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Chapter 27
Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Seed Development
Fruits and Seeds
Asexual Reproductive Strategies
Read Textbook Ch 27 and pages 569-572
Read Cliffs AP Book
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Life Cycle of flowering
– Alternation of generations
• Sporophyte (2n)
– Dominant in flowering
plants – plant we recognize
– Diploid – produces haploid
spore by meiosis
• Gametophyte (n)
– Haploid- produces diploid
– Small and not
independently living (is
independent in mosses and
– (Dominant in mosses)
– Flowering plants’ sperm do
not require water to fertilize
egg – mosses and ferns do
Memory device:
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Flower parts
– “Female”-ovary and egg
• Pistil (some texts call a carpel)
– Stigma
– Style
– Ovary (with ovules)
– “Male” – produces pollen grain
• staMEN
– Anther (MANther)
– filaMENt
– Petals
– Sepals
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Pistils SEM
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Wild peoni
– Many stamen and 3 pistils
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Three carpels fused to form a compound pistil
– When pistil contains only one carpel, then pistil and carpel
are synonymous
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• A single pistil consisting of several fused carpels
(A) and several pistils each consisting of a single
carpel (B)
Carpel is ovule
bearing unit.
Ovary may have
one or more
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Sporophyte (flower)
produces haploid spores
(microspore and
megaspore) by meiosis
Microspore produces
microgametophyte (pollen
grains “male”) and
megaspore produces
megagametophtye (eggs
“female”) by mitosis. (sometimes
also called macrogametophyte)
When pollen and egg come
together – fertilization –
diploid zygote is formedplant returns to sporophyte
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Megaspore (female embryo
sac) development
Functional megaspore divides by
mitosis to become:
One egg cell
Two synergid cells
One central cell with two polar
Three antipodal cells
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Synergid cells – guide pollen tube
Polar nuclei – become endosperm
once fertilized
Ovum – egg  sporophyte
Antipodal nuclei- no known
function – degenerate eventually
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Microspore development (male pollen)
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Pollen grain formation
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
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Pollen Sac (in anther) SEM
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Allergenic Pollen (SEM x1,000).
This image is copyright Dennis Kunkel at,
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
Pollination and Fertilization
Pollen usually wind blown (in flowering plants)
Pollen sticks on sticky stigma
Pollen grain contains one generative cell and one tube cell (each haploid)
Generative cell divides by mitosis to produce two sperm cells
Tube cell forms a tube that grows down to the megagametophyte (embryo sac)
One sperm joins with egg to form zygote
Other sperm joins with both polar nuclei to form triploid endosperm
This double fertilization is unique to flowering plants
Zygote becomes sporophyte
Ovule matures into seed and
seed coat
Ovary becomes the fruit
Fertilization animation
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology animations\
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.1 Sexual Reproductive Strategies
• Pollination
– Animals, wind
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Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.2 Seed Development
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.2 Seed Development
Embryo Development – (seed development animation)
– Endosperm nucleus divides to become endosperm tissue
– Zygote divides into embryo (which will develop cotyledons) and
suspender which will transfer nutrients to the embryo
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.2 Seed Development
– Monocot
• Has one
• Doesn’t store food just
passes it from the
endosperm to the
– Dicot
• Has two
• Store nutrients to feed
– Area between
cotyledon(s) and first
– Below cotyledon(s) –
stem development
– Contributes to root
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Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Embryo Development
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
Fruits and Seeds
Ovary and sometimes surrounding
floral parts
Fruit=mature ovary that usually
contains seeds.
Many types and varieties of fruits
embryo plus endosperm plus
surrounding ovule (seed coat)
Simple (derived from one ovarysimple or compound)– apples
Compound (develop from several
individual ovaries) – blackberry,
Grains (corn, wheat,rice, beans,
nuts etc.) are dry fruits
Fruit animation
Good fruit type site:
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal members/plan22.html
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
• Seed dispersal
– Many varied ingenious
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
• Seed germination
– Needs sufficient water, warmth and oxygen
– Needs correct chemical regulators
– Some need mechanical actions (washing, bacteria, fire)
– Some need period of dormancy
Dicot- –if epicotyl
– All work together to have seed germinate when it is most likely to
bends – cotyledons
Dicot- –if hypocotyl
stay below ground. survive.
bends – cotyledons
come above ground.
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
• Germination in monocots and dicots
Embryo breaks out of seed coat
Epicotyle bears young leaves called plumule
Monocot tip protcted by coleoptile – dicot bends
Phytochromes (ch 38) stimulate leaf growth
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.3 Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
Germination movies:
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology movies\Germination
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology movies\Germination
Photomorphism in sunflowers:
Sunflowers in light
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology movies\Germinating
Sunflowers in dark
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology movies\Germinating
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.4 Asexual Reproduction Strategies
• Vegetative propagation
– Can occur naturally
– Can be “human induced”
• Tissue culture
• Capitalize on fact that
plant cells are totipotent
– This is possible because
plants contain non
differentiated meristematic
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Tissue Culture Animation
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
27.4 Asexual Reproduction Strategies
• Genetic engineering in
– Previously, hybridization,
the crossing of different
varieties or species of plants,
was used to produce plants
with desirable traits.
– Now can just ‘insert the
– Can produce plants with
• Resistance to disease and
• More nutritious
• Ability to make human
hormones, clotting factors
and antibodies
– The sky is the limit, but
some advise great caution
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Transgenic Plants
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Transgenic Plants- Gene Gun
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Evolutionary Overview
algae  mosses  ferns  gymnosperms angiosperms
– Ferns are over 360 million years old – were around way before the
dinosaur (about 220mya)
avascular seedless (mosses, liverworts, hornworts- which are all
bryophytes)  vascular seedless (ferns)  vascular with seeds
(gymnosperms and angiosperms)
gymnosperms (pine trees etc) with naked seeds  angiosperms
(flowering plants) with seeds inside ovaries
Mosses and ferns need water (externally) for fertilization, seeded
plants don’t
Gametophyte (haploid) generation dominant in mosses.
Sporophyte generation dominant in vascular plants (ferns,
angosperms and gymnosperms).
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
In ferns and mosses, the sporophyte and gametophyte generations are
represented by two greatly different plants.
– Among mosses, a sporophyte consists of a long, rigid stalk with a
spore-producing container at the end, extending from the top of a soft,
leafy, green gametophyte. The sporophyte depends on the gametophyte
for food and water. When we think of the green carpet of mosses, it is
the gametophyte we are seeing.
– The ferns sporophytes have leaves which are much larger than the
gametophytes. They have clusters of sporangia, where the spores
develop, called sori form on the edges or underside of each leaf.
– After the spores ripen, they fall to the ground and grow into
gametophytes. A fern gametophyte produces both male and female
sex cells, and if enough moisture is present, a sperm cell swims to an
egg cell and unites with it.
– Once fertilized, the egg grows into an adult sporophyte.
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Gymnosperm Life Cycle
Link to animation:
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Gymnosperm Life Cycle Animation
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Chapter 27 Reproduction in Plants
Gametophyte (bottom) vs Sporophyte (top) in various “plants”
Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
Mosses (bryophytes)
avascular seedless
In mosses, the sporophyte is small and at least partially erect, with very little specialization of cells
and tissues, specifically, no true leaves, stems, or roots.
The moss gametophyte has a shoot portion that appears leafy, and has rhizoids which emerge from
its base to attach it to the substratum upon which it grows.
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avascular seedless
Sporophyte (diploid)
Gametophyte (haploid)
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avascular seedless
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Moss Life Cycle
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Life cycle of a Moss Animation
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The ferns sporophytes , which are much larger than the gametophyte, have
clusters of sporangia (inside sori), on their leaves, where the haploid spores
develop. After the spores ripen, they fall to the ground and grow into heart
shaped gametophytes.
A fern gametophyte produces both male and female sex cells, and if enough
moisture is present, a sperm cell swims to an egg cell and unites with it. Once
fertilized, the egg grows into an adult sporophyte
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vascular seedless
Sporangia (in sori)
on underside of fern
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Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
vascular seedless
Sporophyte (diploid)
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Fern Life Cycle animation
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology
Gametophyte with new
sporophyte growing
Heart shaped haploid
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Fern Life Cycle Animation
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Sporophyte (diploid)
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vascular seedless
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Mills AP Bio 2003/2013
The End
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Mills AP Bio 2003/2013