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Changes in Matter: SC.5.P.9.1
Imagine that you fill a bucket to the top with water
and then place the bucket outside in freezing
weather. Which of the following describes what
will happen when the water in the bucket freezes?
A. The level of the water and the bucket itself will
not be changed by becoming frozen.
B. The level of the water will be lower once it is
frozen and the molecules are more compact.
C. The sides of the bucket will be pushed out and
the level of the water will be above the rim of the
D. The level of the water will be uneven once it is
frozen because some of the water will remain as
a liquid in the bucket.
Imagine that you fill a bucket to the top with water
and then place the bucket outside in freezing
weather. Which of the following describes what
will happen when the water in the bucket freezes?
A. The level of the water and the bucket itself will
not be changed by becoming frozen.
B. The level of the water will be lower once it is
frozen and the molecules are more compact.
C. The sides of the bucket will be pushed out and
the level of the water will be above the rim of the
D. The level of the water will be uneven once it is
frozen because some of the water will remain as
a liquid in the bucket.
On a sunny day, Elena is cutting branches from a tree in
her yard. At midday, she takes a break, leaving a pile of
branches and leaves on the ground. When she returns
and gathers the branches, she notices the leaves are
wilted and crisp.
Which of the following correctly describes what
happened to the leaves?
A. The trees had not received water for a long time
before being cut.
B. The warm temperature caused moisture to
evaporate from the leaves.
C. The nutrients cannot reach the leaves if the tree's
branches are not upright.
D. The leaves had been covered in frost the week
before, but had not wilted until now.
On a sunny day, Elena is cutting branches from a tree in
her yard. At midday, she takes a break, leaving a pile of
branches and leaves on the ground. When she returns
and gathers the branches, she notices the leaves are
wilted and crisp.
Which of the following correctly describes what
happened to the leaves?
A. The trees had not received water for a long time
before being cut.
B. The warm temperature caused moisture to
evaporate from the leaves.
C. The nutrients cannot reach the leaves if the tree's
branches are not upright.
D. The leaves had been covered in frost the week
before, but had not wilted until now.
Which of the following describes an
example of a material undergoing a
chemical change to become another
material with different characteristics?
A. Iron turns to rust when it is exposed to
B. When water boils, it turns into vapor,
which is a gas.
C. Oxygen can become liquid at a very low
D. Gold can be spread out very thin to
cover a large area.
Which of the following describes an
example of a material undergoing a
chemical change to become another
material with different characteristics?
A. Iron turns to rust when it is exposed to
B. When water boils, it turns into vapor,
which is a gas.
C. Oxygen can become liquid at a very low
D. Gold can be spread out very thin to
cover a large area.
Which answer describes a way that a liquid
can be turned into a gas?
A. Apply enough heat to cause evaporation.
B. Apply freezing temperatures to cause
C. Lower the temperature of the container
to allow vaporization.
D. Maintain a constant temperature over a
long enough time to cause freezing.
Which answer describes a way that a liquid
can be turned into a gas?
A. Apply enough heat to cause evaporation.
B. Apply freezing temperatures to cause
C. Lower the temperature of the container
to allow vaporization.
D. Maintain a constant temperature over a
long enough time to cause freezing.
Nadal is helping prepare a large meal for a
family gathering. After cooking for several
hours, he notices the windows inside the
kitchen are covered in moisture. Which
answer best explains how this happened?
A. Evaporated moisture is condensing on the
B. Heating up the house will make moisture
evaporate from the windows.
C. It is raining outside and hot and dry inside,
so water condenses inside the windows.
D. Having many people in a house causes
water to form condensation on the
Nadal is helping prepare a large meal for a
family gathering. After cooking for several
hours, he notices the windows inside the
kitchen are covered in moisture. Which
answer best explains how this happened?
A. Evaporated moisture is condensing on the
B. Heating up the house will make moisture
evaporate from the windows.
C. It is raining outside and hot and dry inside,
so water condenses inside the windows.
D. Having many people in a house causes
water to form condensation on the
Mayra leaves a basket of flowers she has
just picked outside in the hot sun for
several hours. What will Mayra find in her
basket when she returns?
A. The flowers will be wilted and possibly
B. The flowers will have dropped off of
their stems.
C. Because they were just picked, the
flowers will not have changed.
D. Because they still have living cells, the
flowers will not have changed
Mayra leaves a basket of flowers she has
just picked outside in the hot sun for
several hours. What will Mayra find in her
basket when she returns?
A. The flowers will be wilted and possibly
B. The flowers will have dropped off of
their stems.
C. Because they were just picked, the
flowers will not have changed.
D. Because they still have living cells, the
flowers will not have changed
Miguel is learning to cook. Following a recipe,
he combines meat, vegetables, herbs and
spices, and water in a pan and heats them
until the mixture is hot and simmering.
Which of the following will happen as the
mixture simmers?
A. The heat will cause some of the water to
turn to vapor.
B. The heat will cause some of the water to
form a solid in the pan.
C. The vegetables will turn to liquid form
when combined with heat.
D. The herbs and spices will keep the water
from boiling in the pan.
Miguel is learning to cook. Following a recipe,
he combines meat, vegetables, herbs and
spices, and water in a pan and heats them
until the mixture is hot and simmering.
Which of the following will happen as the
mixture simmers?
A. The heat will cause some of the water to
turn to vapor.
B. The heat will cause some of the water to
form a solid in the pan.
C. The vegetables will turn to liquid form
when combined with heat.
D. The herbs and spices will keep the water
from boiling in the pan.
Which of the following best explains what will
happen if you fill a container to the top with
liquid and then tightly secure the lid and place it
in a freezer?
A. As it freezes, the liquid will maintain its shape
and volume as it slowly turns into a solid.
B. As it freezes, the liquid will take up more space
and push out on the container until it bursts.
C. As it freezes, part of the liquid will become gas,
which will push out on the container until it
D. As it freezes, the liquid will take up less space
because it will be a mixture of solid, liquid, and
Which of the following best explains what will
happen if you fill a container to the top with
liquid and then tightly secure the lid and place it
in a freezer?
A. As it freezes, the liquid will maintain its shape
and volume as it slowly turns into a solid.
B. As it freezes, the liquid will take up more space
and push out on the container until it bursts.
C. As it freezes, part of the liquid will become gas,
which will push out on the container until it
D. As it freezes, the liquid will take up less space
because it will be a mixture of solid, liquid, and
Iron becomes rust when it reacts with
oxygen. Which of the following is another
example of a material undergoing a
chemical change to become another
material with different characteristics?
A. melting ice
B. burning wood
C. freezing water
D. shattering glass
Iron becomes rust when it reacts with
oxygen. Which of the following is another
example of a material undergoing a
chemical change to become another
material with different characteristics?
A. melting ice
B. burning wood
C. freezing water
D. shattering glass
A compost pile is made up of vegetable scraps,
grass clippings, and other yard waste. With the
help of bacteria that break down matter, the plant
material slowly becomes smaller particles that
help the soil.
What would slow down this process of breaking
down the plant material in a compost pile?
A. lowering the surrounding temperature
B. compacting the material into a smaller space
C. turning the pile over to introduce more oxygen
D. introducing worms or other creatures to the
A compost pile is made up of vegetable scraps,
grass clippings, and other yard waste. With the
help of bacteria that break down matter, the plant
material slowly becomes smaller particles that
help the soil.
What would slow down this process of breaking
down the plant material in a compost pile?
A. lowering the surrounding temperature
B. compacting the material into a smaller space
C. turning the pile over to introduce more oxygen
D. introducing worms or other creatures to the