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Chapter 5 Lecture Outline See PowerPoint Image Slides for all figures and tables pre-inserted into PowerPoint without notes. 5-1 Copyright (c) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Histology • • • • • Study of Tissues Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous and Muscular Tissue Intercellular Junctions, Glands and Membranes • Tissue Growth, Development, Death and Repair 5-2 The Study of Tissues • 200 Different cell types • Four primary tissue classes – epithelial tissue – connective tissue – muscular tissue – nervous tissue • Histology (microscopic anatomy) – study of tissues organ formation • Organ = structure with discrete boundaries – composed of 2 or more tissue types 5-3 Features of Tissue Classes • Tissue = similar cells and cell products – arose from same region of embryo • Differences between tissue classes – types and functions of cells – characteristics of matrix (extracellular material) • fibrous proteins • ground substance – clear gels (ECF, tissue fluid, interstitial fluid, tissue gel) – rubbery or stony in cartilage or bone – space occupied by cells versus matrix • connective tissue cells are widely separated • little matrix between epithelial and muscle cells 5-4 Embryonic Tissues • Embryo begins as single cell – divides into many cells and layers (strata) • 3 Primary germ layers – ectoderm (outer) • forms epidermis and nervous system – endoderm (inner) • forms mucous membrane lining GI tract and respiratory system and digestive glands – mesoderm (middle) becomes mesenchyme • wispy collagen fibers and fibroblasts in gel matrix • gives rise to muscle, bone, blood 5-5 Tissue Techniques and Sectioning • Preparation of histological specimens – fixative prevents decay (formalin) – sliced into thin sections 1 or 2 cells thick – mounted on slides and colored with histological stain • stains bind to different cellular components • Sectioning reduces 3-dimensional structure to 2-dimensional slice 5-6 Sectioning Solid Objects • Sectioning a cell with a centrally located nucleus • Some slices miss the cell nucleus • In some the nucleus is smaller 5-7 Sectioning Hollow Structures • Cross section of blood vessel, gut, or other tubular organ. • Longitudinal section of a sweat gland. Notice what a single slice could look like. 5-8 Types of Tissue Sections • Longitudinal section – tissue cut along longest direction of organ • Cross section – tissue cut perpendicular to length of organ • Oblique section – tissue cut at angle between cross and longitudinal section 5-9 Epithelial Tissue • Layers of closely adhering cells • Flat sheet with upper surface exposed to the environment or an internal body cavity • No blood vessels – underlying connective tissue supplies oxygen • Rests on basement membrane – thin layer of collagen and adhesive proteins – anchors epithelium to connective tissue 5-10 Simple Versus Stratified Epithelia • Simple epithelium – contains one layer of cells – named by shape of cells • Stratified epithelium – contains more than one layer – named by shape of apical cells 5-11 Simple Squamous Epithelium • • • • Single row of flat cells Permits diffusion of substances Secretes serous fluid 5-12 Alveoli, glomeruli, endothelium, and serosa Simple Cuboidal Epithelium • Single row cube-shaped cells with microvilli • Absorption and secretion, mucus production • Liver, thyroid, mammary and salivary glands, bronchioles, and kidney tubules 5-13 Simple Columnar Epithelium • Single row tall, narrow cells – oval nuclei in basal half of cell • Absorption and secretion; mucus secretion • Lining of GI tract, uterus, kidney and uterine tubes 5-14 Pseudostratified Epithelium • Single row of cells some not reaching free surface – nuclei give layer stratified look • Secretes and propels respiratory mucus 5-15 Stratified Epithelia • More than one layer of cells • Named for shape of surface cells – exception is transitional epithelium • Deepest cells on basement membrane • Variations – keratinized epithelium has surface layer of dead cells – nonkeratinized epithelium lacks the layer 5-16 of dead cells Keratinized Stratified Squamous • Multilayered epithelium covered with dead squamous cells, packed with keratin – epidermal layer of skin • Retards water loss and barrier to organisms 5-17 Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous • Multilayered surface epithelium forming moist, slippery layer • Tongue, oral mucosa, esophagus and vagina 5-18 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium • Two or more cell layers; surface cells square • Secretes sweat; produces sperm and hormones • Sweat gland ducts; ovarian follicles and seminiferous tubules 5-19 Transitional Epithelium • Multilayered epithelium surface cells that change from round to flat when stretched – allows for filling of urinary tract 5-20 – ureter and bladder Connective Tissue • Widely spaced cells separated by fibers and ground substance • Most abundant and variable tissue type • Functions – connects organs – gives support and protection (physical and immune) – stores energy and produces heat – movement and transport of materials 5-21 Cells of Connective Tissue • Fibroblasts produce fibers and ground substance • Macrophages phagocytize foreign material and activate immune system – arise from monocytes (WBCs) • Neutrophils wander in search of bacteria • Plasma cells synthesize antibodies – arise from WBCs • Mast cells secrete – heparin inhibits clotting – histamine that dilates blood vessels • Adipocytes store triglycerides 5-22 Fibers of Connective Tissue • Collagen fibers (white fibers) – tough, stretch resistant, yet flexible – tendons, ligaments and deep layer of the skin • Reticular fibers – thin, collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein – framework in spleen and lymph nodes • Elastic fibers (yellow fibers) – thin branching fibers of elastin protein – stretch and recoil like rubberband (elasticity) – skin, lungs and arteries stretch and recoil 5-23 Connective Tissue Ground Substance • Gelatinous material between cells – absorbs compressive forces • Consists of 3 classes of large molecules – glycosaminoglycans – chondroitin sulfate • disaccharides that attract sodium and hold water • role in regulating water and electrolyte balance – Proteoglycan (bottlebrush-shaped molecule) • create bonds with cells or extracellular macromolecules – adhesive glycoproteins • protein-carbohydrate complexes bind cell membrane to collagen outside the cells 5-24 Fibrous Connective Tissue Types • Loose connective tissue – gel-like ground substance between cells – types • areolar • reticular • adipose • Dense connective tissue – fibers fill spaces between cells – types vary in fiber orientation • dense regular connective tissue • dense irregular connective tissue 5-25 Areolar Tissue • Loose arrangement of fibers and cells in abundant ground substance • Underlies all epithelia, between muscles, passageways for nerves and blood vessels 5-26 Reticular Tissue • Loose network of reticular fibers and cells • Forms supportive stroma (framework) for lymphatic organs • Found in lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and bone marrow 5-27 Adipose Tissue • Empty-looking cells with thin margins; nucleus pressed against cell membrane • Energy storage, insulation, cushioning – subcutaneous fat and organ packing 5-28 – brown fat (hibernating animals) produces heat Dense Regular Connective Tissue • Densely, packed, parallel collagen fibers – compressed fibroblast nuclei • Tendons and ligaments hold bones together and 5-29 attach muscles to bones Dense Irregular Connective Tissue • Densely packed, randomly arranged, collagen fibers and few visible cells – withstands stresses applied in different directions 5-30 – deeper layer of skin; capsules around organs Cartilage • Supportive connective tissue with rubbery matrix • Chondroblasts produce matrix – called chondrocytes once surrounded • No blood vessels – diffusion brings nutrients and removes wastes – heals slowly • Types of cartilage vary with fiber types – hyaline, fibrocartilage and elastic cartilage 5-31 Hyaline Cartilage • Rubbery matrix; dispersed collagen fibers; clustered chondrocytes in lacunae – supports airway, eases joint movements • Ends of bones at movable joints; sternal ends of ribs; supportive material in larynx, trachea, bronchi and 5-32 fetal skeleton Elastic Cartilage • Hyaline cartilage with elastic fibers • Provides flexible, elastic support – external ear and epiglottis 5-33 Fibrocartilage • Hyaline cartilage with extensive collagen fibers (never has perichondrium) • Resists compression and absorbs shock – pubic symphysis, meniscus and intervertebral discs 5-34 Bone • Spongy bone - spongy in appearance – delicate struts of bone – covered by compact bone – found in heads of long bones • Compact bone - solid in appearance – more complex arrangement – cells and matrix surround vertically oriented blood vessels in long bones 5-35 Bone Tissue (compact bone) • Calcified matrix in lamellae around central canal • Osteocytes in lacunae between lamellae • Skeletal support; leverage for muscles; mineral 5-36 storage Blood • Variety of cells and cell fragments; some with nuclei and some without • Nonnucleated pale pink cells or nucleated white blood cells • Found in heart and blood vessels 5-37 Nerve Tissue • Large cells with long cell processes – surrounded by smaller glial cells lacking processes • Internal communication between cells – in brain, spinal cord, nerves and ganglia 5-38 Muscle Tissue • Elongated cells stimulated to contract • Exert physical force on other tissues – move limbs – push blood through a vessel – expel urine • Source of body heat • 3 histological types of muscle – skeletal, cardiac and smooth 5-39 Skeletal Muscle • Long, cylindrical, unbranched cells with striations and multiple peripheral nuclei – movement, facial expression, posture, breathing, speech, swallowing and excretion 5-40 Cardiac Muscle • Short branched cells with striations and intercalated discs – one central nuclei per cell • Pumping of blood by cardiac (heart) muscle 5-41 Smooth Muscle • Short fusiform cells; nonstriated with only one central nucleus – sheets of muscle in viscera; iris; hair follicles and sphincters – swallowing, GI tract functions, labor contractions, 5-42 control of airflow, erection of hairs and control of pupil Intercellular Junctions • All cells (except blood) anchored to each other or 5-43 their matrix by intercellular junctions Tight Junctions • Encircle the cell joining it to surrounding cells – zipperlike complementary grooves and ridges • Prevents passage between cells – GI and urinary tracts 5-44 Desmosomes • Patch between cells holding them together – cells spanned by filaments terminating on protein plaque • cytoplasmic intermediate filaments also attach to plaque • Uterus, heart and epidermis 5-45 Gap Junctions • Ring of transmembrane proteins form a water-filled channel – small solutes pass directly from cell to cell – in embryos, cardiac and smooth muscle 5-46 Endocrine and Exocrine Glands • Secrete substances – composed of epithelial tissue • Exocrine glands connect to surface with a duct (epithelial tube) • Endocrine glands secrete (hormones) directly into bloodstream • Mixed organs do both – liver, gonads, pancreas • Unicellular glands – endo or exocrine – goblet or intrinsic cells of stomach wall 5-47 Exocrine Gland Structure • Stroma = capsule and septa divide gland into lobes and lobules • Parenchyma = cells that secrete • Acinus = cluster of cells surrounding the duct draining 5-48 those cells Types of Exocrine Glands • Simple glands - unbranched duct • Compound glands - branched duct • Shape of gland – acinar - secretory cells form dilated sac – tubuloacinar - both tube and sacs 5-49 Types of Secretions • Serous glands – produce thin, watery secretions • sweat, milk, tears and digestive juices • Mucous glands – produce mucin that absorbs water to form a sticky secretion called mucus • Mixed glands contain both cell types • Cytogenic glands release whole cells – sperm and egg cells 5-50 Holocrine Gland • Secretory cells disintegrate to deliver their accumulated product – oil-producing glands of the scalp 5-51 Merocrine and Apocrine Secretion • Merocrine glands release their product by exocytosis – tears, gastric glands, pancreas, etc. • Apocrine glands are merocrine glands with confusing appearance (apical cytoplasm not lost) – mammary and armpit sweat glands 5-52 Mucous Membranes • Epithelium, lamina propria and muscularis mucosae • Lines passageways that open to the exterior: reproductive, respiratory, urinary and digestive – Mucous (movement of cilia) trap and remove foreign particles 5-53 and bacteria from internal body surfaces Membrane Types • Cutaneous membrane = skin – stratified squamous epithelium over connective tissue – relatively dry layer serves protective function • Synovial membrane lines joint cavities – connective tissue layer only, secretes synovial fluid • Serous membrane (serosa) –internal membrane – simple squamous epithelium over areolar tissue, produces serous fluid – covers organs and lines walls of body cavities 5-54 Tissue Growth • Hyperplasia = tissue growth through cell multiplication • Hypertrophy = enlargement of preexisting cells – muscle grow through exercise • Neoplasia = growth of a tumor (benign or malignant) through growth of abnormal tissue 5-55 Changes in Tissue Types • Tissues can change types • Differentiation – unspecialized tissues of embryo become specialized mature types • mesenchyme to muscle • Metaplasia – changing from one type of mature tissue to another • simple cuboidal tissue before puberty changes to stratified squamous after puberty 5-56 Stem Cells • Undifferentiated cells with developmental plasticity • Embryonic stem cells – totipotent (any cell type possible) • source = cells of very early embryo – Pluripotent (tissue types only possible) • source = cells of inner cell mass of embryo • Adult stem cells (undifferentiated cells in tissues of adults) – multipotent (bone marrow producing several blood cell types) – unipotent (only epidermal cells produced) 5-57 Tissue Shrinkage and Death • Atrophy = loss of cell size or number – disuse atrophy from lack of use (leg in a cast) • Necrosis = pathological death of tissue – gangrene - insufficient blood supply – gas gangrene - anaerobic bacterial infection – infarction - death of tissue from lack of blood – decubitus ulcer - bed sore or pressure sore • Apoptosis = programmed cell death – cells shrink and are phagocytized (no inflammation) 5-58 Tissue Repair • Regeneration – replacement of damaged cells with original cells – skin injuries and liver regenerate • Fibrosis – replacement of damaged cells with scar tissue • function is not restored – healing muscle injuries, scarring of lung tissue in TB or healing of severe cuts and burns of the skin – keloid is healing with excessive fibrosis (raised shiny scars) 5-59 Tissue Engineering • Production of tissues and organs in the lab – framework of collagen or biodegradable polyester fibers – seeded with human cells – grown in “bioreactor” (inside of mouse) • supplies nutrients and oxygen to growing tissue • Skin grafts already available – research in progress on heart valves, coronary arteries, bone, liver, tendons 5-60 Wound Healing of a Laceration • Damaged vessels leak blood • Damaged cells and mast cells leak histamine – dilates blood vessels – increases blood flow – increases capillary permeability • Plasma carries antibodies, clotting factors and WBCs into wound 5-61 Wound Healing of a Laceration • Clot forms • Scab forms on surface • Macrophages start to clean up debris 5-62 Wound Healing of a Laceration • New capillaries grow into wound • Fibroblasts deposit new collagen to replace old material • Fibroblastic phase begins in 3-4 days and lasts up to 2 weeks 5-63 Wound Healing of a Laceration • Epithelial cells multiply and spread beneath scab • Scab falls off • Epithelium thickens • Connective tissue forms only scar tissue (fibrosis) • Remodeling phase may last 2 years 5-64