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The Human Niche:
What’s our place in nature?
SNC1D Science
A term that Science borrowed from Architecture.
A niche is a kind of alcove in a wall which can be:
• a place for special objects
• a focal point, or highlight
• specific, only for one item
The way an organism occupies its
place in an ecosystem, including:
• the resources it uses
• abiotic limiting factors
• biotic relationships with other
No two organisms occupy the exact
same niche, because no two
organisms live in exactly the same
For example:
In South American
jungles, the ocelot
can only be the top
carnivore in the
absence of the
In Canada’s Boreal
forest, the Lynx can
only be the top
carnivore in the
absence of the Wolf.
All four carnivores
hunt & behave
As prey populations increase,
predator populations grow.
Eventually prey decline.
This is Top-Down regulation.
As prey population
decreases, eventually
predator populations decline.
This is Bottom-Up regulation.
But then add competitors…
Some niches are highly specialized:
•Parasitism, Commensalism, Mutualism, Scavenging
Is there a human niche?
Unlike most organisms,
Humans are found everywhere
on the planet, in a variety of
ecosystems, including desert &
Our species is not the biggest,
fastest, or fiercest thing on the
But it’s the brainiest &
An Apposable
Tool making led to better
use of resources,
enhanced nutrition &
survival, increased
fertility & better brain
A highly
Planning, Learning,
Complex Thought,
Memory & Language
expanded our species’
use of resources,
contributing to our
Our species
created its own
niche, through:
As time progressed,
human population
grew. Resources were
not always used in a
sustainable manner.
Are we reaching our
carrying capacity?
Modern Human Population Growth is Exponential
Every time we alter the
ecosystem to increase
its carrying capacity,
we leave a mark on it.
This is our Ecological
Footprint, a measure of
our impact on the
Ecological Footprint by Country
The bigger the country, the greater its impact
Ecological Footprints:
what they are, in developed countries:
Here’s where you make your mark
Ecological Footprints:
What they ought to be
The footprint that
gets the most
attention is our CO2
Footprint, since it is
a major contributor
to climate change.
It can be changed!
We must live
sustainably: use our
resources in such a
way that they will last
forever, and keep our
footprint minimal.