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Introduction to Forestry
Hoyt Ponder
Submitted October 20, 2005
Upon completion of this course, the student should be
able to:
1. Describe the forest resources of Louisiana and our
2. Explain primary and secondary growth of a tree.
3. Define and explain techniques used for the
management of a forest including: soil, water,
and wildlife.
4. Understand basic economic concepts of the
forestry industry.
What makes up forest?
 In terms of woody
plants, the two main
types are trees and
 What are the main
differences in a tree
and a shrub?
Trees and Shrubs
 A tree is a woody plant, typically large with a
well-defined stem and a more or less defined
 A shrub is a woody plant, seldom exceeding
10 ft. in height, usually having several
persistent woody stems branching from the
Types of Seeds
 Angiosperms – trees which produce seeds
that are encased in a hull, shell or fruit.
(Oaks, Fruit Trees, and Grasses)
 Gymnosperm – trees which produce seeds
that are naked. (Pines)
Types of Seeds (cont.)
 Angiosperms (two kinds)
Monocotyledons-embryo with one leaf.
Palm trees and grasses
Dicotyledon-embryo with more than one leaf.
Oaks, maples, and magnolias
Broadleaved or hardwoods
 Gymnosperms
Conifers-pines, junipers, spruces, firs, and cypress
Types of Trees
 Evergreens
Retains leaves year round
Often a synonym for conifers (except cypress)
 Deciduous
Trees that loose their leaves every year
Often a synonym for hardwood (oaks)
 2 Types of Sugars
Starch – source of energy, excess is converted
into wood
Cellulose – structural, makes up 70% of wood
 Photosynthesis
Co2 + water in the
presence of light =
 Respiration
Oxidation of Carbon
Sugar in the presence of
Oxygen = CO2
Secondary Chemicals
 Lignin – functions as a glue that glues cells
together, second most abundant chemical in
 Tannins, terpenoids, and alkinoids all protect
trees from insects, fungi and bacteria
Three Types of Tissue
 Ground – biochemistry
 Dermal – epidermis or skin
of plant (bark)
 Vascular – transport system
Xylem – transports water
and mineral salts
 Phloem – transports
organic food and sugars
 Primary Growth – elongation (height)
 Secondary Growth – diameter (width)
Each year a tree gets
a new growth ring
The growth ring can
tell you a great deal
about a tree
Growth (cont.)
 Meristems
Refers to points of growth that are actively
Apical meristems – tips of limbs and trunks (primary
growth – deals with elongation)
 Cambium meristems – single cell layer wide
(secondary growth – gets bigger in diameter)
Plant Hormones
 Auxins
Hormones that are made in the shoot tips, and
controls phototropism (ability to grow towards
the light)
 Apical Dominance
Control of auxins in the tips of the limbs and
Suppresses elongation of lateral branches
Symbiosis with Fungi
 Symbiosis – both plant and fungi benefit
 Mycarhizae – fungi that surround the roots
increases uptake of nutrients, increases the
surface area of the roots
 Rhizobium – bacteria that is symbiotic with
legumes (mimosa, black locust) and
fixes atmospheric nitrogen
 Tolerance is the ability
to grow in low light
 Intolerant grow best in
full sunlight (bald
cypress, pines, oaks)
 Tolerant has relatively
equal growth with
different levels of
sunlight (southern
magnolia, beech)
 Many of the important
commercial and
wildlife species are
intolerant trees. Much
of forest management
has focused on
communities of
intolerant species.
Gap Dynamics
 Small scale disturbances – small openings in
a forest where advanced regeneration occurs
Fugitive – easily distributed seeds (pines)
Buried seeds – seeds remain viable for a long
time (oaks)
Sprouting – roots and stumps sprout to form a
new forest
Competition through Chemistry
 Allelopathy – condition when some plants
produce chemicals that inhibit, retard, or kill
other plants
The black walnut produces juglone which is a
phenolic compound that kills most plants.
Prescribed Burning
 Uses:
Reduction of logging debris
Preparation of seed beds
Reduction of fuels in forests
Control understory vegetation
Improvement of wildlife habitat
Improvement of forage for livestock
Prescribed Burning
 Limitations:
Must be controllable (fuels, weather,
Preparation of fire breaks
Smoke management (air quality, liability)
Cost $7-$20 per acre
“Let It Burn” Policy
 Managing Natural
Put out the fire or let it
 Yellowstone Park is
this policies biggest
challenge (contains 2.2
million acres)
“Let It Burn” Policy
 In 1988 45% of Yellowstone burned (approx.
1 mil. Acres)
 ½ were only surface fires
 25-30% burned under constant suppression
 Much of the problem was caused by fuel
build up due to prior fire suppression
 Follows harvesting or small scale disturbance
Natural Regeneration – seeds produced in area
sprout and regenerate.
Artificial Regeneration – can be accomplished
by either Direct Seeding or Planting nursery
grown seedlings
Natural Regeneration
 Advantages:
Usually produces a
thick stand
No bed preparation is
Requires no costs
 Disadvantages:
Unknown species
Unknown genetics
Bad seed year
Seeds may be eaten by
Natural Regeneration
 Methods:
Seed tree method – superior
trees are left to provide seed
and are removed after
Shelter wood method –
similar to seed tree method,
but deals with species where
shelter is required
Coppice method – using
stump and root sprouts.
Artificial Regeneration
 Advantages:
Control seed supply
Increases prompt
Greater control over
species and genetics
Control tree spacing
Regenerate in optimal
weather conditions
 Disadvantages:
Can be costly
Bed prep
Cost of seedlings
Cost of planting
 The orderly replacement of species through
time in a given location eventually leading to
a stable community
 Two types of Succession:
Primary – initial invasion of a bare site
Secondary – orderly replacement of species over
Harvesting Timber
 2 Main ways
Clear cutting – all trees
are removed at one time
High grading – best
quality and largest trees
are removed, only poor
quality and small trees
are left
Thinning – age,
Clear Cutting
 Advantages:
Easy site preparation
Max profits
Natural and artificial
regeneration can be
 Disadvantages:
Soil erosion
Takes time to
Negative view
High Grading
 Advantages:
Biggest tallest trees are
Species can be selected
for a market
Highest dollar per board
 Disadvantages:
Smaller trees and
poorer quality is left
Regeneration has
genetics that are inferior
 Manipulation of forest vegetation to
accomplish a specific set of objectives
controlling forest establishment, composition
and growth
Even aged stand – stands in which relatively
small differences exist between individual trees
Usually develop after a large scale disturbance (intol.)
Un-even aged stand – lack of disturbance (tol.)
Un-even Aged Stand
 Dominant – project above canopy, direct sun from
above and part of the sides
 Co-dominant – top of canopy, direct sun from
above only
 Intermediate – crowded into canopy, sun only
directed to the top of the crown
 Suppressed – completely overtopped,no constant
direct sun (some plants will die)
 What is the difference between a tree and a
 How does fungi work together with trees?
 What is the controversy over the “Let it burn
 What are advantages and disadvantages of
clear cutting and high grading?
Tomorrow’s Lesson
 Commercial Forest Land
 NIPF – Non-industrial Private Forests
 Land Expectation Value (LEV)
 Mean Annual Increment (MAI)
 Harvest Scheduling