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Weather Patterns
Vocabulary NOT
in the textbook
Imbalances – a lack of balance, being out of
Land Breeze – At night, air over land is cooler
and forms high pressure area. Cool air
moves to ocean producing a breeze from
Sea Breeze - During the day, air over the
ocean is cooler and forms area of high
pressure. Cool air flows to the land.
Occluded Front – warm air mass caught
between two cold air masses. Cool
temperatures and a lot of snow and
Continental Air Mass – Air mass that
forms over land and brings dry
Maritime Air Mass – air mass that forms over
water and brings wet weather.
Tropical Air Mass – air mass that forms in the
Tropics and brings warm weather
Polar Air Mass – air mass that forms in the
polar regions and brings cold weather.
Warm Front – warm air moves over cold,
denser air. Drizzly rain, then clear warm
Stationary Front – cold air meets warm air and
neither strong enough to move so stay
apart. Cloudy, wet weather