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A paradox is a statement or concept that
contains conflicting ideas. In logic, a paradox is a
statement that contradicts itself
Paradox in Literature
• The paradox as a literary device has been
assigned as an anomalous juxtaposition of
incongruous ideas for the sake of
striking exposition or unorthodox insight.
It functions as a method of literary
analysis which involves examining
apparently contradictory statements and
drawing conclusions either to reconcile
them or to explain their presence
A lot of people using
• Literary or rhetorical paradoxes abound
in the works of Oscar Wilde and G. K.
Chesterton; other literature deals with
paradox of
situation. Rabelais, Cervantes, Sterne,
and Borges, for instance, are all concerned
with episodes and narratives designed
around paradoxes.
Moral paradox
• In moral philosophy, paradox in a
loose sense plays a role
in ethicsc debates. For instance, it
may be considered that an ethical
admonition to "love thy neighbour" is
not just in contrast with, but in
contradiction to armed neighbors
actively intending murder.
Paradox in media
• Another example is the conflict between a
moral injunction and a duty that cannot be
fulfilled without violating that injunction.
For example, take the situation of a parent
with children who must be fed (the duty),
but cannot afford to do so without
stealing, which would be wrong (the
Paradox in philosophy
• A taste for paradox is central to the
of Laozi, Heraclitus, Meister
Eckhart, Hegel, Kierkegaard,
and Nietzsche, among many others.
Did you heard
paradoxology ?
• Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist
developed a "paradoxology" in their
book Det globala imperiet ("The
Global Empire").
• Things are indeed
terrible all over.
This is a known fact.
What is not
acknowledged is
that things are also
not terrible all over,
that joy is just as
real as death, and as
easily available.
• Where is up or
down ?
Which came first ?
Egg & Chichken
• Accourding to our religion God is the
greatest and can create everything
so can God create greater God?