate limit
Study Assumptions
Peak case
 2006 summer peak case
 Load power factor in WOTAB is 0.945
 IPP units in WOTAB are turned on based on the status of firm transmission
 Nelson unit 6 or Sabine unit 4 is out of service in the base case
WSCC Criteria applied for voltage dip
Voltage Dip Criteria
Study Results
Case No.
Case Description
1.With Firm Transaction
2.Nelson U6 off-line
1.With Firm Transaction
2.Nelson U6 off-line
1.With Firm Transaction
2.Nelson U6 off-line
Post Contignecy Flow on
Mt.Olive – Hartburg 500kV
line (MW)
Post Contignecy Steady State
Voltage at Hartburg 500kV
Bus (p.u.)
Lowest Bus Voltage Dip &
Swing in WOTAB area
Max Dip: 0.62p.u.
Duration of Dip <0.80p.u.: 50 Cycles
Max Dip: 0.699p.u.
Duration of Dip <0.80p.u.: 38 Cycles
Max Dip: 0.75p.u.
Duration of Dip <0.80p.u.: 27 Cycles
Sensitivity Study
Peak Case
 With Nelson Unit 6 on-line at minimum generation (MW)
 With Sabine unit 4 on-line at minimum generation (MW)
Off-Peak case
 2005 Winter Case
 Load power factor in WOTAB is 0.95
 Entergy and IPP units in WOTAB area are dispatched based on historical
 Post Contingency Flow on Mt. Olive – Hartburg line is 1250 MW
Sensitivity Study Results
Dispatch of Nelson Unit 6 or Sabine Unit 4 has negligible
impact on the Mt. Olive – Hartburg 500kV stability limit
• Variation in load levels in WOTAB area has very little impact
on the Mt. Olive – Hartburg 500kV stability limit
Solution Options
• SVC Option
 Peak case
 300MVAR SVC at Hartburg 500 & 230kV stations
• Series Compensation Option
 Peak case
 50% Series Compensation on Mt. Olive – Hartburg 500kV Line
Results of Options Evaluated:
• 300MVAR SVC at Hartburg 500 kV and 230kV stations do not yield an
improvement in the stability limit
• Series compensation has the potential to improve the stability limit
Dynamic Simulation Plot
Study Summary
Sensitive studies indicate that stability limit on Mt. Olive Hartburg 500kV line is not affected by generation dispatch and
load changes in WOTAB area
Series compensation can improve stability limit on Mt. Olive Hartburg 500kV line
 Entergy will further evaluate this option in their planning process
The flowgate limit will continue to be set to 1050 MW