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HOW ORGANISM INTERACT IN COMMUNITIES WHAT SHAPES A COMMUNITY?? PREDATION & COMPETITION!! (food, habitat, light, nutrients, water) Five Basic Interactions Between Species 1) Interspecific competition – between two or more species 2) Intraspecific competition – between members of same species 3) Predation 4) Parasitism 5) Mutualism 6) Commensalism Fundamental Niche - the full potential range of conditions and resources it could theoretically use if there were no competition from other species. niches of a species overlap with those of other species. Realized Niche - that part of a fundamental niche that an organism occupies. INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION = niches of two different species overlaps Migrate Shifts its feeding habits One of the species suffers population decline (even to extinction) If the niches of two species overlap completely or significantly – how long can they both last? What’s an organism to do? Remember: Move, adapt, or die? Avoid or weaken competition by: Symbiosis Resource partitioning Have broad ranges Live in a variety of places, eat a spectrum of foods, & tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions Have narrow ranges Live in one type of habitat, rely on one type of food source, or have limited range of environmental tolerance Are typically endangered species