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Weather Unit Foldable
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Yellow Paper Title
The Atmosphere
• What is the
• The atmosphere is
• What is the function of
• Earth’s atmosphere has
the atmosphere?
layers of gasses that
surround the Earth.
two main functions: 1st it
contains gas like O2 that
we need to live and 2nd it
traps heat so the water on
the planet remains liquid.
The Atmosphere
• What gases are in the
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• There are 2 main gases
in the atmosphere
1st Nitrogen 78%
2nd Oxygen 21%.
All other gases make up
the other 1%.
Air Pressure
• What is air Pressure?
• The result of the weight
of a column of air pushing
down on an area.
• What is Barometric
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• Changes in the
atmospheric pressure as
shown by a barometer
Air Pressure
• What are the Properties
of air?
• Air has mass, density, and
• Altitude/Elevation
• The distance above sea level.
• How does altitude affect
• The higher the altitude the
air pressure and density?
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(the surface of the ocean)
lower the air pressure and
• The lower the altitude the
greater the air pressure and
Blue Title
Layers of the Atmosphere
• How many layers are
there in the
• There are 5 layers, the
troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere,
and exosphere,
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Troposphere:
- This is the layer we live in and the smallest layer
– Temperature decreases as altitude increases 140 to 76 degrees F
– All weather happens here
– This is the ONLY layer living things can live in
– 16 km above sea level
Layers of the Atmosphere
Temperature increases as altitude increases
from -76 to 32 degrees F
- Ozone layer found here, and weather Balloons
- 50 km above the earth
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Mesosphere:
- Temperature decreases to coldest point 32 to 130 degrees F.
- Meteor Showers
- 50 to 90 km
Layers of the Atmosphere
- Temperature increases 2700 degrees F
- Aurora borealis (Northern lights), International
Space Station, Space Shuttle stay in this layer.
- 90 to 500 km from sea level
Layers of the Atmosphere
- Temperature Increases to 5000 degrees F
- Satellites orbit here
- 500 km + from sea level
White title
Air Masses and air Fronts
• Air Mass:
• A huge body of air that
• There are 4 types of
air masses classified
by temperature, and
has similar temperature,
humidity, and air
Tropical: warm
Polar: cooled
Continental: dry
Maritime: wet
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White Title
Air Masses and Fronts
• What is a Front?
• An area where air
masses meet and
don’t mix.
• There are three main
types of Fronts
• Cold Front
• Warm Front
• Stationary Front
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Air Masses and Fronts
• Cold Front: Cold air
moves underneath
warm air, forcing
warm air to rise.
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Air Masses and Fronts
• Warm Front: Forms
when warm air moves
over cold air.
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Air Masses and Fronts
• Stationary Front:
happens when a cold
and warm air mass
meet and don’t move.
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White Title
White Title
Weather Factors
• Radiation: the transfer of energy by
electromagnetic waves
• Conduction: heat transferred through a
substance by the direct contact of
• Convection Currents: the transfer of heat
by the movement of a heated fluid.
White Title
Weather Factors
• Weather is caused by heat energy, moister,
wind, air pressure.
• The ozone layer absorbs powerful ultraviolet
radiation from the sun.
• Green house effect: process by which gases
hold heat in the air. CO2
White Title
Weather Factors
• Temperature: the average amount of
energy of motion of the molecules of a
• Heat: the transfer of energy from a hotter
substance to a cooler one.
Blue Title
• Wind: the horizontal Movement for air from
an area of high pressure to an area of low
• All wind is caused by differences in air
• Wind is named by the direction from which
it comes from.
Blue Title
• Jet Stream bands of high-speed winds
about 10km above earth’s surface.
• Prevailing Westerlies: mid-latitude, wind
that blow from West to East.
Green Title
Precipitation: any form of water that falls from
the clouds and reaches Earth’s surface. (liquid
or solid)
There are 5 common types of precipitation
Freezing Rain
Green Title
• Humidity: measure of the amount of water vapor
in the air
• Water vapor: water in the form of a gas
• Moist air is more dense then dry air
• Liquid water in more dense then water vapor
• Warm air holds more water vapor then cold air