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It is the science dealing with the development of congenital malformations.
A teratogen ( terat = monster or ugly animal):
It is a substance that alters embryonic or fetal development resulting in structural or
functional alterations.
 In 1928 : Exposure to therapeutic radiation during
microcephaly baby.
 In 1933 : Deficiency of vitamin A in the 1st month before pregnancy & during
anophthalmia (deficiency in eye)
 In 1941 : German measles ( rubella ) infection in pregnancy cause teratogenicity
(blindness, deafness, mental retardation and death).
 In 1944 : Malformation due to nutritional deficiency.
 In 1961 : Correlation between Thalidomide ( used as sedative , hypnotic and
antiemetic) ingestion in pregnancy & phocomelia ( phoco= seal , melia=
Causes of malformations
40% Unknown
12-25% Genetic defects (Down’s syndrome is the most common of this
20% Interactions between hereditary factors and environmental factors
5%-9% Maternal disease (diabetes and seizure) or infection (German
measles) , chemicals, X-ray and drugs.
Factors That Determine the Effects of Teratogens
1-Dose reaching fetus
2-Time of drug exposure
3-Duration of exposure
4-Environmentall factors e.g age or disease of the mother
Sensitivity to Teratogens according to the
stage of development:
The attack by the teratogen could be at any stage of development as follows
1-Pre-implantation Stage (All or Non)
From fertilization till implantation
During this stage : the embryo is NOT susceptible to teratogenic agents which either
kill the embryo ( embryolethality), or have no effect ( i.e. in both cases there is NO
teratogenicity) .
2-Embryonic Stage: (stage of organogenesis )
from the 3rd to the 8th week of gestation .
*6-7 days after gestation ,implantation occurs followed by gastrulation ( formation of
ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm). It is characterized by differentiation and
organization. During this stage, the embryo is highly susceptible to teratogens, it
produce major morphological changes ( especially face).
3-Fetogenesis Stage: (stage of histogenesis )
It is characterized by growth and functional maturation. During this stage, the
fetus is less sensitive to morphologic changes; however minor structural
deviation is possible. The teratogen affects mainly growth or functional
aspects ( e.g. intelligence, reproduction)
FDA Classifications of Drug Risk
Animal studies cannot be true predictors of teratogenicity due to wide inter- and
intraspecies variations in the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs, including
placental transfer.
Only controlled epidemiological studies can detect a relationship between
environmental factors such as drug exposure and pregnancy outcomes.
Drug Risk Category
A----No fetal risk shown in controlled human studies in all trimesters.
B----Animal studies show risk that is not confirmed in human studies during all
C----Fetal risk shown in controlled animal studies but no controlled human
studies are available (OR ) studies in humans are not available. Drugs only
given if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus
D----Studies show fetal risk in humans
(Use of drug may be acceptable even with risks, such as in life-threatening
illness or where safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective)
X----Risk to fetus clearly outweighs any benefits from these drugs The drug is
contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant.
Known teratogens and their effects
- Aminoglycosides (C) (high dose)……Cranial nerve damage
- Androgens (X)……………...................Masculinization of female fetus
- ACE inhibitors (D)….......................…Renal tubular dysplasia
- Antineoplastics (D)
alkylating agents……………………… Growth retardation, cleft palate
antimetabolite agents…………………. Growth retardation, malformation of ear, eye, nose, cleft
palate, malformation of extremities, fingers, brain, skull.
- Iodides (D)…………………………….Goiter, fetal hypothyroidism
- Lithium (D)……………………………Ebstein’s anomaly ( tricuspid valve defect)
-Tetracyclines (D)………………………Weakend fetal bone and, permanent tooth
-Thalidomide (X) :
- a sedative non-nausiating non-barbiturate
- greatest danger during days 34-56 of pregnancy
-phocomelia and amelia
- deafness ,anomalies of teeth, eyes, intestines, heart, kidney
Mechanism of action of teratogens:
1-Interference with nucleic acids: ( replication , transcription or RNA translation)
* The antimetabolite : methotrexate.
* alkylating agents : Chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide.
*Active metabolites of Thalidomide
2- Inhibition of enzymes :
* Methotrexate ( dihydrofolate reductase inhbitor = DHFRI) prevents
formation of folinic acid from folic acid which is essential for
* 5- flurouracil inhibits thymidylate synthase leading to inhibition of
deoxythymidine monophosphate( DTMP )synthesis
inhibition of
synthesis .
* 6- aminonicotinamide ( G6PD inhibitor) decrease energy production.
3- Deficiency of energy supply needed to build organs :
a- Glucose deficiency :
Deficiency of glucose in diet
G6PD inhibitors ( 6- aminonicotinamide) interfer with glycolysis.
Drugs affecting Kreb’s cycle ( fluroacetate)
Interference with O2 s supply or utilization:
b- Interference with internal respiration :
CN toxicity : cytochrome oxidase inhibitor.
c- Hypoxia:
-CO toxicity (Decrease in both O2 delivery + osmotic pressure to fetus)
- Drug induced ( phenytoin).
4-Lack of substrates:
1-Decrease of vitamines or minerals intake.
2-Failiur of absorbtion from GIT as in GIT infection e.g. diarrhea or bile acid deficiency.
5- Genetic mutation :
X-ray ,atomic explosion &radiations
DNA damage
E.g.: Achondroplasia. It is characterized by congenital abnormality in ossification of cartilage.
Features include :
* Dwarfism- microcephaly ( small head)
*Kyphosis ( arched back)- Polydactylia ( 6 or more fingers in one hand)
6- Chromosomal aberrations :
The abnormalities may be in number ( numerical) or structure ( structural)
A-Numerical abnormalities:
Normal no. of chromosomes= 23 pairs. Pairs from 1-22 are called somatic or autosomal chromosomes.
Pair 23 is called sex chromosomes ( XX=female) &
( XY= male) Abnormalities in no. may be
*Aneuploidy : loss or gain in chromosomes.
-Monosomy = single chromosome instead of a pair
-Trisomy = 3 chromosomes instead of a pair
* Polyploidy : when a complete set of chromosomes is gained.
The numerical abnormality may be in the autosomes ( 1st 22 pairs) or in the sex chromoses ( pair
i-Autosomal abnormalities
Autosomal abnormalities may be caused by X-ray, viruses, F in drinking H2O , maternal diabetes & age
Trisomy 21 : ( Mongolism = Down’s syndrome)
It is characterized by mental retardation, heart malformations, susceptibles to infections, acute
leukemia & death in childhood.
Trisomy 17& 18 :
mental retardation, defects in heart, ears & finger.
Trisomy 13 : mantal retardation & microcephaly.
ii Sex chromosome ( genosomal) abnormalities
Turner;s syndrome : (XO)- ( Monosomy 23)
B- Structural abnormalities :
In this case the no. is normal, but there may be a breakage
or a loss of a part from chromosomes
retardation or deformity.
E.g.: Cri- du chat syndrome ( cat cry syndrome):.
It is characterized by mental retardation & mewing sound
Structural abnormalities may be caused by atomic
explosion, radioactive materials, LSD, heavy smoking &
Types of Teratogenes
1- pollution
a) physical
Atomic and nuclear explosions e.g.: Hiroshima & Nagasakia.
b) chemical
*lead (pb2+) :
from water pipes, or car exhaust : miscarriage (spontaneous abortion ),
stillbirth ( delivery of a dead baby ), and increased mortality rate
during the 1st year of life .
*Carbon monoxide CO :
from cigarette smoking, car exhaust, and incomplete combustion of coal.
It binds to Hb decreasing O2 supply to fetus
spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, growth retardation, premature labor.
*Vinyl chloride :
sperm damage ( working in vinyl industry, their babies may be malformed
*Mercury :
Minamata syndrome : A plastic factory poured is wastes, containing Hg,
in Minarnata Bay
Hg is converted by microorganisms in H2O to
methyl Hg witch contaminated fish
eating contaminated fish, the
pregnant women gave birth to malformed & mentally retarded babies .
2- infections ( biological pollution ) :
a-Viral :
-German measles (Rubella) : deafness, blindness, cataract, retinopathy,
glaucoma, microcephaly, mental retardation . Attenuated virus causes
damage to the fetus, so give vaccine before pregnancy by three months
-Hepatitis, small pox, chicken pox : may cause abortion, stillbirth, skin
diseases, hepatitis … etc .
b-bacterial :
Syphilis: hydrocephalus & mental retardation, deafness, tooth malformation,
meningitis & CNS disturbances .
Tuberculosis : Wt. loss, refusal to suckle, hepato-splenomegaly
c-protozoal :
toxoplasmosis : it is transmitted to pregnant women by feces of domestic cats &
birds causing hydrocephalus, CNS disturbance, microcephaly,
hepatosplenomegaly & blindness .
3- maternal diseases :
- uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, hyperthermia &thyrotoxicosis(hyperthyroidism)
teratogenicity & toxemia of pregnancy
4-Alcohol :
Fetal Alcohol syndrome ( FAS ) : growth failure & delayed development,
microcephaly & mental retardation , defects in the eye, face ( cleft palate) ,
congental abnormalities in heart, skin & kidneys .
5-Drugs :
-Highly teratogenic drugs as" thalidomide,warfarin ,corticosteroids ,
anticancer drugs .
-The following drugs are hazardous if given during the 2nd or 3rd
trimester, some of them are hazardous also if given during the 1st
trimester :
1-Androgens & progesterone:Musculization of fetus.
2-Estrogens:Feminization of male fetus,abnormal spermatogenesis
3-Diethylstilbestrol ( DES ): Adenocarcinoma of vagia in girls (1520 years ) whose mothers took DES during the 1st trimester .
6- malnutrition :
Vit. A
anophthalmia .
Vit. D
bone and teeth malformation .
Folic acid
malformations .
Minerals as iron ( anemia ), Ca 2+ ( bone malformation )& K+
( pre-term labour ).