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WORLD BIOMES Ecology Class Mrs. Dunnavant World Biomes Background: All of the livable space on the Earth makes up the biosphere. A biome is defined as large geographic areas that have similar climates and climax communities. World Biomes The organisms (both plant and animal) that survive within a biome are uniquely adapted to that particular biome. World Biomes Goal: Students will work in groups to research and present information on one of the world’s major biomes. World Biomes Objectives: Each group will use research and reading skills to find out about one of the world’s biomes 2. Each group will orally present their biome to the class in PowerPoint or I Movie. (upload to Mrs. Dunnavant’s school web page) 3. Each student will become familiar with the names and basic characteristics of the different biomes and the populations they contain. 1. World Biomes Researching the Biomes 14 Groups representing major Biomes & Ecosystems- Tundra Temperate Boreal Forest Chaparral Desert Temperate Rain Forest Tropical Forest Rain Forest Tropical Dry Forest Grassland Savanna Freshwater Biomes Estuaries Marine Biomes World Biomes Become an Expert! (Requirements) Major abiotic factors that affect life in this habitat -rainfall, temperature ranges, amount of light, climate, pollutants - example: climographs World Biomes Major biotic factors that affect life in this habitat -plant and animal populations that are common in this biome Some Biotic Factors • • • parasitism disease Predation, food chain World Biomes Competition and Adaptation - - Explain how organisms are specifically adapted to this habitat. (ex. Koala hands adapt) Include plants and animals - Describe how organisms within the same species and different species compete for resources Resource level starts high, ends low World Biomes Human Influence- Explain how the human factor affects the biome. For example, logging, development, pollution. Conservation Projects World Biomes PowerPoint Requirements: 12 slide minimum (including title and references) Include a tourist destination in your biome(vacation spot) Create a 5 question quiz for your classmates to answer after your presentation-Last slide Each slide must have a minimum of one graphic, but no more than three per slide. Animation and/or sound effects included. Make sure you use proper PowerPoint design principles when compiling information (font size, alignment, proximity) Make sure your audience can read your slides. BULLET FORMAT for all slides. This means no sentences, just fragments. Know your biome. Do not just read from the slides. Use slides as framework to present the information. SAVE this daily on my SharePoint page as the draft. Be sure to save as Your names-Your biome World Biomes Helpful chapters in the old Ecology Book: Ch 6 Ecosystem Balance Ch. 7 Desert and Tundra Biomes Ch. 8 Grassland Biomes Ch. 9 Forest Biomes Ch. 10 Freshwater Biomes Ch. 11 The Marine Biomes Ch. 23 Habitat Destruction Ch. 25 Protecting the Environment CH 6 in the NEW ECOLOGY BOOKS World Biomes Assessment Group Peer Evaluation (10 points) Member’s Name List Tasks Completed On a scale from 1-10 List the effort shown 1. 2. Suggested resources: http://www.ccps.k12.va.us/rhhs/index.htm- Library resources for R-HHS students(includes the Gale Database, E library, etc.) www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm www.worldbiomes.com/biomes Names_____________________________and_______________________________ __ World Biomes Assessment Item Outstanding Average Below Average Key Points: Introduction, location, characteristics, soil type, climate, seasons etc) An in-depth discussion of the major features of the biome-do not just read the slides. 20 Nice attempt to cover biome but could use more detail 10 Discussion that lacks information or is incomplete 5 Biotic Factors (i.e. Species diversity; pictures; species names, food Web ) Include ten or more examples of biotic factors and their role in the biome-pictures of plants, animals, food web-aleast 5 plants and 5 animal pics 15 Six to nine examples of biota and their role in the biome 7 One to five examples of biota and their role in the biome 4 Competition and Adaptation (i.e. specific adaptations to habitat, competition for resources) In-depth discussion of adaptation and competition for resources 15 Nice attempt to cover topic but could use more detail 10 Lacks information or is incomplete Human Influence/Impact (i.e. usefulness of the biome; harvested materials, include interesting facts Many examples of human influence, specific conservation and habitat destruction cited, atleast 5 interesting facts 20 Some examples of human influence or few specific conservation &/OR habitat destruction cited 10 Few examples of human influence only/Or no specific conservation & habitat destruction 5 Presentation (met all technological requirements-see Power Point Requirements ) Presentation clearly shows internet/textbook research with all technological requirements met 20 Good display of research with some technological requirements met Minimal display of research and some of none of the requirements met 5 10 Score 4 Peer Grade (complete sheet on your partner for a total of 10 points) Partners: Michael, Sharquil and Tavon and Devonte Courtney Toney and Jasmine Billy and Serina Justin and Kaitlyn Curtis and Beth Alli and Tevin Keri and Casey Kurtis and Kayla James and Dagen Tyler and Brad