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APES Unit 5 Key Points
Name: _________________________________________________ Date___________
Unit 5: Community & Population Ecology
Required Reading:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
pp. 143-160
pp. 161-170
Important Due Dates:
Unit 5 Test:
Chapter 7 Key Points:
Case Study: Why should we care about the American Alligator?
What determines the number of species in a community?
How are species classified according to their roles in a community?
How do species interact with each other?
How do communities respond to changes in environmental conditions?
Ecological Succession
Does high species biodiversity increase the stability and sustainability of a community?
Case Study: Amphibians - Why are they vanishing?
APES Unit 5 Key Points
Name: _________________________________________________ Date___________
Compare and contrast the different types of species and their roles in ecosystems
Indicator species
Keystone species
Foundation species
Endemic species
Invasive species
Native species
Non-native species
Pioneer species
Cosmopolitan species
Give an example of Resource Partitioning and explain why species would do this
Ways that predators increase their chance of Eating:
How does Prey increase their chances of survival? Types of Animal/Organism Defense
Species Interactions and Symbiotic relationships:
 Mutualism
APES Unit 5 Key Points
Name: _________________________________________________ Date___________
Ecological Succession in an ecosystem
 Give an example of:
o Primary succession
Secondary Succession
Climax community
Pioneer species
How does succession affect animal species?
Chapter 8 Key Points:
Carrying Capacity
What is biotic potential?
J Curves vs. S curves
APES Unit 5 Key Points
Name: _________________________________________________ Date___________
Predator Prey Patterns and Cycles:
Use the graph – Figure 8-7 to explain the normal pattern of predator/prey relations
Reproductive Strategies:
R –selected species
K-selected species
What is a survivorship Curve?
Interpret the Diagram – Figure 8-11 on p. 169