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• Mango can be propagated by stone grafting, veneer grafting, soft
wood grafting, inarching and saddle grafting methods, However
stone grafting is most popular and successful method of mango
• A Scion bud stick from desired cultivar of mango is grafted on
local sprouted stone at copper red color leaves stages and the
grafts become ready for planting in field within 10 to 12 months.
Stone / Seed Selection and Treatment
• Fresh, Bold and heavy stones/seeds of
collected before monsoon.
• Stones / Seeds are washed with clean
water to remove pulp and dirt attached
to seeds.
• Seeds are treated with copper oxy
chloride @ 3 grams per liter of water
for 20 minutes to control seed borne
diseases in nursery.
Mango Stones / Seeds
Sowing of Seeds
• Land at nursery site should be sloppy and well drained.
• Raised beds in nursery should be prepared with 90 cm wide, 10 cm
height and length as per the requirements or the slope.
• Mix the bed soil with well decomposed Farm Yard Manure mixed
with Phorate 10 G insecticide @100 gram for one Gunta to control
soil borne pests.
• Sow the seeds 4 cm deep, water the beds & keep them weed free.
Planting in Polythene Bag
• Select 250 gauge Polythene bag with size of
20 cm height and 15cm width.
• Make 4-6 holes at lower side of bag and fill up
them with media prepared by mixing garden
Sowing Seed in Poly Bag
soil, farm yard manure and sand in 2:1:1
• The seeds/ Stones are sown in such bags for
germination and further grafting.
Media filled Poly Bag
Selection of Root Stocks
• Germination of stone/seed starts 3-4 weeks after sowing in soil.
• Healthy stem and copper colored leaves stage comes after 2 to 3
weeks after germination is the right condition for grafting
Germinated stones
Seedling for Grafting
Selection of Bud stick / Scion
• Bud sticks or scion sticks with prominent apical bud from
desired and healthy mother plants should be selected for
• Bud stick
from previous years season growth should be
selected and defoliated 7 to 10 days before being cut for
Method of Grafting
• Rootstocks are carefully uprooted from raised bed and the stem
should be cut at 8 to 10 cm above the ground.
• Make a vertical cut 4 to 5 cm deep to stem of rootstock and similar
length wedge shaped cut to bud stick.
• Insert the wedge shaped portion of bud stick into cut portion of
rootstock and tie the common part of graft firmly with a polythene
1. Selection of bud sticks
4. Grafting and Polystriping
2. wedge shaped Cut on Scion
5. Grafted Scion
3. Vertical Cut on Rootstock
6. Successful Grafts
Care and Maintenance of Graft
• Water the grafts regularly and keep in partial sunlight and spray
the grafts with Chloropyriphos (Radar) 20 ml and Carbendazim
(Bavistin) 10 gm per 10 lit of water at 15 days interval.
• Remove sprouted growth on root stock and inflorescence on bud
stick immediately after emergence.
• Shift the grafts with pale green leaves in direct sunlight for
hardening & stake it with bamboo stick. Remove the polythene
strip when union is completely healed and formed.