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By Mrs Doorly’s Year 3 Class
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Anteaters by David
Tapir by Hannah
Poison Dart Frog by William
Poison Dart Frog by Luke
Basilisk Lizard by Ben
Snakes by Corin & Luke
King Cobra by Adam
Orang-utans by Rebecca
Squirrel Monkey by Harriet & Melanie
Spider Monkey by Eve
Lemurs by Mia & Gemma
Tarsier by Helen
Sloth by Ben
Three Toes Sloth by Francesca
Facts about Tigers by Thomas
Jaguars by Francesca
Ocelot by Stephen
Harpy Eagle by Rosie
Red Macaw by Maysie
Colourful Toucans by Georgia
Pygmy Hippo by James
Front Cover by Max
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What is an anteater?
An anteater is a rainforest animal
which eats ants and termites.
does it
It eats ants
and termites.
do they
They live in
open tropical
rainforests in
America and
What is
The biggest
anteater is the
The Extra Facts. giant anteater.
Anteaters are insectivores. An
insectivore is a animal which
eats ants and termites.
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Long flexible snout. Four toes on each
front foot. Three toes on each hind foot.
How Long?
Tapir is 60cm long.
What do they eat?
Where do they live?
In Rainforests in South America
and Asia.
Fact file.
Did you know that a Tapir is related to a horse and rhinoceros?
The Tapir has no manners! It picks it’s food with it’s nose!
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What is it?
A poison dart frog is a
type of poisonous frog. It
comes in many forms and
has two names.
Have you mistaken me?
Poison dart frogs are also
known as poison arrow frogs.
Fun fact
A Poison dart frog is a
Where are they?
Poison dart frogs live in
brazil in south America .
What is a poison dart frog?
A poison dart frog is a creature that
squirts out poison. It can poison any
person that goes near it.
What they eat.
They eat ants
because the acid
From ants make
Where do
they live.
It lives in the
rainforests of
south and
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There diet
Basilisk lizards can walk on
They live
Basilisk lizards live in
south American
Basilisk lizards are
locally common.
Knowing the lizard
The basilisk lizard is in the
iguana family.
They lay 18-20 eggs a day.
That makes 126-140 eggs a
week! Their eggs can hatch
within two days.
These are carnivores. Their
predators are snakes and
some birds.
They are brown or green.
They are 70 – 75 cm long
and weigh 900g. Their
webbed feet are an inch long.
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Water python
It lives in Australia.
It’s habitat is water
and swamp.It eats
mammals and
birds.The female is
7 feet & male is 5-6
Basilisk snakes
A basilisk snake can kill
from it’s poison. It is not very
hard at all.A basilisk snake
starred in a Harry Potter
Blood python
It lives in Asia.
It eats small Mammals and
It’s size is 4-6 feet
It squeezes it’s pray
It’s skin looks likes blood.
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What does it look like?
It is four meters long or over.Its colours are yellow
green brown or black. Its throat is creamy colour.
What does it eat?
It’s a carnivore that eats
If he eats a big big meal .it
can go with out food for 5
years.It only eats coldblooded animals and
lizards are only small
Where do you find them?
You should find them in the south
east of Asia. It lives in the highlands
I could eat this in one
how cool.
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Orangutans are
endangered. They live
in rain forest in
Borneo Sumatra.
have long
red hair and
long arms
to swing in
the trees!
What do they eat?
Fruit, leaves, nuts, seeds and eggs.
Where do they live ?
Squirrel monkeys live in
rainforests in South America
What do they eat?
What do they look like?
They have a tail for
balancing and hanging.
They’re 32 cm long &
they’re tails are 41 cm
long . The coat is short ,
greyish, and olive.It has a
white face and dark fur on
his forehead.
Fantastic Facts
•Active during day.
•Excellent climbers &
•Yellow legs.
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Where do they live?
They live in tropical
rainforests central America
and south America.
This is were a spider
monkey lives.
What does a spider
monkey look like?
They have black, brown
and gold fur. They are
60cm long. It has long
arms and a long tail so it
can swing in trees.
What does a spider
monkey eat?
They eat nuts, seeds, fruit,
leaves, birds eggs and spiders.
What are Lemurs?
Lemurs are in the ape family.Some have long
tails,but some don’t.They live in trees from the
understorey to the canopy.
Red Ruffed Lemur
It’s relatives are the ring tailed lemurs. It’s diet is
plants and berries.It lives in the Madagascan
The Aye-Aye is a very rare lemur from
Madagascar.It uses its long ,spindly middle
fingers like forks to dig out juicy grubs.
Blue- eyed Black Lemur
The Blue eyed Black Lemur has blue eyes. They
eat fruit, berries and insects that are in the trees.
They live in rainforests all over the world.
There is more than 10 kinds of Lemur.
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What is a tarsier?
A tarsier is a small mammal
with long hind limbs and
they are nocturnal tarsiers
have four babies a year.
Fun Fact
There tails can
grow to 25cm long.
Where do they live?
Tarsiers live in the
and Borneo.
What do they eat?
They eat insects,lizards and
What size are they?
Most tarsiers are the size of a rat.
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Are Sloth's hairy?
Sloth's are so hairy and so
slow that they grow moss
Where do Sloth's live?
Sloth's live in the Canopy
layer and feed on leaves for
their whole lives.
This is the
heaviest Sloth in
the world !
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What are three toed sloth's?
Three toed sloth’s are mammals
and they are very slow. They nearly
stay up side down all day. They
often stay in bed all day. I think
you can tell they are lazy.
This is a picture of a three toed
sloth hanging in a tree.
Fact File
They are lazy
They are furry
They are
always tired
Where do three toed
sloth’s live?
Three toed sloth’s live in south
and central America in a
tropical rainforest.
This is a map
where three
toed sloth's live
What do three toed
Are three toed sloth’s endangered ?
sloth’s eat ?
Three toed sloth’s are endangered because people
are cutting down trees and three toed sloth’s live in
Three toed sloth’s are
herbivores. They mainly eat
plants and flowers.
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What Is A Tiger?
A Tiger is a mammal, it is the same family as a
Cat. It lives in India.
The diet of a Tiger
Normally a Tiger will chase
after a young deer or any
animal made of meat.
What does a Tiger do?
The female stays at home with the cubs, (if they
have any!) and the male will go hunting.
Cat Fact!
Lot’s of people think that all
cat’s are bad swimmer’s, but
tiger’s are good swimmer’s!
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What do they look like?
Jaguars have spotted coats. Their
spots are black, white and orange.
Where do they live?
In the rainforests of the
Amazon Basin.
What do they eat?
Deer, fish, monkeys and cats.
How do they hunt?
Jaguars hunt in the water
and on land. They kill by
biting skulls.
What is a Ocelot?
An Ocelot is a sort of big
cat.An ocelot is a brightly
endangered bread of wild
How many
cubs do
Ocelots have 1
or 2 cubs but
relay have 3.
Where do they live?
They can be found in forests
areas, swampy savannah and
scrublands. They can be
found in south and central
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What does it eat?
Small tree mammals like
opossums sloth's and monkeys.
What Is A Harpy Eagle?
A Harpy Eagle is the largest
eagle in the world . It looks
like a huge bird with yellow
feet and sharp sickening
black talons that catch prey .
It has long grey tail feathers.
How big is it?
36 to 40 inches in
length.It can reach a
weight of 20 pounds.
Where does it live?
It lives in south and
central America’s
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What is it?
A red macaw is a type of bird.
And they have lots of colours.
What does it eat?
Red macaws eat all kinds of seeds and
lots of fruit and nuts
Where it comes from?
Red macaws are found in a tropical
rainforest in central south America
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What is a
A Toucan is a type of bird. There are 40 different
types of Toucans. Toucans are red, yellow,
orange, black and white. Toucans are little birds.
Some grow up to 60 or 70cm.
They eat insects, berries,
nuts and lizards.
there’s a Toucan called
a Toco.
They live in south central
America in the rainforest. They
live in the emergent layer.
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Where do they live ?
Pygmy Hippos live in the tropics of West
Africa, usually the Ivory Coast but also
Liberia and Sierra Leone. Maybe Nigeria
and Guinea?