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They are a
Crazy Seed
What’s that
The Circle of
I love Science
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question
True or false
Something that contains seeds
is known as a fruit
$100 Answer
$200 Question
When a seed starts to grow,
it is known as:
A) a miracle
B) germination
C ) hydroponics
D) a fun time
$200 Answer
$300 Question
The process of growing seeds with
water and nutrients
is known as:
$300 Answer
$400 Question
Name the 3 parts of a seed.
$400 Answer
Seed coat, embryo, cotyledon
$500 Question
Explain why a lima bean is a dicot.
$500 Answer
splits in half, two cotyledons
$100 Question
True or false
Four ways seeds are dispersed are:
wind, animals, e mail , and water.
$100 Answer
$200 Question
Seeds can be dispersed by
all the ways except
C)Mr. Mike
D)hockey stick
$200 Answer
Mr. Mike
$300 Question
Explain how water disperses seeds
$300 Answer
Water either knocks seeds
off of plant or the water
carries the seed
to a new place.
$400 Question
If you look outside your window one day
and a stalk of corn is growing, how could
it have gotten there? Explain
$400 Answer
•Wind blew seed
•Bird dropped seed
•Human dropped seed
$500 Question
Name the four ways seeds are dispersed.
$500 Answer
Wind, Water, Humans, Animals
$100 Question
True or False
Seeds lay dormant until they have
the right environment to grow.
$100 Answer
$200 Question
When seeds lay around in water they grow:
$200 Answer
$300 Question
The first thing that came out of
the seed was the what?
$300 Answer
$400 Question
What does the cotyledon do for the seed?
$400 Answer
stores food to help grow
$500 Question
Why does a seed have a seed coat and
why does it shed it once it starts to grow?
$500 Answer
•To protect the seed
•Doesn’t need it anymore
$100 Question
True or False
The life cycle stops once the plant dies.
$100 Answer
$200 Question
After a seed begins to grow, next it
A)grows leaves and roots
B)grows its fruit
C)disperses the seed
D) dies
$200 Answer
Leaves and Roots
$300 Question
Explain why it is called a life cycle
and not a life straight line?
$300 Answer
It goes on and on
$400 Question
What would happen if the life cycle
of a seed stopped ?
$400 Answer
Life cycle of the seed would stop
$500 Question
Explain the whole life cycle
of a lima bean. Start to finish
$500 Answer
1. Seed gets wet
2. Germination
3. Seed coat comes off
4. Embryo comes out
5. Leaves and roots
6. Leaves
7. Flowers
8. Fruit
9. Plant starts dying
10. Seeds disperse
11. Life cycle keeps going
$100 Question
True or false
Science teachers are the best teachers.
$100 Answer
$200 Question
Properties describes all of the following except:
$200 Answer
$300 Question
Give 5 properties of an apple
$300 Answer
Red, shiny, smooth, round,
$400 Question
Where might you use hydroponics to grow plants?
$400 Answer
$500 Question
How can there be seedless grapes?
$500 Answer
Scientist have created seedless
Fruits through experiments
Final Jeopardy
What will produce more food.
Cattle on an acre of land
or an acre of plants. Why?
Final Jeopardy Answer
More food produced from plants