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Choloepus didactyeus
Class: Mammalia. Order: Xenarthia. Family: Megalonychidae
Common Name: Sloth
Habitat and Range: Found in Central America to northern South America. They live in
the canopies of both lowland and upland rainforests.
Description: They are covered with a long (6 inches), bristly coat of hair that covers an
undercoat of shorter finer hair. They can be gray-brown to beige in coloration, often
having a greenish cast due to algae growth in the fur. They have a flattened, hairless
face with small eyes that are set in black rings. The ears are small and hidden under the
coat. They have no tail. There are 2 toes on the front feet and 3 on the back. The claws
are 3-4 inches in length. Bottom of the feet is hairless.
Adult Size: They are 21-29 inches long and weigh 9-18 pounds.
Diet in the Wild: Mainly leaves along with some shoots, fruit, nuts, berries, and bark.
Known to occasionally eats small rodents.
Diet at the Zoo: Leafeater biscuits, primate diet, raw vegetables (especially corn) and
fruit (loves grapes and pears).
Reproduction: After a gestation period of 5-6 months the female gives birth—while
hanging upside down—to one offspring 10 inches long, weghing12-16 ounces. The baby,
born with claws, spends its first month clinging to the mother’s belly fur, remaining
hidden. It is weaned at about 1 month and is almost completely independent at 9
months. It can reach sexual maturity from 3-5 years (females earlier than males).
Life Span: 10-15 years in the wild. 30 years in zoos.
Perils: Big cats (jaguars, ocelots), birds of prey (harpy eagle), and large snakes
Protection: Camouflage, the algae helps them look like the trees (s well as provide a
snack). Staying high in the canopy most of the time is protection from the really big cats
and snakes. They remain motionless, even when awake. Often fall from the trees into
water. They are very good swimmers. If caught on the ground there is no protection.
Interesting Facts: They are the world’s slowest mammal, although they can climb at
speeds of 6-8 feet per minute. They descend head first. The 2 toed sloth is larger and
faster than the 3 toed. Sloths are so slow that algae grows on their grooved fur. The fur
is parted on the belly and curves across the back, allowing rain to run off. They sleep
15-20 hours per day. They have the lowest and most variable body temperature of any
mammal (74-92o). This causes them to have a slow metabolism that allows them to
survive injuries that would kill other mammals. Their food often remains in their large,
multiple chambered stomach up to a month (which allows bacteria to ferment the plant
matter) before moving to the intestines. They cannot shiver to stay warm. Almost all
their liquid requirements are met through the juicy plants they eat. They come down
once a week to eliminate. Their ever growing teeth have no incisors or canines. The first
tooth is canine-like.
Ecology: Although considered Endangered, they are listed as Lower Risk. The biggest
problem seems to be habitat loss as deforestation takes place. Power lines and roads in
traditional forested areas also take a toll. There is some hunting.
Sources: Walker’s Mammals of the World—Nowak
Encyclopedia of Mammals- 2006—Mac Donald